Archived Broadcasting Helpops And Such

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Dec 7, 2012
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Due to this thread Complaint - Jailed For Attacking An Enemy Of Our Economic Ally | MassiveCraft Forums a concern has come up in my mind. I think that whenever a moderator/admin is helping a faction/individual as BBB did in the topic of this thread, there should be a broadcasted message by that moderator, saying something along the lines of, "I am helping faction ____, please don't raid or otherwise hinder this helpop for the next hour." This way, it will at the very least reduce the likelyhood of an interference, as raids usually are planned ahead of time. The only scenario I can think of in which this wouldn't work is if they were afk/not online when the broadcast is made. This issue could still happen, but I think a simple broadcast could go a long way to at least alert the majority of the players.
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I don't think it's a bad idea. But I do, however, believe that alot of people would go to that factions lands in particular just to eavesdrop in on whats going on. Which, honestly, is none of their buisness. There would also be cases where people would go there just to troll.
I don't think it's a bad idea. But I do, however, believe that alot of people would go to that factions lands in particular just to eavesdrop in on whats going on. Which, honestly, is none of their buisness. There would also be cases where people would go there just to troll.
This is where punishment can be applied, no?
Well yea, because if the helpop says "I am helping faction ____, please don't raid or otherwise hinder this helpop for the next hour.", then they are making the stupid decision to ignore the staff member, and while eavesdropping is arguably not hindering, trolling definitely is. But I don't think many people would go just to eavesdrop, as a helpop doesn't sound like the most exciting thing to listen in on, especially if you aren't allowed to attack/say stuff that would bother them during it.
The new yellow names are a good indicator. Ill admit I've seen a few situations where the jailing was questionable. We were attacking argonia and Tom came to do a portal helpop not 10 blocks from a decent sized fight. Not all of us were there when he announced it was a helpop. Tom was our enemy at the time so we killed him on sight. A member was jailed for miscommunication. I understand a jail for intentionally distrupting a helpop but accidents do happen when fighting. We explained this to Tom and yet our member still served full jail time. That makes it seem like a cruel game to me. At the same time it caused a lesson to be learned. If you ever see a yellow name appear, think twice before you act. So even tho I didn't agree with the jailing at the time, it was quite effective as far as raising awareness.[DOUBLEPOST=1359648398][/DOUBLEPOST]Broadcasting should be situational. In large scale fights in particular.
The new yellow names are a good indicator. Ill admit I've seen a few situations where the jailing was questionable. We were attacking argonia and Tom came to do a portal helpop not 10 blocks from a decent sized fight. Not all of us were there when he announced it was a helpop. Tom was our enemy at the time so we killed him on sight. A member was jailed for miscommunication. I understand a jail for intentionally distrupting a helpop but accidents do happen when fighting. We explained this to Tom and yet our member still served full jail time. That makes it seem like a cruel game to me. At the same time it caused a lesson to be learned. If you ever see a yellow name appear, think twice before you act. So even tho I didn't agree with the jailing at the time, it was quite effective as far as raising awareness.[DOUBLEPOST=1359648398][/DOUBLEPOST]Broadcasting should be situational. In large scale fights in particular.

Actually, as far as I understand killing/attackgin a mod on a helpop is grounds for a temp ban. :( I think just being jailed was lenient enough.
Actually, as far as I understand killing/attackgin a mod on a helpop is grounds for a temp ban. :( I think just being jailed was lenient enough.

Point being if we knew it was a helpop, we wouldn't have killed him. Lack of communication can be a problem depending on the situation. Bans for accidents is rediculous. Bans should only be implemented when people refuse to cooperate.
What if we just set the said faction to peaceful at the time of the helpop. Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't that make it so no one could get hurt inside the territory? Though does it wipe all the allies and enemy info?
IDEA! The yellow name is only when they are actively working on a helpop. That way you know they aren't there to interfere.
or the mods can just bring their enchanted diamond armour and kill all those trying to disrupt a help op :3
i say if on a helpop and someone approaches, have the mod/trusted fly, flying would be a good indacator that they are there for helpop/assistance, i was being raided at a land with a friend for a project she was doing for ulu, we then were raided and asked for ulu's help, he showed up and as soon as they saw him in the air they ceased.
Or the moderator could show up and then crack some skulls and take names. Problem solved :D[DOUBLEPOST=1359680709][/DOUBLEPOST]
What if we just set the said faction to peaceful at the time of the helpop. Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't that make it so no one could get hurt inside the territory? Though does it wipe all the allies and enemy info?

That is easily abusable as has been seen in the past
i say if on a helpop and someone approaches, have the mod/trusted fly, flying would be a good indacator that they are there for helpop/assistance, i was being raided at a land with a friend for a project she was doing for ulu, we then were raided and asked for ulu's help, he showed up and as soon as they saw him in the air they ceased.

What you're saying is that staff should fly in order to prove to people they were on a helpop? That would mean that trusteds wouldn't be able to do helpops at all....
Due to this thread Complaint - Jailed For Attacking An Enemy Of Our Economic Ally | MassiveCraft Forums a concern has come up in my mind. I think that whenever a moderator/admin is helping a faction/individual as BBB did in the topic of this thread, there should be a broadcasted message by that moderator, saying something along the lines of, "I am helping faction ____, please don't raid or otherwise hinder this helpop for the next hour." This way, it will at the very least reduce the likelyhood of an interference, as raids usually are planned ahead of time. The only scenario I can think of in which this wouldn't work is if they were afk/not online when the broadcast is made. This issue could still happen, but I think a simple broadcast could go a long way to at least alert the majority of the players.
Here's the thing about help-ops. They can take anywhere from a minute to... well. A long time. It might be something simple as just breaking a door lock a newb left at a faction, or as extensive as a lava/water grief or land-claim issue.

I think the best way would be that if raider's see a moderator or trusted, see that they aren't wearing armor, to simply not attack them. Especially if they're not on their own land. Its obvious if they're roleplaying, and that's fair, but if they are actively working, it just makes it harder for everyone involved.
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