Preserved Sheet Brynn Thiago Pierce

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take an L
Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Britun over ther


Credit to the Artist




Full Name: Brynn Thiago Pierce

Nicknames: Bri, Nurse, Doc, Flower woman, petal.

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Ailor - Daendroque

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual - Prefers women

Religion: Unionist



Proficiency Points: 20 (-10 School of Alchemy)

+10 Alchemy (+10 From School of Alchemy)

+10 Quick Fingers (+10 From School of Alchemy)

+5 Medicine (+5 from Proficiency Points)

+5 Daggers (+5 from Proficiency Points)

Cultural Points: 20

+20 Horticulture (+10 from School of Alchemy, +10 from Cultural Points)

+5 Drawing (+5 from Cultural Points)

+5 Painting (+5 from Cultural Points)

+5 Ship Sailing (+5 Cultural Boost)


Daendroqin (10 Years)

D'Ithianie (10 Years)

Common (Free)



Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Brown, Tips dyed light blonde; thrown up into a messy bun when doing activities.

Hair Style: Flowy/curly & to the right

Skin Color: Brown

Clothing: Essentially baggy bottoms hanging low off of her hips a top showing off her stomach and arms.

Height: 5'9

Body Build: Skinnyfat





How is Brynn Thiago Pierce perceived by others?

Brynn can be seen as a controlling individual. However she also was sweet, and kind. When someone would meet Brynn they would see that she would be as sweet yet sarcastic. Once she warmed up to someone they could easily see her as Kind, Generous and Overachieving.

How does Brynn Thiago Pierce feel inside?
Brynn would be confident in her knowledge of her flowers, She spent her life growing and learning about them, and would often feel self conscious when talking about them, due to her siblings picking on her for such a feminine study. She would see herself as knowledgeable of what she knows and a kind individual.

How does Brynn Thiago Pierce act towards family & friends?

Brynn would love her family unconditionally. Potentially doing anything for them. It would take a lot for Brynn to call someone a friend, she sees everyone as acquaintances until she thoroughly knows them, Anyone she calls a friend would practically be family to her, they should feel honored be calling so. However with love it takes a lot more for her to see someone as a potential love interest. She would rely heavily on her friends to help her decide if someone is worth enough effort to call a lover.

What is Brynn Thiago Pierce's mortality like?

Brynn would follow her heart, She could easily be aligned with Chaotic Neutral. She wouldn't want to really judge anyone and could also be seen as True Neutral in this aspect. However if someone were to be hurt she would debate herself if she should jump in.



Brynn Thiago Pierce would be born to Camilla and Emmanuel Pierce.

At the young age of 6, Brynn would take a liking to flowers, Her mom and her would go out and pick flowers and would buy seeds at the marketplace and would eventually start growing them. Theirselves, Meanwhile Brynn's dad Emmanuel would be providing for the family via Hunting. Her older siblings, Rebecca and Emily would help their dad. Often picking on her for such a feminine interest.

When Brynn was 15 her dad would have passed away. Rebecca and Emily would have already went to attend the School of Mariposa. Leaving Brynn and her mom, They would sell their flowers, now fruits & herbal remedies on the market, Slowly making a fair amount of Regals. Her mom would start pushing her to further her Career in Horticulture. Once Brynn felt that her mom could make steady income she set off for the School of Alchemy.

At the age of 20 she would graduate and come back, not being able to find her family she would find herself in a depression, easily hiding it by focusing on her flowers and herbal remedies, She would hopefully find a job to hire someone to maybe one day help her find her family.

((With thanks to @PurrPleh for making this application.)) - Extensions and gifs coming soon[/spoiler]
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