Preserved Sheet Brynaelda Cuffburt

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❤ Confy ❤ - Mrs. Massivecraft
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere Over the Rainbow

artwork by @Patsie

Basic Information

Name: Brynaelda Jovrungrid Cuffburt.
Current Name: Bronwyn "Wyn" Cuffburt.
Age: 52 years old.
Gender: Female.
Race: Mithorrin Dwarf.
Sexuality: Bisexual

Preferred Weapon: Mithorrin battleaxe.

Inventory Information

  • A handful of buttons - buttons of all various sizes, colors, shapes, and levels of shininess, ones that Bronwyn likes to give out to friends.
  • Silver Drinking Flask - a flask made of 'silver' with a bear carved into it. A fake sapphire sets in the bear's eye.
  • Gold, Dwarven ring - Bronwyn's wedding band that rests on her middle finger of her left hand. It is inset with Dwarven carvings in her native tongue that represent honor, love, and loyalty. There is a center stone of a ruby in the middle. It often travels between being on her hand or being in her coat pocket.
  • Tiny Babby's Sock - the sock that belongs to her youngest son, Gramdahr. Bronwyn cherishes it and carries it around with her constantly as a reminder of those she returns home to.
  • Steel Smithing and Carving Tools - Bronwyn's standard toolbelt. These tools are incredibly worn. Worth some value if the metal from them were to be harvested.

  • Metalitra Smithing Hammer - a betrothal gift from her dear husband, [who obtained as a gift from the Blackguard for both Bronwyn and Thrain's smithing services.] it is said to be from their mutual home, the Hold of Aldruin.

Skill Information

Total Points: 57 points, 52 years old + 5 points + 10 Hobby points.

  • 25 points Metallurgy Sciences.
  • 15 points Finecraft Sciences.
  • 5 points Culinary Arts [+5 Hobby points].
  • 10 points Extra Heavy Combat.
  • 5 points Unarmed Combat.
  • 2 points Dancing Arts.
  • 5 points Threads Arts [+5 Hobby points].
Physical Stat: 41.
Body Shape: Muscular.
Body Fat: Moderate Body Fat.

Special Abilities

Soul of Halsörn "Health" - Takes an extent of willpower, however, they are able to become impervious to all pain for 15 seconds. However, will pass out from exhaustion and will require a full night's sleep to recover.

Dwarven (learned in childhood).
Common (learned in immigration to Regalia).

Visual Information

Eye Color: Forest Green.
Hair Color: Ginger.
Hair Style: Kept in long, dwarven-styled braids and has a long braided beard.
Skin Color: Pale peach with heavy scarring.
Clothing: Loose, earth-toned, functional garments from Dwarven holds. Or her maid uniform.
Height: 4 feet, 3 inches.

Wyn has large, round eyes for her face and they seem similar to a puppy's with their expressive nature. Her mouth is average with a small centimeter scar on the right side of her upper lip. Notably, Wyn is missing plenty of teeth in her mouth, which contributes to her 'ugly' label of herself. Bronwyn's ears are large, rounded and stick out a bit more than they probably should due to her dwarven heritage. Her face is usually contorted into a grimace or sneer but for friends and family she will offer a rare smile or teeth-missing toothy grin. Wyn's skin is covered in freckles all over, and especially marking across the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and along her forehead and neck. Her hair is always messily braided into long braid that falls about chest-high, and has fringe bangs that were cut unevenly and are grown out in some places more than others. She sports a long, braided beard that tends to be tucked away into her collar in polite company, otherwise, she grooms it impeccably.

Her body is covered in scars from battles gone wrong. Her face is a source of insecurity as it is scarred and grotesque. Her arms are covered in scars from vampiric bite marks. Brynaelda has traditional dwarven tattoos that span the length of her upper chest, shoulders, and run down her back in a blue-grey hue. She is incredibly muscular, and almost always has soot and grime imbedded under her fingernails.

Personality and Abilities

The Core List

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
There have been times when Bronwyn has sided with law-abiding behavior, and there have been times when she has bent her moral compass to suit her needs on the other side of the law. Bronwyn tends to be chaotic in her judgments, following her own personal code of morals when making decisions. Her answers to situations are heavily influenced by her emotions as opposed to logic. She falls under neutral as Bronwyn would prefer to do good all the time, but has worked for those with nefarious intentions and has committed heinous acts within her past. While Bronwyn sees herself as a reformed citizen and a loyal companion, she still has come from shifty beginnings.

Personality Type: The Consul, ESFJ-T.

Religion: Dogma of Duindin (10/10, highly devout).


Paranoia: Bronwyn has the habit of being possessive, overprotective, and very paranoid. She struggles against the idea that the worst situation will happen no matter what… for everyone except herself. Her recklessness with her own life is more so for show, although Wyn is paranoid about being alone in the dark, what happens after death, and the bumps in the nighttime. Her paranoia also influences what sort of people she will interact with and her reactions, based on who she deems untrustworthy and dangerous.

Wyn picks at the skin on her lower lip when nervous and/or afraid which usually causes it to get bloody. She will often bounce on her heels when she is excited and sways her arms back and forth. When agitated, Wyn has a tendency to pace back and forth with lumbering, quick, jerky motion. When pensive or when entering a new social situation, she has a tendency to stroke or run her fingers through her beard.



Poppy "Pops" Cuffburt - Sister - @Mandyy_ - Wyn would do anything in her power for Poppy. She'd go so far as to break her moral code if it would help Poppy. Due to being on her own and without friends for so long, Wyn's bond with Poppy means more to her than anything else in her life. Bronwyn's obsessively overprotective feelings towards Poppy are out of unconditional love. She is loyal to her as though they were related by blood, and cares a great deal for her.

Folcard "Folly" Cuffburt - Adopted Son - @Gochnipunchni - Wyn loves her now eldest son. She would never admit that he is not her's by blood, as she recognizes him as a fullblooded Cuffburt. He is kind, sweet, and lovely. She adores him wholeheartedly and is very proud of all his achievements.

Baern Journey Cuffburt - Adopted Son - NPC - Bronwyn acquired Baern through an unlikely relationship with the now deceased, Benjamin Journey. Wyn never thought she'd fall in love with an Ailor, much less one of sketchy origins and honeyed tongue. Baern Cuffburt is not her biological baby, as when Benjamin Journey died there were no living relatives to take in his infant son, and the child's mother was long deceased. Bronwyn decided that she had to raise him out of obligation, but fell in love with her oversized son.

Fynndor Cuffburt - Son - NPC - Brynaelda's firstborn child, a son to Thrain Othlest, and is her darling boy. Fynndor gets along well with his elder adoptive brother, and takes after his father in appearance. Bronwyn is wholeheartedly dedicated to passing down the dwarven customs to her children and so they all have learned to speak fluent Dwarven prior to Common.

Frinna Cuffburt - Daughter - NPC - Brynaelda's second-born child, a daughter to Thrain Othlest, and is her sweet daughter. She tends to coddle Frinna and is especially protective of her daughter's right to have a beard… Frinna plays frequently alongside her brothers. Her appearance takes most after Brynaelda's. Bronwyn is wholeheartedly dedicated to passing down the dwarven customs to her children and so they all have learned to speak fluent Dwarven prior to Common.

Gramdahr Cuffburt - Youngest Son - NPC - Brynaelda's third-born child, a son to Thrain Othlest, and is her baby of the family as of now. She dotes on him dearly and makes sure to kiss him goodnight first when she comes home from work. Gramdahr is clearly spoiled from being the baby. His appearance is a fairly even mix of both Thrain and Brynaelda. Bronwyn is wholeheartedly dedicated to passing down the dwarven customs to her children and so they all have learned to speak fluent Dwarven prior to Common.


Augustin Reinard - M'lord, Dearest Friend - @Eronoc - Bronwyn owes her life to Augustin Reinard as he employed her in one of the darker periods of her life. After Bronwyn stepped away from the criminal ties she once held, she was offered employment through servitude and she took to it well. Being cared about and having a purpose helped resolidify Bronwyn's life and she feels indebted to him. There is an underlying familial love that Wyn has for Augustin that transcends just employment.

Life Story

Brynaelda Jovrungrid Cuffburt was the second-born to Ingvild and Asbjorn Cuffburt. Her siblings included elder brother, Hreidryn and younger brother, Eyvindur. As the only daughter of Ingvild and Asbjorn, the male influence from her brothers forced Bryn to display more masculine tendencies and behaviors. Raised in the Hold of Aldruin all her life, she was surrounded by her beloved kinsmen, with numerous companions at all times. From an early age, the Dogma of Duindin became an important fixture in her life, as well as the numerous cultural songs her clanmates sang.

By the time she came of age, she chose to be apprenticed under a master blacksmith for the majority of her early adolescence into adulthood. She surpassed the education of most dwarves in smithing, taking it up as her passion and soaking in as much knowledge as she could. Brynaelda was always a cheerful and warm-hearted dwarf in the hold, offering all she had to others, but kept a softened part of her heart specifically for her brothers.

Within adulthood, Brynaelda met the first real love of her life, Thrain Othlest, with who she decided to have a child with. Their firstborn being a son, Fynndor Cuffburt. Though her happiness with her smithing work and with her small addition to the Cuffburt clan was short-lived, as quickly thereafter the Isldar launched an attack on Aldruin. Her family was scattered as Wyverns and Isldar rained a barrage of attacks down upon the Dwarven hold, slaughtering many of the ones Brynaelda held dear. Within the attack, she and Thrain were separated, as her brothers struggled to get Bryn and young Fynndor to safety. Before her very eyes, she watched as Hreidryn was slain by a group of Isldarin soldiers. The disarming sound of shouts overwhelmed her as she was forced to the ground while clutching Fynndor, with the burning sting of the whip across her back. Just prior to being enslaved by the Isldar in that moment of weakness, her younger brother Eyvindur made another sacrifice- as he barreled into the Isldarin soldiers, axes drawn. With this distraction, Brynaelda was able to scramble away to momentary safety- but at a heavy cost. In the days following, she navigated her way through the wilderness outside of the Hold's territory, eventually stumbling upon an Ailor settlement. It was then that she stowed away on a merchant ship with Fynndor- by chance traveling to Regalia- to flee from the Isldar's clutches upon her fallen home. Brynaelda knew that her life would never be the same after such a devastating loss, but desperately wished for a chance that she could give a better life for the newborn son she carried.

Upon arriving in Regalia, such wishes were decimated as Brynaelda struggled to find any sort of acceptance- or any sort of work, which led to her decision to assimilate to a degree by adopting the name 'Bronwyn.' But still, little work and scraps of food influenced her to pursue the life of crime as her small family unit was forced into surviving within the filth and poverty of the slums. Such desperation only fueled the pent-up rage that lingered deep within her heart. Brynaelda shuffled herself from gang to gang, forging illegal weapons out of stolen metals to get by, constantly struggling to put food on the table. After being taken in by guard forces, Bryn was forced to serve their needs and for a moment saw redemption. Brynaelda began making friends within the city, some of whom became almost another set of family- to fill the void in her heart. This caused her to take in an Ailor child, the orphaned son of a friend she dearly cared for- and potentially once loved- that she took in with the new name of 'Baern Cuffburt.' She was eventually reunited with Thrain, who arrived in Regalia through a different means of escape. Thrain and Brynaelda got married within their faith, and quickly a son, Finnur, was born. They settled down as Brynaelda continued more legal blacksmith work, conceiving another child- a daughter named Frinna. Brynaelda felt secure in her situation with her family, and the following winter her latest son, Gramdahr was born.

Brynaelda has lost her husband Thrain, who left on business and is presumed dead. She mourned his loss dearly and has decided to move on in the following years by focusing on her work and rekindling bonds with her community.
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@Nesstro My only edits on this for re-review is to check that my proficiency updates are correct. Thank you so much! -- Edit #2, finished fixing my inventory spoiler.
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