Preserved Sheet Cadwyn Marth

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Scrungo Enthusiast
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score
Cadwyn Marth

Basic Information

  • Full Name | Cadwyn Deaglán Marth
  • Age | Twenty
  • Gender | Male
  • Race | Ériunin Ailor
  • Sexuality | Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon | Bastard Sword
Skill Information

Total Points: 20

  • +12 Linguistics Knowledge (Cultural Boost and Points)
  • +10 Blades (Points)
  • +2 Musical Knowledge (Points)
  • +6 Parlour Magics (Points)
Body Shape

  • Physical stat: 10 Blades Combat = 10 Physical Stat".
  • Toned
  • Low Body Fat

  • Eriunin, fluent and literate. (Parents)
  • Common, less than fluent and illiterate. (Learned)
  • Middle Altalar, fluent and literate. (Learned)
  • Dressolini, fluent and illiterate. (Learned)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Magic: Kindling Spell
  • Magic: Guiding Light Spell
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Cornflower Blue
  • Hair Color: Ginger
  • Hair Style: Long, unparted, unkept
  • Skin Color: Fair and freckled
  • Clothing: A simple shirt and pants, along with an oversized longcoat and satchel
  • Height: 6 feet 1 inch, or 185 centimeters
Personality and Abilities

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Cadwyn attempts to hold a brave face in the presence of others he knows. However, without actual backing, he will probably back down to whatever is causing him fear, whether it be a group of guards or a simple bully. Afterwards he most likely remains oddly quiet for such a rambunctious boy.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • The young man handles stress a fair bit better than he does Fear. He attempts to nip whatever it is in the bud as quickly as possible. If he is unable to, he usually keeps it in the back of his mind but nothing more, as he most likely will have other things to be doing.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • When happy, Cadwyn will mostly seem eccentric most often. Otherwise, he'll try and do some sort of musical or physical feat to impress whoever is around. In other cases in which he is alone, he usually would go fishing to celebrate by himself.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • The Eriunin raised twin wouldn't go so far as to wantonly break the law, but nor would he be opposed to it if things came down to it. He respects that certain places have certain rules, and that they must be abided by in order to fit in. But given proper reason, he would end up in a cell, or worse for his actions.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Cadwyn holds no real animosity towards other races, save for those obviously Void related such as the Kathar. He has not had much contact with other races, save for Altalar and Cielothar, along with a few Avanthar in his travels. He does hold caution though, being liable to the opinions of others.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • The son of an Eriunin was raised as such, and because of this is a follower of the Draoidh Feya, worshipping the All-Mother and it's other lesser deities. He heeds his father's word and does not express it outwardly in public, however. Towards other religions, he is mostly uncaring as they have not affected him much. He has learned to despise the Void from his father, though does not know much of the reasoning other than 'they are the evil of the World'.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Cadwyn was brought up with a certain cautious reservation towards magic, due to his father's description of his mother. None the less he was curious about the subject, and sought knowledge. He eventually found such a source, and began studying. Towards other Arcane things, he holds a certain fear from what he has heard from his father about his time in the Violet Order and other such charters though. Specifically to this end he despises Sanguine, as from what he has been told they forced his father into viewing life from a single eye along with other torture.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Towards his father, he feels admiration, love, and respect for all the years he raised and cared for him. The man was his only confidant for his whole life, and to that end he knows almost all of the boy's pains and joys. In regards to his sister, he does not know how to exactly feel, having only faint joyful memories along with a single instance of her hitting his shin and causing him to cry as a small infant and toddler. Towards his mother he holds anger, and resentment for abandoning him. The first person he grew to hate was his mother.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • His most overbearing insecurity is rejection or being ignored within a social group. Having been on the road all his life, Cadwyn never fully was able to meld with any groups of peers, thusly being very eager and almost annoying upon his first interactions with anyone remotely his age.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • In regards to what he is most proud of, it'd be his little trick. He spent a long while perfecting the creation of a Phade Gauntlet, toiling over it with his previous mentor, and not to mention getting the spell right the first time every time. Every time he is able to show said trick off, he brings himself joy and an almost renewed sense of accomplishment, as meager as his accomplishment was.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Cadwyn hopes to please his father in his endeavors in life. He was single handedly raised by the old Eriunin, and wishes only to be a good son to make his father proud. As well as that, he wishes to find and connect with his long lost twin, to simply not be alone and only with his father to have as true family. In addition to all of this, he is keen on meeting others that do not include immediate family.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • His largest fear would be abandonment, as his mother had done to him. He does not want to be left alone, and most of the time seeks to tag along with at least someone in social situations, unless he has something to do that will bring him into the company of others post haste.

Life Story

Cadwyn Deaglán Marth-Taliesin was born on the 12th of January, to Merina Taliesin and Shane Marth, just after his sister Winnie. Named after a childhood mentor of the Marth's, Cadwyn's early life was a jumble. Initially, everything was simple in the Daendroc home of the four Eriunins. The father worked in the nearby hamlet, the mother stayed home with the two twins, and the twins lived their lives as little infants. Quite suddenly, however, the twins were taken by their mother from their father. Albeit this time was brief, as the two parents reunited soon after. Things were again stable for a time. But, the peace did not last, as Merina split the family for the last time as she took Cadwyn's sister to Regalia, not to return. Cadwyn did not understand much of this time, nor did he understand the grief his father was going through until years later. Much like the first time Cadwyn had been taken from his home, his father and him set out to live an almost nomadic life. Shane took up the odd mercenary job here and there to provide for the both of them, taking on lovers briefly before moving to the next place. Cadwyn's life was a whirl of movement and attempts at making friends. When he was eight, his father began giving him lessons in swordsmanship. Along the uncertain and often times odd path that Shane and Cadwyn went along on, he picked up a few languages and found an interest in the parlour magic he had seldom seen and often heard of. At around age fourteen Cadwyn and his father had joined up with a traveling group of mercenaries, containing one mage of a fiery variety. Cadwyn immediately was taken by fascination, and began learning. Around this time he was left to his own devices and in the care of some good friends Shane had made within the company, as Cadwyn's father was attempting to gain as many funds as he could. This brought him into Regalia, without Cadwyn. For a few years, Cadwyn was in the care of this band of almost brigands, continuing to learn from the Mage about how to use and create a Phade Gauntlet, among other things. Eventually he received the go ahead from his father to join him in Regalia, where unbeknownst to him his twin sister also resided as a young noblewoman.
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