Bunemma's Skin Bin


guinea pig gremlin
Staff member
World 2
Aug 14, 2018
Reaction score

after some consideration, I've decided to copy scribbe, and open up my skin shop once more. skinning is something I very much enjoy, but the last time around I took too much upon myself and burnt out. hopefully this time around I'll be able to last a bit longer!




although I do heavily prefer USD commissions, I'm not against taking regals. those that buy my skins with USD will take priority, both in being accepted and in the commission line. art is also something I'm willing to accept for my skins, but I am a bit picky about that.

Full Skin - 5 USD, 500 Regals
Outfit - 3 USD, 400 Regals
Head - 2 USD, 100 Regals


1. this isn't first come, first serve. those with a higher bribe/payment will receive priority.
2. skins take me awhile to complete, simply because of motivation. if it's an awesome concept, or you're a friend, it'll usually be quicker. i can't promise a time it'll be done, anywhere from 1-4 weeks is my guesstimate.
3. payment should only be sent after the skin is complete, to incentivize me to complete it, and to save needless hassle should you wish to cancel the purchase. if you do end up cancelling your skin mid way, I reserve the right to finish and re-sell it.
4. asking me about the progress of your skin is fine, and I usually will send updates, but please don't send me a message asking about the skin everyday - it gets annoying, and doesn't make me want to work on your skin.
5. I reserve the right to refuse service to any individual.


Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head):
Payment Method:
Discord (if I don't already have you):
Last edited:
Username: Noirless
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): Full Skin
Payment Method: Regals C;
Bribe: 10 extra regals
Discord (if I don't already have you): you have me I'm Juulie#3070 pm me C:
Username: Dragonn_
Skin Wanted: Full Skin
Payment: Regals
Bribe: 100r
Discord: Night#2827
Username: Nesstro
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): 2 Outfits
Payment Method: USD
Bribe: N/A
Discord: Nesstro#7392
Username: _Motherland
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): 1 full skin, 1 head.
Payment Method: USD
Bribe: 2$
Discord (if I don't already have you): Sylvanas#5264
Username: FireFan96
Skin Wanted: Outfit
Payment Method: USD
Bribe: none, only have so much on the gift card
Discord: you have it
Username: GrumpyGirl314
Skin Wanted: Full
Payment Method: Either.
Bribe: +100% of price.
Discord: You haz me <3

This may be a difficult one... ;)
Username: AlysaPotato
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): 2 Outfits
Payment Method: USD
Bribe: N/A
Discord (if I don't already have you): AlysaPotato#9311
Username: ZiggyStarDusted
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): Full
Payment Method: USD
Bribe: I'll never bully you in Discord or staff chat ever again.
Discord (if I don't already have you): you have
Username: OkaDoka
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): Full
Payment Method: Regals
Bribe: 100 extra Regals!
Discord (if I don't already have you): Oka#7376
So just a quick question, could I pay maybe 1300 regals to get an HD full skin of my character shirtless and written according to my char app and any other details you need. Willing to send you the skin as it is now to be refined and yeah I know it's a lowball but it's all I got when I can't afford to pay USD
Username: ChapterDeath
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): Full Skin
Payment Method: USD
Bribe: Maybe
Discord: You have it
Username: Abazkanid
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): full, HD
Payment Method: Regals
Bribe: 1000r extra
Discord (if I don't already have you): Hex#7679
I have a question, before i get into getting the money together, If i were to do.. well a bulk order with usd what kind of price would you be looking at for around ten skins?
Username: BritishAnimaLove
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): Full Skin
Payment Method: Regals
Bribe: 50r
Discord (if I don't already have you): you have me :3
Username: SweetBirb
Skin Wanted (Full, Outfit, Head): Outfit
Payment Method: 400r
Bribe: 100r more
Discord (if I don't already have you): Bill Nye The Science#3431

Note: Feel free to take liberties with the design, just run them by me first.
hey im closing my shop for a hot minute i am super behind on requests and cannot keep up