Archived Burning Crops...

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
firstly, I think that we should be able to burn crops in other faction's territory, as back in the medieval times bandits and armies would often burn the source of food for other towns. Torches could also be used as a new type of weapon, where it inflicts no immediate damage on the player hit, but sets them on fire for a short period of time - this could also be the tool used to start fires on certain blocks within faction territory.

this would have to only be unlocked if a certain amount of players are on in the targeted faction, as to stop people from going around burning things without anyone to stop them.
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I believe this was suggested before....but it was rejected due to lag concerns.
I like your idea the only problem would be the coding so that it would only activate when the raiding party trespasses onto said defending factions turf.
Okay, I almost agreed with this. They're all decent ideas in theory, but I really don't like the idea of torches being used as weapons.
Also, most farms that people get food from are in unclaimed land. Many factions (mine included) also have decoraove, purely aesthetic farmlands, and I feel that burning these could be considered griefing (not to mention the lag it's cause).
I actually do like the idea of torches being able to be used as weapons. It has that whole "angry mob" feel.
The torch as a weapon should be more like an effect, like it somehow sets them on fire yes, but does no actual dammage, so you get the RP feel of it without it getting out of hand, and of course be disabled in spawn.
The torch as a weapon should be more like an effect, like it somehow sets them on fire yes, but does no actual dammage, so you get the RP feel of it without it getting out of hand, and of course be disabled in spawn.
If it does no damage, then I don't see the problem having it at spawn, obviously not destroying the spawn, but it could be interesting to light someone on fire in role-play.
If it does no damage, then I don't see the problem having it at spawn, obviously not destroying the spawn, but it could be interesting to light someone on fire in role-play.

Yes it would...however think of how vampire shrieking dosnt cause dammage...same concept.
If it does no damage, then I don't see the problem having it at spawn, obviously not destroying the spawn, but it could be interesting to light someone on fire in role-play.
I'm sure people would be running around lighting everyone on fire while they were trying to peacefully RP, though :/
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