Preserved Sheet Brydon Hroth Howlester

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Jan 24, 2016
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Brydon Hroth Howlester

  • Age: Thirty-three

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor

  • Main Ambition: To gain prominence in the Imperial City and earn a reputation within it.

Skill Information

33 Total Points to spend from age

Knowledge Proficiency Skills
+10 Underworld Knowledge (+10 from Points)

+10 Statesmen (+10 from Points)

Combat Proficiency Skills
+10 Unarmed Combat Training (Highland Ceardian Boost)

+6 Blades Combat (+6 from Points)

Body Proficiency Skills
+7 Rogue Training (+7 From Points)


Common (Native Speaker)

Ithanian (Learned from Tutors)

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Celtic Blue

  • Hair Color: Raven Black

  • Hair Style: Combed to the side

  • Skin Color: Fair with a light tan

  • Clothing: Imperial Fashioned with Howlester colors

  • Height: 5 foot 10 Inches

  • Body Build: Muscular

  • Body Fat: Average Body Fat

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Brydon is perceived rather obvious outright personality individual. He goes out of his way to meet people and to do things; people generally seeing him as a rather active person. He doesn't chat a whole lot but everything he says has a strong meaning to it. People can see he is always going around from person to person enjoying himself. If someone met him they would find him a bit odd but as they learned more and more about him, they would find he a nice person and someone to be around.

  • Second Paragraph: Brydon generally feels rather neutral inside about everything. He is a rather patriotic Regalian who just wants to serve his nation with all of his will. He is a Unionist that attends Cathedral as many masses as he can. He feel like something is off however. Every time he steps a few feet forward, he goes a thousand feet back. This has a led to a more content personality of his. He won't ever be the best at anything but he will try his hardest at everything he can.

  • Third Paragraph: Brydon is a loyal family member and loves his family with all of his being with the exception of his father. If he had to choose a family member that he knew only one word about, he would choose that family member than a friend he's been with since birth. The closest person he is with in the family is his sister Violette who he would protect with his life. That doesn't mean he doesn't necessary like his friends, he does, but he has a set standard of who he will be with. Strangers, Navy, Friends, Howlesters, and then Violette.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Brydon is a good man or at least in his own eyes. How he shows this goodwill is by being loyal to his State and his family. He generally keeps some type of court manners and Naval manners as well. He will pull out a chair for people and generally doesn't speak poorly about people behind their back, leading to his rather upfront nature. He is a just man to say the least. Making sure corruption does not come through anywhere.

Life Story


  • Brydon Hroth Howlester was born on January 13, 273 to Hrodgar and Donatienne Howlester, being the second child and first son to the couple.

  • Being the first male child of the family, he was a handful in his early years. Often causing mischief around the manor he was a major stress factor amongst his mother and sister.


  • The young Howlester had a normal childhood for nobility standards. He was educated by private tutors alongside Violetta. He took a liking to military history.

  • Brydon was the most liked of the two children by their father. Hrothgar saw much of himself in the boy. Brydon reciprocated this likeness as well until an he witnessed his father beating Violette for a childhood mistake. This event led Brydon to grow a major distaste towards their father.

  • At 8 years of age, his younger brother, Randulf Howlester, was born subsequently a few months. Brydon never had a real liking to Randulf as his father saw the new son as a new child to mold into his image.

  • Brydon would take a small trip to the seaside near the family estate. During that trip, Brydon's passion for sailing and naval lifestyle emerged. A small fleet of ship was passing on the horizon as the young Howlester watched in awe. He knew from that day on he wanted to pursue what it took to command and sail those beast.


  • Brydon's mother would soon grow ill from unknown causes. Brydon would be by her side in the estate alongside Violetta to care for her. Hrodgar would use most of the family's wealth in means to find a cure for her, dwindling the funds of the family as time went on.

  • Brydon would take a leave from the estate to and explore the land on his own at the age of thirteen, he enjoyed his first year at the school but worried of his mother and sister constantly.

  • He would stay traveling for around six months. During the journey, his mother went on to pass. Brydon would travel back to mourn along with his sister and family for around a week's time before going back to travel once more.

  • Brydon would continued with his travels until he reached the age required to enroll in schooling. He would then go to train in bladed combat.

Adult Life

  • He would stay at the school until he graduated. During the years of his schooling, Hrodgar would die from a stab wound leaving the Howlester children with only themselves. Brydon felt no remorse towards his father's death due to the crippling relationship the two had over the years.

  • Hearing of Freya Lo's demise in Regalia, Brydon would go on to return to the rest of his family in the capital. Upon his return, he would reunite with Violetta and the rest of the Howlester famiily.

  • Brydon would gain a secondary place of residence away from Howlester Castle. He prefered a place to have to himself in times of seclusion.

  • Brydon now seeks to gain prominence in the city, hopefully gaining an official position in some manner.
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Peer review >:)

To serve the Commonwealth as best as he can.
  • Nearly no humans are completely self-sacrificing like that, doesn't he have any ambitions of his own? Glory? Respect? Marriage?

    • School: School of Leadership-Discipline of Captaincy
    • Level: Scholar
    • Source: The Regalian Academy of Captaincy

    • School: School of Turall
    • Level: Warrior
    • Source: Tutelage on shore-leave

  • This I want to adress. It says on the wiki:
  • "it should also be noted that only the School of Valla is used in Naval Combat. All other Combat Schools require the Captain to leave the helm, which is a criminal neglect of command duty in the Imperial Fleet. "
  • Therefore I recommend that you replace the school of turall with this school, or remove Turall altogether.
  • Additionally, you need to state your number of comissions, which would be 0 for you so far, however he would be assigned his first comission currently. Just none completed yet.
Every time he steps a few feet forward, he goes a thousand feet back. This has a led to a more content personality of his.

  • How does feeling that you never progress inspire a content personality?
If he had to choose a family member that he knew only one word about, he would choose that family member than a friend he's been with since birth.
  • Not neccesarily a mistake but.. What?
The closest person he is with in the family is his sister
  • "The closest person to him within his family, would be his sister" I feel would be a more accurate spelling.
That doesn't mean he doesn't necessary like his friends
  • Neccesarily*
  • Again, not neccesarily a mistake, but I thought I'd correct it anyway.
Strangers, Navy, Friends, Howlesters, and then Violette.
  • Firstly, the order it is put in makes it sound slightly like he wants to be with Strangers the most, and Violette the least.
  • Secondly, if he is truly an educated captain, he would know to put his naval services above his friends. Even his family in most cases.
He is a just man to say the least.
  • No one is completely just an average joe.
  • Besides his honesty and etiquette, doesn't he have any specific moralization? Perhaps his morals are focused on the unity of all races and genders? Maybe his morals and ideals are more conservative and he has a dislike for outsiders and a love for ailors. Anything that can really shape the way he acts around people before he really knows them, and even after he does. How does Brydon generalize?
  • The current year is 305 AC, if he is 27 years old, he would have been born 278-9.
until an he witnessed his father beating Violette
  • I don't think a gullible child under the age of 8 could properly distinguish the nature of good and evil actions like that, let alone hold a grudge against his main father figure from there on, especially if it was only once.
Hrodgar would use most of the family's wealth in means to find a cure for her, dwindling the funds of the family as time went on.
  • And even then he didn't forgive him?
This was mostly nitpicking. I like it otherwise, however I don't know how well of a feel I got for the character.
My main concern is the relationship with his father. A single(legal too) beating towards his sister at the earliest days of his childhood would lead him to despite his younger brother for being like his father, and feel nothing once his father was stabbed to death, which I would personally, even if he had beat the entire family several times. Especially as he is supposed to be a caring family man with great ideals for bloodties (Or at least that is what I assumed when reading this.)

That's all I could find wrong with this sheet.
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Here's my review.
  • You may only be skilled in the School of Valla while being a captain. This means you must either remove the captaincy skill or replace Turall with Valla.
  • Add one sentence to the acting talent.
  • Edit the talents accordingly when you comply with the first edit.
  • Very nice life story. Well done.
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
I made a mistake. School of Valla hasn't been written yet, so unfortunately you can't play as a member of it until then. However, if you copy and paste that into a google doc, you can copy + paste it right back into your app when the school comes out.

Once you do this, the sheet will be ready for approval.
  • Your points in ship sailing are misstated.
  • Your weapon of choice should be a cutlass, not arming swords. Arming swords fall into the short sword category.
  • Update your backstory to reflect system changes. The School of Leadership is no longer applicable. He would have gone to the Regalian Admiralty and spent ten years there in order to graduate with the school.

Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @Tenmaku
Also unarmed combat training isn't knowledgeable you meant Underworld?