Archived Bringing Back The "disagree" Rating.

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Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
New Jersey
As I mentioned on this post:

The fact that there is an agree and no disagree results in posts getting tons of agrees and it seeming like there are no disagrees, when there usually are. I first really noticed this on the original post of the link above. It has thirteen agrees and I loathe the suggestion.

Anyways, I understand ratings like "dumb" being removed but I think as long as the agree rating still exists, the disagree is necessary :)

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At an uneducated guess I would say, as with the LittleBigPlanet game, it was removed because it encourages negativity.
I have contemplated bringing it back, but was discouraged by people like Pldeutz who dug up old threads and started disagree rating on stuff that hadn't been posted on for half a year to spite a person he hated.
I would think a way of saying you "disagree" with something, would be actually writing why you disagree. If you can propose a solution or a legitimate reason why you think that person is wrong, do so. A little "Agree" or "Disagree" is meaningless, at least to me.
I have contemplated bringing it back, but was discouraged by people like Pldeutz who dug up old threads and started disagree rating on stuff that hadn't been posted on for half a year to spite a person he hated.
I don't think special cases should ruin it for the rest of us, it's like removing global chat because people talk crap too much.
As I mentioned on this post:

The fact that there is an agree and no disagree results in posts getting tons of agrees and it seeming like there are no disagrees, when there usually are. I first really noticed this on the original post of the link above. It has thirteen agrees and I loathe the suggestion.

Anyways, I understand ratings like "dumb" being removed but I think as long as the agree rating still exists, the disagree is necessary :)


But... I can't disagree to this post... :D Just kidding.
I would think a way of saying you "disagree" with something, would be actually writing why you disagree. If you can propose a solution or a legitimate reason why you think that person is wrong, do so. A little "Agree" or "Disagree" is meaningless, at least to me.

I agree with this. To me, and to many others I'm sure, the comments are more important than the likes, agrees and winners. The comments have more substance, and open dialogue. Just clicking a disagree button is the same as shouting 'NO!' And running away from the discussion. It serves nothing but to express dislike while offering no conversation, debate or alternatives.
NO! **runs away from conversation**

Seriously though, I think the agree rating should go as well. Indeed, all the ratings are just extras that have no real purpose. Keep the funny rating though, that one's hilarious.
I think agree should be kept, and disagree should be brought back. It is like a poll of sorts. Say, on an idea thread, if 50 people loved it, and 50 people hated it, all you'd see would be 50 agrees, as if everyone loved it. It is like the thread is asking a yes/no question, and agree and disagree are the answers. Also, SilverAlbatross is correct, but LittleBigPlanet is a game MEANT for small children. Children don't react well with negativity. Although, many adults still play, such as me. Massive isn't really made for small children, so I think we can all handle a little bit of negativity.
It should be brought back but a feature should be added so you cant rate a post in a locked thread. That would probably solve the problem of someone digging up old threads (as long as threads that become old and useless are locked)
I have a lot of mixed feelings with negative ratings. While I agree that it would be more useful in a feedback sense, I don't think negative ratings should exist.

Too often they are used to spite, and they don't actually do much to be honest. They are useful to show troll posts or other such nonsense, but all and all are unnecessary data.

If you yell out "How many people want pancakes?" you wanna hear how many people want pancakes, not all the people who don't want pancakes. You don't care about those people.

If you disagree with something, you should post a reply to the thread and give a reason or debate your reasoning as to why you disagree. Nothing can improve if you don't give a reason for your dislike. That'd be like me cooking someone food, and them just saying they didn't like it. I don't wanna know they didn't like it and nothing else, no, I wanna know why this jerkwad didn't like my cooking.
If you disagree with something, you should post a reply to the thread and give a reason or debate your reasoning as to why you disagree. Nothing can improve if you don't give a reason for your dislike. That'd be like me cooking someone food, and them just saying they didn't like it. I don't wanna know they didn't like it and nothing else, no, I wanna know why this jerkwad didn't like my cooking.

Absolutely this. The proposition of alternatives and the offer of debate is what leads to solutions. Suggestions are just that; suggestions. You're free to disagree with them, but it's helpful to state why you disagree, and if possible, how to better handle the situation at hand.
maybe you can disagree but only after you have quoted someone and said why (as in you cant disagree with a post you have not quoted) may cause some problems but im just throwing the idea out there.
Adrian Malakye

Hey, you took my font! xD. In all seriousness, though, I quite like the idea of the disagree rating being brought back.

Edit: I checked your font, and it is actually Book Antiqua, not Goudy Old Style. Sorry about that.
It should be brought back but a feature should be added so you cant rate a post in a locked thread. That would probably solve the problem of someone digging up old threads (as long as threads that become old and useless are locked)

Continuing this... any post over, say, 1 month of age should be un-rateable.
I would rather, instead of getting a dislike on my posts, have a post explaining why this is disliked. The dislikes don't do anything else but express negativity and no criticism. Also, if you want to use it as a way to judge the public opinion on the matter, just set up a poll.[DOUBLEPOST=1370657599,1370657445][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I have had many people dislike and disagree on threads that were at least a month old, inactive, or locked.
I generally believe that if someone agrees, they can avoid posting "I agree" because this causes the thread to get clogged with unecessary posts.

If someone disagrees however, their disagreeing is not worth anything, unless it is explained why they disagree, because criticism is only useful if it has a foundation.
If the Disagree rating was added, i would only use it for the first post, about adding it in. I do not think it should be added, and one month that is un-rateable seems quite old, considering most people harassing will find ones that are newer that you have posted. I think giving a post of why you disagree is better. That is my opinion.
Well, my thoughts after reading the responses is all or nothing. Have both ratings or neither.
Well, my thoughts after reading the responses is all or nothing. Have both ratings or neither.

I feel like Monmarty articulated particularly well why it's not quite a balance. Agreeing with something is simple. The idea is already in place, and you are in a sense parroting it as your own opinion. When you disagree, it helps to at least explain why you disagree, and offer alternatives. Beyond that, polls can be used to offer choices on the matter.
Negative ratings where misused by many players and often started wars where people just ended up negative rated the same persons every single post all the time, this happend to often to be okey.
There is a reason why Facebook don't have a "dislike" button.
Negative ratings where misused by many players and often started wars where people just ended up negative rated the same persons every single post all the time, this happend to often to be okey.
There is a reason why Facebook don't have a "dislike" button.
I see why now. It's a shame that a few people that abuse it get it removed for the rest of us.
Negative ratings where misused by many players and often started wars where people just ended up negative rated the same persons every single post all the time, this happend to often to be okey.
There is a reason why Facebook don't have a "dislike" button.
Actually if Facebook have a Like Button they motivate people do bad things more then good things do if thy had a dislike button they would not be motivated to do bad things
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