Archived Buying Spawn Houses/shops Forever

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Flying Kitten
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
a land of mystical rainbows
I was mabey thinking that if possible when owning a shop/house in spawn u could have a mortgage instead of pay then lose I was thinking mabey if you pay like 20s a month after first buy after 240s (which is a year of paying 20s a month but you can just pay it all at once) you would then keep the place perm. It would be quite good for a realistic role play. P.s I don't have a house yet so if it already works like this plz say down below
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Reason it has rent is because a lot of people bought shops in Prospera and they'd lose interest and abandon them.

So you had people wanting to buy, and owners who wouldn't sell since they owned it yet not wanting to put shops out.

Renting keeps the district more active. Plus inactivity will now make you drop a shop and open it for someone else.
Reason it has rent is because a lot of people bought shops in Prospera and they'd lose interest and abandon them.

So you had people wanting to buy, and owners who wouldn't sell since they owned it yet not wanting to put shops out.

Renting keeps the district more active. Plus inactivity will now make you drop a shop and open it for someone else.
That why I thought mortgage because you'd have to pay 240s to buy perm which for an inactive player is very expensive and to be honest I don't think much rich people like to quit and if they do admins could destroy the signs etc
That why I thought mortgage because you'd have to pay 240s to buy perm which for an inactive player is very expensive and to be honest I don't think much rich people like to quit and if they do admins could destroy the signs etc
Well, it'd force the staff to check all the houses in Regalia for inactivity.
Which makes staff more alert and active + if it is an inactive players house the staff member would be rewarded first choice of the items left as a reward for their work[DOUBLEPOST=1361810284][/DOUBLEPOST]Also when paying for the mortgage people would have to keep earning money by trading or hunting which would boost the economy more
I like the rent system, it allows for change to occur within the city. You can use '/buyregion autobuy true' to prevent yourself from losing the location every month (or week). Well, so long as you have the silver to pay of course.
Fml? Sorry dnt understand
Are you retarded, the staff are the most active I've ever seen on any server, they work endless days and then work endless nights on massivecraft. If you don't understand you are tasking them with a pointless job that is unnecessary and time consuming.[DOUBLEPOST=1361824499][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are you retarded, the staff are the most active I've ever seen on any server, they work endless days and then work endless nights on massivecraft. If you don't understand you are tasking them with a pointless job that is unnecessary and time consuming.

Ahem to put it bluntly....
Are you retarded, the staff are the most active I've ever seen on any server, they work endless days and then work endless nights on massivecraft. If you don't understand you are tasking them with a pointless job that is unnecessary and time consuming.
Calm with the language I have noted that admins could get a reward for it so it encourages them to look for things more everyone try's harder for something when they get something for it don't deny because wanting is human nature
Calm with the language I have noted that admins could get a reward for it so it encourages them to look for things more everyone try's harder for something when they get something for it don't deny because wanting is human nature
The language is calm... If I were raging I'd be f'ing and blinding, I'm just shocked you are blind to how much they do. The idea is nice but the implementation is inefficient, why would you want a reward..... Everything in minecraft is attainable, a reward only suggests that they don't work hard enough, but they do so no reward is necessary tbh
The language is calm... If I were raging I'd be f'ing and blinding, I'm just shocked you are blind to how much they do. The idea is nice but the implementation is inefficient, why would you want a reward..... Everything in minecraft is attainable, a reward only suggests that they don't work hard enough, but they do so no reward is necessary tbh
I respect admins as much as anyone here but admins will be getting tired of just doing all this stuff and not really getting appreciation so I'm saying if my idea is taken through it would allow them to get a reward for their duties don't say that the admins are happy with the no appreciation even if they say here they don't mind when someone says thank you meaningly it really means alot
Again, I think the system is just fine. If you can't pay up rent/interest you lose the location. Seems like a perfectly efficient system, with no issues except to people without a stable future income (sucks to be you, get a job!). The admins already work their asses off (I mean comon, Cay is working on Sharding AND Factions 2.0) and there is no valid reason to add to their already impressive workload (those /helpops really add up). Don't fix what ain't broken at the expense of something else, to twist an old saying a bit.

EDIT: changed 'can' to 'can't'
I respect admins as much as anyone here but admins will be getting tired of just doing all this stuff and not really getting appreciation so I'm saying if my idea is taken through it would allow them to get a reward for their duties don't say that the admins are happy with the no appreciation even if they say here they don't mind when someone says thank you meaningly it really means alot

Again, I think the system is just fine. If you can pay up rent/interest you lose the location. Seems like a perfectly efficient system, with no issues except to people without a stable future income (sucks to be you, get a job!). The admins already work their asses off (I mean comon, Cay is working on Sharding AND Factions 2.0) and there is no valid reason to add to their already impressive workload (those /helpops really add up). Don't fix what ain't broken at the expense of something else, to twist an old saying a bit.

What he said
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