Preserved Sheet Bryn Rosendahl

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Man wanting a coherent plan
Jan 23, 2016
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~~~Basic Information ~~~

Full Name: Bryn 'The Actor' Rosendahl
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe
Main Ambition: To be the greatest actor he can be. And to find the love of his life.
Special Permission: N/A
~~~Visual Information~~~

Eye Colour: Ocean Blue
Hair Colour: Darkish Brown
Hair Style: Styled Skin Colour: Regular Regalian skin colour, albeit slightly more tanned.
Clothing: Bryn wears a dirty white shirt and black/grey trousers with a dark brown belt. With his shirt he wears a teal ribbon around his neck to improvise a bow. He also wears a long brown coat, and usually wears gloves on his hands. He wears black shoes on his feet.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 70kg
Body Build: Athletic, but not overly muscular.
Weapon of Choice: N/A

~~~Personality Traits~~~
  • (+) Honest - "You look beautiful. I can't lie about that." Bryn is very honest, and believes lying gets people nowhere. It will annoy him if people are lying to his face; but he will rarely get mad because of this. He will always say what he believes is true. And he'll stick by that. He's not one to be dishonest about someone/something. After past experiences he feels it is better to be honest than it is to lie; because he'd rather be known as a truthful person rather than an untrustworthy one.
  • (+) Gentle - "Shhh, I'm here. Come, let's go somewhere quiet." He rarely gets mad and is very kind about most things. Bryn is very tender; he shows concern and sympathy during situations. He is calm and maintains a serene mind. A good thing about him is he treats nearly everyone with pure kindness. Since his mother was the heaviest influence on his life, he picked up on her gentleness and kind heart.
  • (+) Intelligent - "If we make the wall a little bit higher, then it will give us more time to build without complications." He is a quick thinker and uses good logic. His cognitive skills are really strong. Bryn can solve a problem fairly quickly and doesn't let his emotions affect his decision-making a whole bunch. However, his final decisions do have emotion involved with them but not for the worse. For the first parts of his life he read books and spent his days learning at home. He soaks up information like a sponge and has a quick mind.
  • (+) Charming - "Your dress compliments your eyes wonderfully, now, let's discuss what the plans are shall we?~" Bryn uses his charm sometimes to get past some obstacles throughout his life in Regalia. This can include being very persuasive with those he has conversations with, as well as being good at charming people in general. Could be classified as just general charisma. Since his acting began, he's been quite charming to those he meets. He learned how to be like this from some of the people he has been around; he also thinks it's a good way to persuade people.
  • (-) Restless - "Spirit.. I'm so tired, can't think straight." Sometimes he can get wrapped up in his work and lose a lot of sleep. Or even, he won't be able to sit still because he has so much on his mind. Sometimes he can lose nights of sleep, it just depends. He will lay awake at night thinking about the future. Mostly he is like this because he is thinking about acting and things happening in Regalia.
  • (-) Distracted - "Hm?-- Oh what?" His attention can get caught easily by other things. Even his mind moves quicker than he talks, his gaze goes all around a room within seconds. He has so much going on in his mind, it can frustrate some people. However, he is just really a deep thinker so he can be looking at someone but thinking about something else.He became more distracted when his father died, as his death bothered him. Bryn now makes sure he catches every moment, every detail.
  • (-) Indecisive - "Wait-- Yes.. No wait-- Gah I don't know." He can go back and forth in between decisions, one minute he agrees to something but suddenly he may rethink and make a different decision. All of his decisions are well thought, it's just he can have so many solutions to a problem it is overwhelming. Most of the time he only has this problem when he is working on a play or such. When he is in a situation he is usually better at coming to a decision. He changes his decisions a lot because he thinks about what his father would think. Bryn wants to live to be a strong man, just like his father. This turned into a more of indecisiveness than anything.
  • (-) Stubborn - "No, we have to do it this way. Or the entire thing will collapse." He can be unreasonably stubborn and firmly resolved and determined. It can take a lot of effort to persuade him the other way. If you do manage to persuade him he won't be the happiest person in the world. He is very resolute. He mostly gets this from getting his ideas suppressed by other actors and people. So he decided he wasn't going to let people push his ideas around anymore. He's going to make his dream a reality, even if he has to be stubborn about it.
  • Creative - "I've got the best idea ever!" His creative streak is believe to be inherited by Collette Rosendahl, years before Bryn was around. Bryn uses his creativity to create scripts and stories in the notebook that never leaves his side. His mind is constantly racing, and he too often catches himself staring into the distance, daydreaming about a new play to write or a new idea for a story.
  • Positive - "Don't worry about it. Even though the last show was bad, this one will be the best one yet!" He thinks very positively and happily, it's hard to rain on his parade. Even in tough situations he tends to remain positive and strong. This helps lighten the mood and keep him going. Also, it helps him think a little clearer in some situations which are sad.
  • Reliable - "Don't worry, I can do it." Bryn is a shoulder to lean on; as well as being someone you can rely on. If you need something done Bryn can do it, and do it efficiently. He can be very trusted to do tasks and be there when needed. It's a very good aspect of him and lets people see him in a good perspective.
  • Over-Analytical - "No! This goes here.. And that piece over there!" Sometimes he will overthink a situation or problem; sometimes even when the solution is fairly simple. He doesn't do this all the time but when he does he can turn a mild situation into a much more complicated and confusing one.
  • Self Critical - "Why would you say that to her Bryn? Why?" Bryn tends to criticize himself a lot. Whether it be just him trying to speak to someone, he will get a little self conscious and mentally kick himself. This puts him on edge sometimes and can lead to him embarrassing himself or confusing another person.
  • WoC - "Hey! I don't want to fight. I don't even know how to!" Since Bryn has never dabbled in military affairs, he has had no training in any sort of weapon. This can put the man at a disadvantage if he were to ever get in a fight or get jumped on in the streets of Regalia. He wouldn't know how to defend himself and may end up getting seriously injured.
  • Superiority - "No no no, here, let me show you how it's done." In many situations Bryn has the tendency to undermine those around him and make himself seem superior. This has offended as well as drove a few people away from him. This is something that is rather impulsive and he tries not to do it, yet it is rather hard. From his experiences in his acting career, people have turned him down; or flat out ignored him, so he makes himself superior in an attempt to get his skills noticed.
~~~Life Story~~~
~Younger years~

Bryn was born to Adele Hennon-Rosendahl and Bastien Rosendahl on the 20th June, 285 AC. His early years were spent just like anyone's, being cute and adorable, and stealing all the attention from his siblings. At a young age, the Rosendahl looked up to his older siblings, Antonie and Claudia, thinking of them as perfect beings and since then he has followed in their footsteps. He spent a lot of time outdoors, under a tree near the family's home, scribbling things down in a notebook he was gifted by his mother. He would usually write short stories, ones where he was the hero and he'd slain beasts of old. At points he would jump up and pretend his story was real, slashing the air with a stick, pretending he was the best warrior to walk the plain. His mother discovered him once, as he told her all about the stories he wrote. About all the beasts he'd slain, about all the adventures he'd been on. She heard it all. When his father passed, Bryn was incredibly upset, mainly at himself for not spending time with him when he was around. The Rosendahl locked himself in his room, only coming down for meals, then he would disappear back into his room. He wrote, he wrote about how great of a man his father was, and how he regretted not being with him.
~Teenage years~

A few years down the line and Bryn was still writing, he'd locked up the long piece about his father, ashamed. The Rosendahl dabbled more into the world of acting, and he found a knack for it. He moved from writing stories to writing scripts for stage. He enjoyed the endless possibilities he had at the mercy of his quill and notebook. Bryn took some of his stories and changed them, in the end they were suitable for the stage. This cheered him up, eased him out of the guilt he had for not being there with his father. He went to school, just like any other kid fortunate enough to do so, but never dabbled in military matters. So he never practised with a weapon. In turn, this means that he doesn't know how to defend himself. At about the age of 16 he was introduced to the wonderful world of politics, and he hated it. He would often start to daydream about other matters, or new ideas for what he could write. Sometimes he would even dream about the future, grand plans for stages and shows. Both his brother and sister traveled to the Holy City, and soon Bryn would follow. But at the time, he was still in school and had to finish that before he could begin traveling, just like Antonie and Claudia.

~Recent years~

The Rosendahl, now 19 years of age, traveled to the Holy City. He was incredibly excited, but very nervous. So many thought ran through his head, 'What do I do when I get here? Do I find Antonie? Or Claudia?' He set the thoughts aside as the ship docked. He wandered the streets, taking notes as usual. He stumbled into the Tavern, had a quick Ale as he gathered his thoughts. Bryn heard a familiar voice and followed it outside, where a group of people stood, he gazed upon the group. They looked quite friendly so he took a step closer and from the group emerged someone he recognized. His cousin Jamie. For this period of time, his worries melted away into the soft breeze.

Some time passed and Bryn settled down into Regalia, he was in the Tavern one day, drinking an Ale and writing some more on a script he was working on. While asking for the bartender for another Ale, his eyes trailed onto, who must be the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. She was stunning, he mustered the courage to talk to her. The first impression wasn't the best he admits, he completely choked on his words, and got annoyed at himself for messing up in front of her. The woman giggled and smiled, offering her hand to him, saying "Let's take a walk?" and they did so. They grew close, first they were friends but that soon turned into love.
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~~~Basic Information ~~~

Full Name: Bryn 'The Actor' Rosendahl
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe
Main Ambition: To be the greatest actor he can be. And to find the love of his life.
Special Permission: N/A
~~~Visual Information~~~

Eye Colour: Ocean Blue
Hair Colour: Darkish Brown
Hair Style: Styled Skin Colour: Regular Regalian skin colour, albeit slightly more tanned.
Clothing: Bryn wears a dirty white shirt and black/grey trousers with a dark brown belt. With his shirt he wears a teal ribbon around his neck to improvise a bow. He also wears a long brown coat, and usually wears gloves on his hands. He wears black shoes on his feet.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 70kg
Body Build: Athletic, but not overly muscular.
Weapon of Choice: N/A

~~~Personality Traits~~~
  • (+) Honest - "You look beautiful. I can't lie about that." Bryn is very honest, and believes lying gets people nowhere. It will annoy him if people are lying to his face; but he will rarely get mad because of this. He will always say what he believes is true. And he'll stick by that. He's not one to be dishonest about someone/something.
  • (+) Gentle - "Shhh, I'm here. Come, let's go somewhere quiet." He rarely gets mad and is very kind about most things. Bryn is very tender; he shows concern and sympathy during situations. He is calm and maintains a serene mind. A good thing about him is he treats nearly everyone with pure kindness.
  • (+) Intelligent - "If we make the wall a little bit higher, then it will give us more time to build without complications." He is a quick thinker and uses good logic. His cognitive skills are really strong. Bryn can solve a problem fairly quickly and doesn't let his emotions affect his decision-making a whole bunch. However, his final decisions do have emotion involved with them but not for the worse.
  • (+) Charming - "Your dress compliments your eyes wonderfully, now, let's discuss what the plans are shall we?~" Bryn uses his charm sometimes to get past some obstacles throughout his life in Regalia. This can include being very persuasive with those he has conversations with, as well as being good at charming people in general. Could be classified as just general charisma. Since his acting began, he's been quite charming to those he meets.
  • (-) Restless - "Spirit.. I'm so tired, can't think straight." Sometimes he can get wrapped up in his work and lose a lot of sleep. He doesn't have nightmares it's just he can't find the strength to fall asleep. So he could sit there lying awake for hours on end. This can end up in him being tired and such, or just tiny bit crabby.
  • (-) Distracted - "Hm?-- Oh what?" His attention can get caught easily by other things. Even his mind moves quicker than he talks, his gaze goes all around a room within seconds. He has so much going on in his mind, it can frustrate some people. However, he is just really a deep thinker so he can be looking at someone but thinking about something else.
  • (-) Indecisive - "Wait-- Yes.. No wait-- Gah I don't know." He can go back and forth in between decisions, one minute he agrees to something but suddenly he may rethink and make a different decision. All of his decisions are well thought, it's just he can have so many solutions to a problem it is overwhelming. Most of the time he only has this problem when he is working on a play or such. When he is in a situation he is usually better at coming to a decision.
  • (-) Stubborn - "No, we have to do it this way. Or the entire thing will collapse." He can be unreasonably stubborn and firmly resolved and determined. It can take a lot of effort to persuade him the other way. If you do manage to persuade him he won't be the happiest person in the world. He is very resolute.
  • Creative - "I've got the best idea ever!" His creative streak is believe to be inherited by Collette Rosendahl, years before Bryn was around. Bryn uses his creativity to create scripts and stories in the notebook that never leaves his side. His mind is constantly racing, and he too often catches himself staring into the distance, daydreaming about a new play to write or a new idea for a story.
  • Positive - "Don't worry about it. Even though the last show was bad, this one will be the best one yet!" He thinks very positively and happily, it's hard to rain on his parade. Even in tough situations he tends to remain positive and strong. This helps lighten the mood and keep him going. Also, it helps him think a little clearer in some situations which are sad.
  • Dreamer - "See, with the space on stage, we can do so much to bring the story across. I'm thinking.." He comes up with grand plans for the future and all of them are creative and positive. Sometimes he will sit there and dream about the things he could accomplish and do. This gives him a lot of hope and makes every day make him feel like he is getting closer to what he wants to do. This is a beautiful thing about him, he never gives up hope.
  • Over-Analytical - "No! This goes here.. And that piece over there!" Sometimes he will overthink a situation or problem; sometimes even when the solution is fairly simple. He doesn't do this all the time but when he does he can turn a mild situation into a much more complicated and confusing one.
  • Self Critical - "Why would you say that to her Bryn? Why?" Bryn tends to criticize himself a lot. Whether it be just him trying to speak to someone, he will get a little self conscious and mentally kick himself. This puts him on edge sometimes and can lead to him embarrassing himself or confusing another person.
  • WoC - "Hey! I don't want to fight. I don't even know how to!" Since Bryn has never dabbled in military affairs, he has had no training in any sort of weapon. This can put the man at a disadvantage if he were to ever get in a fight or get jumped on in the streets of Regalia. He wouldn't know how to defend himself and may end up getting seriously injured.
~~~Life Story~~~
~Younger years~

Bryn was born to Adele Hennon-Rosendahl and Bastien Rosendahl on the 20th June, 285 AC. His early years were spent just like anyone's, being cute and adorable, and stealing all the attention from his siblings. At a young age, the Rosendahl looked up to his older siblings, Antonie and Claudia, thinking of them as perfect beings and since then he has followed in their footsteps. He spent a lot of time outdoors, under a tree near the family's home, scribbling things down in a notebook he was gifted by his mother. He would usually write short stories, ones where he was the hero and he'd slain beasts of old. At points he would jump up and pretend his story was real, slashing the air with a stick, pretending he was the best warrior to walk the plain. His mother discovered him once, as he told her all about the stories he wrote. About all the beasts he'd slain, about all the adventures he'd been on. She heard it all. When his father passed, Bryn was incredibly upset, mainly at himself for not spending time with him when he was around. The Rosendahl locked himself in his room, only coming down for meals, then he would disappear back into his room. He wrote, he wrote about how great of a man his father was, and how he regretted not being with him.
~Teenage years~

A few years down the line and Bryn was still writing, he'd locked up the long piece about his father, ashamed. The Rosendahl dabbled more into the world of acting, and he found a knack for it. He moved from writing stories to writing scripts for stage. He enjoyed the endless possibilities he had at the mercy of his quill and notebook. Bryn took some of his stories and changed them, in the end they were suitable for the stage. This cheered him up, eased him out of the guilt he had for not being there with his father. He went to school, just like any other kid fortunate enough to do so, but never dabbled in military matters. So he never practised with a weapon. In turn, this means that he doesn't know how to defend himself. At about the age of 16 he was introduced to the wonderful world of politics, and he hated it. He would often start to daydream about other matters, or new ideas for what he could write. Sometimes he would even dream about the future, grand plans for stages and shows. Both his brother and sister traveled to the Holy City, and soon Bryn would follow. But at the time, he was still in school and had to finish that before he could begin traveling, just like Antonie and Claudia.

~Recent years~

The Rosendahl, now 19 years of age, traveled to the Holy City. He was incredibly excited, but very nervous. So many thought ran through his head, 'What do I do when I get here? Do I find Antonie? Or Claudia?' He set the thoughts aside as the ship docked. He wandered the streets, taking notes as usual. He stumbled into the Tavern, had a quick Ale as he gathered his thoughts. Bryn heard a familiar voice and followed it outside, where a group of people stood, he gazed upon the group. They looked quite friendly so he took a step closer and from the group emerged someone he recognized. His cousin Jamie. For this period of time, his worries melted away into the soft breeze.

Some time passed and Bryn settled down into Regalia, he was in the Tavern one day, drinking an Ale and writing some more on a script he was working on. While asking for the bartender for another Ale, his eyes trailed onto, who must be the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. She was stunning, he mustered the courage to talk to her. The first impression wasn't the best he admits, he completely choked on his words, and got annoyed at himself for messing up in front of her. The woman giggled and smiled, offering her hand to him, saying "Let's take a walk?" and they did so. They grew close, first they were friends but that soon turned into love.
Looks great x3
Peer Review!
Personality Traits
  • I would add one sentence to each describing how/where he received his traits.
  • In the sense described, "restless" seems more of a weakness than a trait. I'd recommend either rewording the description to fit the name, or replacing the trait entirely.
  • In my opinion, "dreamer" and "creative" could be smushed into one.
Overall, this app looks really nice! Love the life story.
Peer Review!
Personality Traits
  • I would add one sentence to each describing how/where he received his traits.
  • In the sense described, "restless" seems more of a weakness than a trait. I'd recommend either rewording the description to fit the name, or replacing the trait entirely.
  • In my opinion, "dreamer" and "creative" could be smushed into one.
Overall, this app looks really nice! Love the life story.
There we go, changes made at your request in This colour
Alright, let's break it down:
  • First off, I really like the idea of this character. It's nice to see an actor character out there trying to be suave and kind.
  • What is WoC under weaknesses? When I google it, I find World of Concrete, so I'm at a loss for what it means.
Really after that one real answer, everything else looks good. Tag me when you've got an answer/made the edit and we'll proceed.
Alright, let's break it down:
  • First off, I really like the idea of this character. It's nice to see an actor character out there trying to be suave and kind.
  • What is WoC under weaknesses? When I google it, I find World of Concrete, so I'm at a loss for what it means.
Really after that one real answer, everything else looks good. Tag me when you've got an answer/made the edit and we'll proceed.
Weapon of Choice is what she means I think, what she is implying is that he can not fight.
I answered for her because I worked with her on the char app and she lives in England so she is sleeping right now x3
If that is the case, I'm going to need her to add another weakness then. Weapon of Choice is a cop-out weakness because she can simply learn how to use a weapon to get rid of it.
Alright, let's break it down:
  • First off, I really like the idea of this character. It's nice to see an actor character out there trying to be suave and kind.
  • What is WoC under weaknesses? When I google it, I find World of Concrete, so I'm at a loss for what it means.
Really after that one real answer, everything else looks good. Tag me when you've got an answer/made the edit and we'll proceed.
Okay, I'll hop right to it! Expect an update either today or tomorrow. Also, thanks @Zytus for answering for me, I was out for good last night.
@Doc_Cantank Alrighty, done the change, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to remove WoC, so I left it there for now. If it needs to be removed, I have no trouble in doing so. The weakness I added is 'Superiority'.
An actor you say... xD
Does your character keep a pair of super white teeth and have plastic surgery ? :P