Archived Burning Crops

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Jan 30, 2016
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So I've been raided alot and I've come to accept that getting raided happens.After a while raiding gets boring for the person getting raided because other than the stuff the raider loots off the raided's corpse nothing else is lost.So I think raiders should be able to burn crops.I think the crop burning will give people more motivation to fight as their food sources are wiped out.Tell me what yall think.​
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last time i ahd to eat was before october....feedalways for the win mates
It's an interesting idea. But I do not support it for idea that many players time invested builds may get "griefed". If everyone walkin' around had the power to burn down your crops than why build farms out in the open?
yea the only farms ive ever actually seen above ground are decorative. the real ones are underground.
Just one little tidbit about feeding now:

The higher your saturation levels, the faster you regen health. It's a 1.9 feature. So although FeedAlways is great, eating golden carrots does have it's merit.

Course, just grab some saturation pots and FeedAlways is still better, but I digress.
I can agree with either burning down crops or jumping on them.

This would add another "raidable" element that is honestly not that hard to repair or avoid.
Honestly, I'm a pvper, and I really just don't see a reason for it other than to be an ass. Granted, sometimes that's the entire point of raiding smaller factions in general, but generally when people like me or Deldrimor raid a smaller faction, they triggered it one way or another. But burning crops would really just be annoying, it wouldn't really add anything to the depth of pvp or roleplay.
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Honestly, I'm not a pvper, and I really just don't see a reason for it other than to be an ass. Granted, sometimes that's the entire point of raiding smaller factions in general, but generally when people like me or Deldrimor raid a smaller faction, they triggered it one way or another. But burning crops would really just be annoying, it wouldn't really add anything to the depth of pvp or roleplay.
Well I think raiders should be able to destroy faction property some what
Well I think raiders should be able to destroy faction property some what
Why? There's no reason to other than to be a nuisance. Stuff like burning crops won't make you actually lose anything, other than the time it'll take to replant the crops, and the raiders won't gain anything. It doesn't really make anyone want to fight anymore, it doesn't enhance pvp, so I don't really see any reason why this should be implemented.
Why? There's no reason to other than to be a nuisance. Stuff like burning crops won't make you actually lose anything, other than the time it'll take to replant the crops, and the raiders won't gain anything. It doesn't really make anyone want to fight anymore, it doesn't enhance pvp, so I don't really see any reason why this should be implemented.

Eh you're probably right.
I wish that was thing, where starvation would actually become a problem. But massive food sellers like @Jackson413 make this impossible.
As I think it was briefly mentioned somewhere above, most above ground farms are for decoration, where as the actual, probably more efficient food supplies are underground and unable to be reached by raiders. While a whole "starving faction" concept would be really cool, by keeping a faction under seige, it's not very practical with feed traits and underground farms. Now if a plugin existed where crops only grow under open exposed sunlight, that would be an entirely different matter.......
I wish that was thing, where starvation would actually become a problem. But massive food sellers like @Jackson413 make this impossible.

& Laveer Brand Taters are even cheaper than his :)

Because of underground farms, it is true that this would only affect smaller and RP factions that are already sort of picked on. Sunlight only crops would resolve that though! If fishing only ever yields fish, then farming needs sunlight, right? I suppose there are indoor hydroponics nowadays, but that is hardly medieval.

I suppose I also like the idea because less food in the market means MOAR LAVEER TATERS!
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