Cécile Ravenstad - The Astute Alchemist

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by valuevillain, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Name: Cécile Isidore Alexandrine Ravenstad
    Race: Ailor of Leutz-Vixe descendance.
    Height: 5'7
    Sex: Female.
    Age: 22
    Languages: Common, Leutz, D'Ithanie, Alt-Regalisch
    Afflictions: Depression
    Attributes: N/A
    Stats (assume 10 is the average | distributed 63 points):
    Strength - 6 {how hard she can hit}
    Dexterity -
    9 {how fast she can hit}
    Constitution -
    9 {how hard of a hit she can take}
    Charisma -
    8 {how much she can talk before she gets hit}
    Intelligence -
    15 {what kind of hit she needs to use}
    Wisdom -
    16 {what she has to do to avoid a hit}

    Elegant robes in Ravenstad House Colours (red and magenta) {-1 nudity}
    1 weaponized obscura (Experiment result written by @TheBioverse , intended for Edelweiss use only.)
    1 small dagger (with carved initials 'C.D')

    Basic Information (Required)

    • Full Name: Cécile Isidore Alexandrine Ravenstad
    • Age: Twenty-two.
    • Gender: Female.
    • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor.
    • Main Ambition: Improving her image in the public eye and furthering Alchemical research.
      • She hopes to improve her image by changing her previously cold, malicious behavior and attempt to forgive and forget by forging new relationships and amending old ones. Although it is difficult to change one's outlook on a person, Cécile's blind ambition allows her to shield herself from any flaws in her logic or planning.
      • Through experimentation and work with other like-minded Alchemists, Cécile hopes to rush forward a new era of Alchemy in hopes that one day, it will replace all magic usage. While she realizes that this will most likely never come to be in her lifetime, at the very least, she hopes to teach apprentices who will carry on her legacy and accomplish her goals.
    • Special Permission: Expert School of Alchemy.
    Basic Information (Expansion)

    • Cécile currently lives in the comfortably sized Durant Estate on her own, often times being left alone with nothing but her thoughts.
    • Cécile was born to Percy Ravenstad and Adelheid Ravenstad née Brandebourg at the Ravenstad Estate in 282AC, the second child of her mother and father.
    • As for her side goal, Cecile hopes to climb the political ladder and amass a larger set of allies to have at her disposal.


    Visual Information (Required)

    • Eye Colour: Grey-blue.
    • Hair Colour: Ginger/strawberry blonde.
    • Hair Style: Incredibly straight waist-length hair, often contained in a neat bun or braid.
    • Skin Color: Incredibly pale and almost drained of color, with freckles scattered across her face.
    • Clothing: Gaunt and elegant. In Ravenstad colors - red and magenta.
    • Height: 5’7
    • Weight: 122lbs
    • Body Build: Skinny.
    • Weapon of Choice: Potions and detriments.
    Visual Information (Expansion)

    • Cécile has an angular, squarish face with defined, high cheekbones and a general angular structure of her face. She has large, almond-shaped eyes along with a slim pair of pink lips, which she usually leaves untouched by makeup along with the rest of her face. The young woman also has a few freckles scattered across her face, although they’re hardly notable. Akin to almost everyone else in her family, Cécile has light grey-blue eyes, that occasionally look grayer and drained of color than anything depending on the lighting. Cécile has ginger hair, occasionally fading into a strawberry blonde when in the summertime. Her hair falls down to her mid torso, although is usually kept out of her way in a simple braid with a few pins decorating her hair that she wears almost every day.
    • Cécile stands at the slightly above the average height of five feet and seven, with a rectangular build and barely defined curves. Most of her height comes from her legs, with a shorter torso than most. She also has fairly lengthy arms and fingers to match. She’s not necessarily thin or heavy, weighing in somewhere around one hundred and twenty-two pounds. The young woman’s skin tone is slightly lighter than the average Regalian’s, due to the fact that she isn’t the one to spend all of her time outside. She has a few freckles dotting her face. While she doesn’t care much to hide them away, Cécile also has a few minor chemical burns on her hands from experiments gone awry.
    • While not caring much for fashion at all, she wears simple yet elegant clothes, often being very reserved in her tastes, not revealing her neck, and on occasion, her hands.
    • Cécile has clear and eloquent vocal patterns, that she developed from an early age. She almost always enunciates each and every vowel and speaks at an average pace. However, when she is talking about Alchemy or Science, especially procedures, her tone will pick up and her enunciation will fall off slightly. She also has a very faint Ithanian accent that’s only notable in certain cases.
    • Cécile speaks three languages that she has been taught from a young age:
      • Ithanian: (Skill level 8/10)
      • Leutz (Skill level 6/10)
      • Common: (Skill level 9/10)
      • She also knows the basics of Alt-Regalisch given the similarities to Leutz.

    Personality and Abilities (Required)

    Personality Traits

    Previously seen as cold and malicious, after returning to her studies at the L'Académie Alchimique de Villeneuve in Ithania, Cécile now appears outwardly stoic and scholarly, acting more polite and observant. The young Ravenstad often acts older than she actually is, preferring to offer simple, objective criticism to most conversations. Appearing cautious and careful, the young woman is more likely to hold her tongue instead of speaking freely, being very mindful of her image which was previously stained. Though, many still remain wary of the girl due to her past disposition in her teenage years, a bias that will never truly fade from the minds of many, much to her dismay.

    Cécile is under a constant state of worry - carefully calculating each word and gesture in hopes of redeeming herself in the eyes of others. She is highly critical of herself, often going out of her way to correct and then promptly erase any mistakes she may have made. However, this does not hamper her underlying ambitiousness, desperately trying to outdo herself and everyone around her with unrealistic goals she sets for herself. When these goals fail to be achieved, she only works harder and harder, and when all hope is lost, she falls into a quasi-depressive state. However, this state is rarely outwardly present. Instead, she becomes confined to her family’s Estate, or even her lab, becoming a hermit of sorts until she is recovered.

    Around those she believes she can trust, Cécile sheds her skin, appearing blunter and highly critical of others. While she maintains her observant and generally cautious nature, she is not afraid to showcase her cold interior to those closer to her. Making herself out to be a terrible friend and lover due to her overly judgemental nature, it is not uncommon for the young Ravenstad to push away those she cares about for selfish reasons. However, this is not to say that she cannot uphold any relationship, they're simply one-sided. Either a person cares for Cécile and she pushes them away, or the girl has an unhealthy obsession with someone which she keeps under wraps (or fails to try to). Showing affection does not come naturally to the Alchemist, attempting to avoid it at all costs, despite secretly pining for it. Not to mention, she is very flaky when it comes to those she selects to be a part of her inner circle. For the most part, her loyalty can be auctioned off to those who would benefit her the most.

    For the most part, Cécile is lawful evil. She plays by the rules without the moral setbacks, as her unrelenting ambition drives out most senses of right and wrong in her mind. While the Ravenstad is perfectly comfortable in a hierarchy, following orders, this does not mean that she cannot do whatever it takes to improve her position in life, or instill justice - rather, a twisted vengeance. However, this does not mean she is without morals; Cécile has her own personal dogma and often performs odd acts of kindness, especially for the poorer class, of which the girl has the most sympathy for.



    • Alchemy - After studying it for approximately nine years, Cécile has grown quite adept at the science, having studied at the School of Alchemy under the discipline of Alchemic Theory and History. She’s able to produce poisons and other concoctions that could aid her in various circumstances. While it does take a while to produce, her alchemy is a skill that she adores having. (Current Alchemy skill: 8/10).
    • Methodical - Cécile always has to do things in a correct and proper order, which, while tiring and long at times, can benefit her as to ensure she’s doing things safely and properly, which the young woman finds quite pleasing. While it’s not the most rewarding skill, in can help her more than others by preventing accidents while she is practicing Alchemy.
    • Perceptive - The young woman finds herself picking up little details or understanding certain ideas with ease, due to her perceptive nature. This can help her better understand most situations, especially social ones, quite easily. This can also help her with learning in general, allowing her to pick up on ideas and concepts faster than others. This also allows her to read others quite easily, and pick up on their intentions based on behavioral signs.
    • Insomnia - Often times, Cécile has quite the active mind during the night. She tosses and turns to no avail, often simply giving up, lighting a candle and reading a book until sunrise. It’s hard to pin down a proper reason for the young woman’s insomnia, but it would have something to do with her constant craving for knowledge and hatred of the unknown, having nagging questions that tantalize her as she lays in the darkness of night. During the day, she finds herself being drained of energy and tired; however cheery and active the young woman may appear, it’s usually all a facade in an attempt to hide her lack of sleep.
    • Questioning - A trait tied to her curiosity, Cécile’s questioning attitude can be her downfall. The young woman can’t stand to be left in the dark about anything, and when she’s really desperate, she can begin to seem inquisitive and rude to a fault, even though Cécile rarely notices this, and probably won’t cease to pry for information anywhere in the near future.
    • Heights - Nothing can truly explain Cécile's crippling fear of heights, as she's had it from an incredibly young age. Causing her to avoid any high towers or bridges, and specifically requesting that her bedchambers be on the lower levels of the Estate, her phobia is not something that is openly talked about, seeing it as a sign of weakness. Not even her father, the person she holds in the highest regard knows of her fear, and she intends to keep it that way until the end of time - as the Ravenstad girl does not see the need to conquer her fear, simply avoid any instances where she may be seen as weak because of it.
    Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
    • When she’s either uncomfortable, worried or otherwise in an awkward situation, Cécile has the tendency to fidget or tap on something, whether it be her feet on the ground or her fingers on the side of her dress, she finds it soothing; as a way to distract herself from the situation and remain calm.
    • Describe your character’s skills; abilities they’ve developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
    • Describe your character’s talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven’t specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.
    • Science - Cécile has always loved the mystery and intrigue of the various sciences, but not just that. The lack of exposure to scholarly subjects in Cécile’s childhood made her curiosity grow more, and have her eventually gravitate more toward the sciences, but, more specifically most elusive study to her; something that she hadn’t heard anything about: Alchemy. Presently, the young woman is still quite curious about the other sciences that she hasn’t yet had the chance to touch upon, though still dedicates most of her studying to Alchemy.
    • Succeeding - No matter in what it is, from an argument to an alchemical experiment, Cécile loves to succeed and to inflate her ego even more. She often purposefully gets into small arguments for the sake of winning them, just to get that rush that comes with succeeding for the young woman. Cécile most certainly has a competitive spirit, but strongly dislikes losing. In certain times, she’ll declare herself the winner of something that she hasn’t even won to elevate herself above the others.
    • Company - While she would never admit it, Cécile can’t stand to be alone for too long. She adores having someone around to chat with, even if they’re not that interesting, she likes having someone to listen, or at least be there while she rambles. However, depending on the person, Cécile can change her opinion on them in a second and immediately change her attitude around the individual, due to her inconsistency. This can often unintentionally drive people away, leaving the woman wondering where she'd gone wrong, and off to seek more company to occupy her time. Cécile has only recently developed this tendency, partially due to her father ushering her to become more social.
    • Literature - From textbooks to fiction, Cécile consumes at least two books a week, due to her insomnia which leaves her with nothing to do except for reading. She finds it as another way to distract herself from her stresses or worries and immerse herself in her books. Often times, Cécile lives in her fiction, finding it as a substitute for company and conversation, when she no one in about to talk to; her several textbooks and other nonfiction books are simply used to quell her dislike of the unknown, and ever since her childhood she's been this way, due to her lacklustre relationship with her family members when she was younger. However, Cécile has slowly branched out and started becoming more social ever since her arrival in Regalia.
    • Being treated like a child - Due to her being one of the youngest members in her family in the current generation, Cécile is often considered the baby of the family, much to the young woman’s dismay. She often elevates herself in her mind to a level equal to her elders and/or superiors, finding it absolutely unacceptable to be treated as she is still a child, although she still can act like a child, though Cécile would never dream of admitting such a thing.
    • The unknown - Probably one of the few things that really fuels her curiosity, Cécile hates not knowing or being uninformed of any given subject. She often actively seeks answers to even the smallest questions, concentrating all of her focus on finding out that small detail that aggravates her to an extent that could be considered extreme at times.

    Relationships (Optional)
    "He is no longer my father. He doesn't matter to me."
    "The boy can rot in the void for all I care. I hope he does."
    ".. Mmm. I still care about my uncle. He's a good man, at heart."
    "Philip. Why are you asking about Philip?"
    • { @TheBioverse } Philip Kade - Mine. With their similar playful attitudes and shared love for the study of Alchemy, it comes to no surprise that the pair is nearly inseparable when together. Philip is one of the few people that Cécile can fully place her trust in and count on to be there if needed. The Kade's steps toward recovering from his opium addiction and previous habits of debauchery and other narcotics have only brought the two closer together, with him leaning on her for support in recovering from the addiction. Although, not long after recovering from his addiction, Cécile began to notice her attraction for the boy fading down and her romantic interest in anyone dwindling, causing Cécile to eventually cut off almost all contact with the Kade boy. After a confusing series of events, however, she's once again grown regretfully attached to Philip, causing her to be under his euphoric spell once more, although this time, she has the intent to keep an iron grip on the Kade and eventually bind them together without any escape. Despite her outward hate towards Philip, and would much rather bring him down than lift him up, Cécile desperately clings onto whatever pleasant memories there are left of him. She does still care for the Kade.
    Cecile and Philip.


    Life Story (Required)

    • Born on November 14th 284AC, Cécile was originally thought to die in the crib due to her fragility as an infant. However, by to what many servants under the employ of the Ravenstads considered a miracle, the babe survived, and was named "Cécile Isidore Alexandrine Ravenstad".
    • As a toddler, she was a loud, boisterous child, proving to be a handful for the servants and maids who took care of her.
    • Learning to read at a quick rate, Cécile's curiosity and desire for knowledge appeared early on in her life, beginning her studies in basic mathematics, and other languages.
    • Due to her increasingly moody behavior and constant pleading, the young Ravenstad was sent to L'Académie Alchimique de Villeneuve in Ithania to study Alchemic Theory and History.
    • Despite being a prodigal student at the Academy, Cécile was a troublesome teenager, often receiving many disciplines and being held back for bad behavior and an outrageous attitude.
    • Dropped out of her studies at the age of 16, Cécile and caught a boat to Regalia to rejoin her family.
    • It was during this time that she was disowned, due to her outrageous and potentially dangerous behaviour - it had seemed that her schooling had not managed to calm her incessant behaviour.
    • Having learned the consequences of her actions, Cécile wallowed in a depressive, malicious state as a Durant, committing various crimes.
    • During the Freya Lo crisis, Cécile quickly managed to acquire a spot on her council, as an odd, obsessive admiration for the Lo grew within the girl. After she had perished, Cécile began to seek out redemption from her brother, who offered it to her in the form of acceptance back into the House of Ravenstad.
    • Hoping to seclude herself in her studies, Cécile returned to the Academy from where she had left, finally finishing her studies and attaining Expert status in the discipline of Alchemic Theory and History. Putting aside her impulsive teenage behaviors and past wrongdoings, the young woman has returned to Regalia, hoping for a fresh start.

    They always said that childbirth would go much smoother the second time around. As Ravenstad servants rushed around the lavish Estate, Percy, his four-year-old son Rodolphe, and various other family members crowded outside Adelheid's bedchambers. It was comforting news to the anxious crowd that the baby was healthy, a young girl that Adelheid had named "Cécile". However, a veil of despair soon encompassed the group, the shocked silence being broken by the cries of the newborn. Adelheid had passed.

    Cécile had a fairly peaceful life in her early childhood, being mainly taken care of by servants who really did care for her and her twin brother. Her father was often quite busy, still being fairly young when Cécile and Rodolphe were conceived, and Percy, only sixteen years of age when he received the two fraternal twins, being completely unprepared for parenthood, as he was still practically a child himself. As the young girl grew and was able to walk, she was wandering the Machellon estate, exploring whatever she was permitted to and could reach, really.

    She’d proved to be quite a handful, being so boisterous and full of energy as a young child, which only added to the stress of caring for two children, having a twin brother as well for Percy and servants. This often left Cécile to be tended and watched over by servants, having her father mainly concentrating all of his attention on his son and the true heir to whatever Percy was to inherit or receive, much to the young Cécile’s dismay.

    From an early age, Cécile was taught how to read and write in D’Ithanie, Common, and Alt-Regalisch, as well as begin her basic tutoring, which included basic arithmetic and learning how to become a proper lady in general. Cécile had a vivid imagination when she was younger, imagining herself going on adventures and playing while her tutors dragged on about manners and grammar, which she was never really too fond of. One thing she did pick up, however, was reading. She was always challenging herself by stealing her second cousins' books and trying to read whatever was on the page and fully understand it. She saw it as a fun challenge for herself to enhance her reading abilities.

    Cécile always went off and did things on her own, often refusing the company of her family, and relatives close to her age. The young girl preferred to be left to her own devices, to explore and to expand her knowledge on her own. This kept up for a while, spacing out to another world during the time where she was tutored subjects deemed boring, and then off exploring, imagining scenarios where she was the conqueror of new lands, the discoverer of a new species; dreaming up infinite possibilities for herself whilst alone. She never grew too fond of any of her family members aside from her brother, although even he never seemed to truly understand the games she played with herself. Cécile didn’t mind at the time.

    However, as she grew older, and the lessons seemed to only grow more tiring, she soon started running out of ideas for scenarios to imagine, finding a lack of games to play with herself. It was a rare occurrence for Cécile to actually feel loneliness, but the feeling grew more and more familiar to the girl. Even while spending time with her brother, she couldn't help but feel empty. She grew tired of the same old things being taught to her over and over again, and soon took to her own devices and wanted to learn something that was uniquely her own.

    After a fair bit of research and questioning into the matter, twelve-year-old Cécile had her heart set on devoting the majority of her tutoring and time to the elusive art of Alchemy. While her parents disagreed with her wishes for a handful of weeks, with enough nagging, she managed to persuade them that it was safe enough for her. Soon enough, an Alchemist had been hired and was integrated as a part of the Ravenstad house staff.

    “Hello. You are Cécile, aren’t you? I’m Erwin Friedemann, your tutor in Alchemy.”
    “Erwin, huh? Funny name. I kinda like it.”
    “Mister Friedemann, please.”
    “Fine, Mister Friedmann. When do we start?”
    “Riiight about. Now.”

    Cécile absolutely adored her alchemical training, and while she struggled with it at first, she soon grasped onto the basic concepts of the science, and always woke up eager to learn more. As time grew by, the girl formed a bond with Erwin, being one of the only people that she could truly confide in and place her full trust in, as well as cure her painful loneliness. She never really knew what to consider Erwin as, as he’d been more than just a tutor, but not really a father figure. He’s always just... Been there. Been a part of her life ever since Cécile decided she wanted to devote her time and attention to alchemy.

    Cécile saw many of her family members move to the Holy City, a place of opportunity and hope, but she could never bring herself to follow--... How was she to continue her training without Erwin? After many nights of pondering, the young woman, having recently turned sixteen, came to a painful conclusion: She was to join her father, uncle and second cousins in Regalia, for more opportunity and to expand her horizons.

    Tears were shed and sorrow-filled farewells were said on the day of the young woman’s departure. The entire trip there, she thought about her decision, how Erwin would have to go back to his old study and write to her from there, and how Rodolphe would continue living out his life without her being there. He’d have to take on new students. Thoughts plagued Cécile’s mind, but she put herself at ease with the thought of finally gaining more desperately sought out knowledge.

    Cécile has since been disowned and spiraled into quasi-madness, whilst registering under a new name and gaining a county. She's also come into the position of Grandmaester in the Edelweiss Order, managing the Helen Haus as their charter house. However, in recent developments, Cécile has been welcomed back into the Ravenstad family with open arms by her brother Rodolphe, unsure of what lies ahead for the young girl.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 4
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Generous Generous x 1
    #1 valuevillain, Feb 17, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
  2. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    I hereby claim Cecile for review!

    I see an opportunity to go into more detail on her moral compass in that second life goal. Why is she unionist? Is there some line she wouldn't cross for that faith? Bit more detail there, please and thank you.

    Perceptive lacks one thing; what kind of situation brings that trait to the forefront? Like, is it something that that she feels as her mood, does it impact her decision making, or how she acts socially?

    For all other traits, add 1-2 sentences with either a. specific examples of the traits in action or b. a deeper look into Cecile's head, in relation to said trait.

    More detail on company and lit, in the likes. Why does she like both, and since when? So much room for exploration there.

    Proportion for near-future weakness of hers. As she becomes more and more skilled in alchemy, do one experiment that ends in her burning her dominant hand so badly, she can't use it for much practical things. This will force her to use the other, and allow for character development as she both hides the injury, and tries to overcome it. Doesn't need to be added now, but I think it'd be swell. Burns! :D

    Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done @PonyoWantHam

    Cecile's Progression is... : Under Review!
  3. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I believe I've made all the edits! I also updated the main goal a bit, and I'll certainly keep that burn idea in mind for the near future, as there'll be more opportunities to bring that into effect with the plans that I have for her~

  4. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Cecile's Progression is... : Approved!
  5. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Updated the template. Not sure if this needs a re-review.
    Apologies if the tag isn't needed.~ @Jared4242
  6. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I'll quickly re-review this anyway, just to check nothing important has been lost in the cutting and snipping down to the new template.
  7. Ewdrawings

    Ewdrawings Lucky

    May 21, 2014
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  8. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Completely revamped the personality traits, and only kept methodical, curious, and malicious the same as before.
    • Removed the weakness fickle and replaced it with depression.
    • Modified her main ambition and changed her side goal in the expansion of the basic information.
    • Added Mathieu Durant, Gilmore Brakker/Micah Mullyn/Vincent Mullyn and Alaric Kade to relationships and tweaked the others.
    Not sure if it needs a re-review, but if it doesn't, the approved tag needs to be added once more.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
    Likes Received:
    I see very little wrong beyond a tiny formatting error at the end of your personality traits, I approve the application.
  10. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Finally updated this mess again. New relationships/addition to alchemy skill level out of ten and language skills.
  11. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Update!: Rodolphe Ravenstad is now Cécile's older brother by four years, and she is no longer a legitimized bastard, but sired to Percy and his late wife, Adelheid Ravenstad née Brandebourg. Edits have been made where necessary.
  12. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Guess who's back in red? And magenta.
    Edits made accordingly.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Upped her age from 17 to 22.
    • App format updated to the most current rendition.
    • Added Expert in Alchemic Theory and History.
    • Redid most of her personality.
    • Redid life story to fit the current timeline.
    @Lore This app requires a re-review!
  14. Icaruscien

    Icaruscien ʀᴇᴠᴇɴᴀɴᴛ

    Jan 11, 2013
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    • Generous Generous x 1
  15. Icaruscien

    Icaruscien ʀᴇᴠᴇɴᴀɴᴛ

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Staff Review
    Basic Information
    • What does she plan to do or is currently doing to improve her public image? What does she want to research specifically within alchemy; healing herbs, poisons, weapons? Expand on your main ambition so the reader gets a good feeling of what the character wants to do and how they want to do it.
    Other than that singular edit, I believe that there's nothing else for me to pick out that's major. Tag me when you're done, @PonyoWantHam
  16. valuevillain

    valuevillain resident astral asshole

    Sep 28, 2014
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  17. Icaruscien

    Icaruscien ʀᴇᴠᴇɴᴀɴᴛ

    Jan 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Edits are sufficient enough to put this application through to approved.


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