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Played Character Cài Jiǔ | Seuda

This character is actively played.


Eternally unfit Band Kid
Oct 21, 2020
Reaction score
➥ Information
Name_ Cài Jiǔ
They may also go by "Seuda"
Heritage_ Mixed Brakin, Sihai-Bronn
Age_ 24
Gender_ Nonbinary : They/He
Occult_ God Mage (Draconism)
Occupation_ Draconic Cleric

➥ Core Concept
A now spliced Sihai Cleric who roams and explores Regalia on the tides of dreams, curious to see the sights and places to find new Draconic allies, and to reconnect with kin abroad despite their unusual circumstances.
➥ Appearance
Seuda stands at 5'7, and clearly Brakin in appearance, with metallic crystallizations spanning their upper face and across their body. Bronn components have settled to replace their damaged sense of hearing and sight, though both are still effected and no longer perfect as they were. They similarly have damages along their upper body and left arm in particular.

Their mannerisms however still are still traditionally Sihai, though in a unorthodox mixed fashion of female and male dressage.

➥ Beliefs
Seuda is still a Draconist, subscribing to Saaima and the Green Dragons. They more often look to Xin-Shidai during their time in Regalia, though still unsettled and unadjusted to Regalia's use of planar Magics and presence of Spirits, being more of a Annexation Draconist in accordance to Saaima's placement.

➥ Class
  • Support [Melee] [ATTK-FAITH|DEF-WIS]
    • Seuda operates as a Cleric in combat and healer, powered by the Draconic Faith to bless their allies. They count as a Commander. More often than not they do not attempt to engage in combat unless aided by a more battle-ready fighter.
➥ Proficiencies - 0 Left.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Adapt
      • Wardrobe
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Command
      • Degrading
      • Defend
      • Shield
      • Resist
    • Chem.
      • Hyperfocus
      • Mend
      • Cleanse
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 6
    • Cleric
      • Sacred Judgement [Free]
      • Sacred Revive [Free]
      • Sacred Healing
      • Sacred Gear
      • Sacred Rebuke
      • Sacred Siphon
      • Sacred Bleed
      • Sacred Circle
  • Magic: 0
  • Other:
  • They use a mix of Bronn and Sihai Mechanics, and benefit from Sihai Heritage packs.
    • Sihai can read the position of the stars anywhere telepathically, allowing them to know exactly where in the world they are at any time, even during daylight.
    • Sihai may receive calamity visions during pivotal choice moments in Staff Events (Private Message to DM to discuss opportunities) that may warn from bad decisions.
    • Sihai weapons, when channeled with the powers of the Loong Dragons (out of Combat only) can cut through any material, including objects, doors, gates, but not solid walls.
    • Bralona do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. They cannot be poisoned, nor can they become ill, but they can be affected by Magic Diseases.
    • Bralona can automatically gain Leytech Technology Branch, when using Tech, which does not contribute to their maximum Tech Branches.
  • Medical Hobby, Cleric Talent
➥ Languages
Common, Wai-lan, Brix.

➥ Background

  • Healer and Cleric
    • Cài Jiǔ was already a Draconic cleric and priest prior, and in their current state, continues their path in the faith. By nature they were always more of a pacifist, though having been on the Jade Wall as a healer, they are well aware of how to defend themself and fight as necessary. Their Magic most often flows in painting-like caricatures of the sea and the Loong dragons.
  • Bronn-Sight
    • Their Bronn counterpart was similarly a healer and warrior, with a love of the ocean, something Dexai was sorely lacking across the Sea. Though they are largely dormant within Seuda, there are undeniable moments where they take actions to protect them both, as Cài Jiǔ's sight is compromised. They may also notice Bralona and Dragon Magic clearer, as most things are blurry.
  • Mixed Reception
    • Seuda is an anomaly for many homeland Sihai, and with their unchangeable state, they are set to navigate their new existence and find their continued purpose and renewed sense of self. Regardless of their alienation, they are a loyalist to the Loong and their home, and in aiding other Draconic Faithful.
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