
Cynsosiel Elael sat in the sewer tavern, drinking cheap ale. She looked even worse than normal- bags under her eyes, constantly tired. The vilitatei was reliant upon one of her former students working an extra job in exchange for her blood, just so she and her daughter would have enough money to get by. She'd been left to raise a child by herself. No money, no job opportunities, nothing other than the hopes of spreading Blood Magic. However, she did not reconsider her life choices for a moment. Setting down the ale, she rubbed her temples with her gnarled, deformed hands. Stress. So much stress. After fifteen near-perfect years, she'd had to end an almost perfect relationship out of necessity. She'd pretended to understand her husband's reasoning, but.. There was still lingering doubt in her mind. Why did he have to go and join the Bluesteel Order in the first place? To defend the very government's policies which forced them to split? Why did he choose to work for an organization that would likely execute her if she went up above? He'd honestly never shown so much enthusiasm about Unionism before.. it bothered her, terribly. She still loved him a small bit, however. The Shendar doubted that she could ever get over him and move on. They still met up occasionally at night, in secret, but. The era of happiness had ended for Cynny. It seemed as though her life had turned upside down.

She took this time to aid an ally of hers in forming a vilitatei church of sorts. Practicing her magic was one of the few suitable destressers Cynny could find. Hell, she'd even gone and mutated her own child. Her attempts to spread the Void's influence took her mind off of her ex-husband, but only momentarily. A part of her realized this was likely the opposite of what he would have wanted for his family. But she threw away those concerns. After all, he was gone. She'd never get over him, but she'd no longer be limited by him. Albeit cold, these thoughts kept her going. She strove to find the 'bright' side of this situation.

Though Silvian was not her child by birth, Cynny almost viewed him as an adopted son of sorts. He filled the void her ex-husband had left, at least. And Berthilda would have an older brother of sorts. That part was good. But there really weren't many other upsides. Sure, she met Edih, and finally had a decent friend, but even that did not redeem her situation. She reminded herself that this was /his/ fault. She had gone about her days the same, but no, he was not satisfied. He was never satisfied. Unsterbligh had chosen to abandon their love for what he thought was a better life. But it was fine, in the end. She was no longer being held back from fully devoting herself to the Void. Her daughter would no longer be limited by his restrictions. Yet, that did not stop her from mourning the end of her relationship.

Cynsosiel fingered the ring on her hand, getting to her feet and beginning to walk home. There was work to do, after all.

tags: @Pastellanar @LlamaDelBae @Mandyquaky @DockedRelic @Beetletoes
(Since your chars were mentioned)

Edit: go read this from her ex's perspective it's way better
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i dont rp i just draw and say funny shit sometimes. buy my art
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Cynsosiel Elael sat in the sewer tavern, drinking cheap ale. She looked even worse than normal- bags under her eyes, constantly tired. The vilitatei was reliant upon one of her former students working an extra job in exchange for her blood, just so she and her daughter would have enough money to get by. She'd been left to raise a child by herself. No money, no job opportunities, nothing other than the hopes of spreading Blood Magic. However, she did not reconsider her life choices for a moment. Setting down the ale, she rubbed her temples with her gnarled, deformed hands. Stress. So much stress. After fifteen near-perfect years, she'd had to end an almost perfect relationship out of necessity. She'd pretended to understand her husband's reasoning, but.. There was still lingering doubt in her mind. Why did he have to go and join the Bluesteel Order in the first place? To defend the very government's policies which forced them to split? Why did he choose to work for an organization that would likely execute her if she went up above? He'd honestly never shown so much enthusiasm about Unionism before.. it bothered her, terribly. She still loved him a small bit, however. The Shendar doubted that she could ever get over him and move on. They still met up occasionally at night, in secret, but. The era of happiness had ended for Cynny. It seemed as though her life had turned upside down.

She took this time to aid an ally of hers in forming a vilitatei church of sorts. Practicing her magic was one of the few suitable destressers Cynny could find. Hell, she'd even gone and mutated her own child. Her attempts to spread the Void's influence took her mind off of her ex-husband, but only momentarily. A part of her realized this was likely the opposite of what he would have wanted for his family. But she threw away those concerns. After all, he was gone. She'd never get over him, but she'd no longer be limited by him. Albeit cold, these thoughts kept her going. She strove to find the 'bright' side of this situation.

Though Silvian was not her child by birth, Cynny almost viewed him as an adopted son of sorts. He filled the void her ex-husband had left, at least. And Berthilda would have an older brother of sorts. That part was good. But there really weren't many other upsides. Sure, she met Edih, and finally had a decent friend, but even that did not redeem her situation. She reminded herself that this was /his/ fault. She had gone about her days the same, but no, he was not satisfied. He was never satisfied. Unsterbligh had chosen to abandon their love for what he thought was a better life. But it was fine, in the end. She was no longer being held back from fully devoting herself to the Void. Her daughter would no longer be limited by his restrictions. Yet, that did not stop her from mourning the end of her relationship.

Cynsosiel fingered the ring on her hand, getting to her feet and beginning to walk home. There was work to do, after all.

tags: @Pastellanar @LlamaDelBae @Mandyquaky @DockedRelic @Beetletoes
(Since your chars were mentioned)

Edit: go read this from her ex's perspective it's way better
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Sudden influx to write a story aswell since, Uns's thinking process is way too complicated for my own liking. Wait, his thinking process is identical to mine... But that would be rather- what's the word... Replying to shame?