Preserved Sheet Caedric The Black

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Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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Basic Information (Required)

Full Name | Caedric the Black
Age | 35
Gender | Male
Race | Ailor
Sexuality | Null
Preferred Weapon | Teeth and Dagger

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Skill Information (Required)

Total Points | 35 + 15 = 50

+40 | Unarmed Combat Skill (Culture | Ailor Boost)
+15 |
Athletic Training
+5 | Hunting Knowledge
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Body Shape

30 x 2 + 15 x 2 = 70 capped to 60 Physical Stat

Ripped Body Shape
Extreme Low Fat

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Visual Information (Required)

Eye Color | Green
Hair Color | Black
Hair Style | Cropped short with a large beard
Skin Color | Pale
Clothing | Minimalist clothing with more tribal adornments.
Height | 5'10

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Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
Option Two: The Core List

Choose your Character Alignment
Chaotic Neutral

Choose your Character Personality Type
Adventurer | ISFP-T

Choose your Character's Religion
Shard worship
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Life Story (Required)
  • Born in a worn down shack in the Hinterlands to a miserable widow from the Highlands who was frequently overtaken by venturing knights leaving the boy a bastard.
  • Taught early of the vices of humanum and raised under the practices of Void Worship with the patron of The Weeping Beast.
  • Becomes a hunter to sustain his mother and himself, working in the surrounding wood in Ostyria.
  • Becomes bitten and infected as a vampire at the age of eighteen, obtaining many of his mutations.
  • Travels back to his shack home, killing his mother outright as his first feeding.
  • Moves from the forest to the townships where there is more population to feed on.
  • Creates a small pack of Barghests, but is constantly decimating populations, causing an odd parallel to the manebeasts in the Darkwald only a few regions over.
  • Travels Eastward to more populated areas, the pack of Barghests remaining in the woods which they are more comfortable with, feeding on traveling knights and carriages.
  • Travels North to become more acquainted with the Highland culture he was born from.
  • After some time there travels south to the Crown Isle.
  • Lurks into the sewers upon docking for safety and a quick meal before traveling to the Old Town to become accustomed to his surroundings.
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Minor Update, just changed culture from Leutz to Highland since I liked the aesthetics of that better. Only real change is that the mother is a Highlander to justify how a person born in Ostyria would have the Highland culture. Cultural proficiencies were changed to reflect this.
Small edits to fit into a different direct I want to work on pursuing, the main points are that I changed out one mutation for another and added to the life story about going to the highlands for a period of time. @Caelamus