Archived Bringing Back Pvp Chat

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Hard truths cut both ways.
Jul 13, 2016
Reaction score
*DISCLAIMER* If I offended anyone, it was not my intention.

Pretty much, my suggestion is to bring back PVP chat as I see more uses for it than not. Making a place where PVPers can vent (perhaps even not moderated) is the best for the community at large.

The List:
1. Bringing back PVP Chat
2. Make it auto opt-out, needing to be signed into.
3. (perhaps?) Not moderated.


The general chat's purpose is meant for, well, general chat. This space is meant to encourage each other and bring a better community of Massive overall. Some people have toxic personalities, and muting them and and banning them only causes less people on Massive overall. Some of my friends are personally toxic, and them being banned would make me honestly quit. Having a place where PVPers can vent whenever they want is the best at large.

The Obvious Statement:
"Having a PVP Chat will be toxic."
Yes, it would be. However, this would move the toxicness from one channel, to another. You can not rid the problem of people being toxic. It was around the from the beginning of time, and so it will be until the end. The only solution you can do is move it to another channel. This helps with the community as I know some people who keep general off so they don't get spammed with PVP banter and such.

Any suggestions or think I should add more?

Leave in the comments below.
If you do however, please read the full post.
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I think most if not all of the naysayers arguments would be satisfied by the "have to purposfully enter to the channel"
Personally I didnt much like pvp chat cause it spammed me with door memes whenever I tried to use it. Dont think it should have been removed though.
I agree here. Having a chat to organize and banter in that doenst have the huge chat delays of General would be useful for PVP / Factions players.

If there is a delay, I would say make it minimal, IE maybe 10 seconds for default, 0 for donors. Just to prevent the most horrendous of spam
If moderated. Sounds like it'did be a nightmare to moderate tho.
*DISCLAIMER* If I offended anyone, it was not my intention.

Pretty much, my suggestion is to bring back PVP chat as I see more uses for it than not. Making a place where PVPers can vent (perhaps even not moderated) is the best for the community at large.

The List:
1. Bringing back PVP Chat
2. Make it auto opt-out, needing to be signed into.
3. (perhaps?) Not moderated.


The general chat's purpose is meant for, well, general chat. This space is meant to encourage each other and bring a better community of Massive overall. Some people have toxic personalities, and muting them and and banning them only causes less people on Massive overall. Some of my friends are personally toxic, and them being banned would make me honestly quit. Having a place where PVPers can vent whenever they want is the best at large.

The Obvious Statement:
"Having a PVP Chat will be toxic."
Yes, it would be. However, this would move the toxicness from one channel, to another. You can not rid the problem of people being toxic. It was around the from the beginning of time, and so it will be until the end. The only solution you can do is move it to another channel. This helps with the community as I know some people who keep general off so they don't get spammed with PVP banter and such.

Any suggestions or think I should add more?

Leave in the comments below.
If you do however, please read the full post.

yasss I have made posts about PVP chat before trying to get it back I think, but you Nitesho did it in a half-decent way.
I dont think it was moderated last time

Plus having it moderated goes against the purpose of it. If it's moderated it's no different than general chat
The purpose is to remove the PvP banter from general, not provide an outlet for vulgarity that shouldn't be there in the first place.
I think as long as straight up harassment is against the rules it'd probably be fine.
The purpose is to remove the PvP banter from general, not provide an outlet for vulgarity that shouldn't be there in the first place.
There will always be people that don't say the nicest things at times, and I'd much rather have that in pvp chat rather than general because for all the moderating that happens in general chat now its still super toxic at times. Bringing back PvP chat just allows general chat to be used for what it was made for rather than the occasional flamey pvp banter and allows people to exit the chat without having to leave general chat as a whole.
I think as long as straight up harassment is against the rules it'd probably be fine.
If moderated. Sounds like it'did be a nightmare to moderate tho.
The purpose is to remove the PvP banter from general, not provide an outlet for vulgarity that shouldn't be there in the first place.
I think as long as straight up harassment is against the rules it'd probably be fine.
Flame was not moderated. Obvious things like death threats and irl threats of violence were of course punished for. That stuff was usually handled via report, so it made its way to the staff's attention regardless of whether a staff was monitoring the chat at the time.
Don't mean to pop any bubbles here, buuuuut if you have chat where unmoderated flame and salt and toxicity can spew from anyone's mouth it may cause damage to the community (what's left of it). But being auto-opt'd out means it's not really my problem.
Don't mean to pop any bubbles here, buuuuut if you have chat where unmoderated flame and salt and toxicity can spew from anyone's mouth it may cause damage to the community (what's left of it). But being auto-opt'd out means it's not really my problem.
Most PvP'ers know by now that flame is simply banter, so most of us don't take insults seriously or anything. Any toxicity/harassment that does offend can be reported through player reports (as mentioned above.)
Why does it seem to be a known fact that any pvp chat will become a toxic sewer of negativity? Everyone seems to accept that as a given. I'm genuinely curious.
Why does it seem to be a known fact that any pvp chat will become a toxic sewer of negativity? Everyone seems to accept that as a given. I'm genuinely curious.
To be honest, since I read your question I realized I had absolutely no explanation for it.

I think its more to do with, how it works I guess. Its like that on every server. Banter, Shade, and Ripping on people in chat is kind of ingrained into Factions for whatever reason. Probably due to how competitive it is.
Why does it seem to be a known fact that any pvp chat will become a toxic sewer of negativity? Everyone seems to accept that as a given. I'm genuinely curious.

Because it was implemented in the past and it became just that so it was removed. We found that many Pvprs had difficulty differentiating between flame and outright harassment once given mostly free reign and it resulted in a very stressful chat for staff to moderate and created more of a conflict/divide between staff and pvprs.

Because this server needs to remain family friendly I will never be in support of a 100% non moderated chat.
Because this server needs to remain family friendly I will never be in support of a 100% non moderated chat.
Even if you have to manually enter it? So you are accepting whatever happens in it? Even then is it possible to add like.. a confirmation? Like.. /c join p then it would say like Confirm join the PvP Channel? /c confirm or whatever
Even if you have to manually enter it? So you are accepting whatever happens in it? Even then is it possible to add like.. a confirmation? Like.. /c join p then it would say like Confirm join the PvP Channel? /c confirm or whatever
I think "Lightly Moderated" would be the best. Or if Massive could add a toggleable chat filter to censor cursing maybe that might help. Not 100% sure.
I think "Lightly Moderated" would be the best. Or if Massive could add a toggleable chat filter to censor cursing maybe that might help. Not 100% sure.
Honestly I think a chat filter is a great idea, I remember a conversation in alliance once probably around a year ago where that was brought up, why only one word was censored, and iirc the staff member suggested that the player make a thread here about finishing that project and censoring other profanity. Dont recall whether they did or not and I'm not about to go through a year of feature suggestions to find out, but point being that profanity filter should be completed and be turned into something toggleable rather than something that's always on
I don't mean to go out on a tangent here, but why is it that the forums blocks binch frick and crass but ig only shit is blocked?

Why does it seem to be a known fact that any pvp chat will become a toxic sewer of negativity? Everyone seems to accept that as a given. I'm genuinely curious.

also because that's what happened last time and the pvp community hasn't really changed a lot (minus a few)
I don't mean to go out on a tangent here, but why is it that the forums blocks binch frick and crass but ig only shit is blocked?
From what i remember.. I think MonMarty set up the forums censoring and he didnt setup in-game so... But also it is rather.. funny that the only word that is censored in-game, isnt censored on the forums.

@Omnomivore do you have any information about the in-game censor and why it only censors shit?
From what i remember.. I think MonMarty set up the forums censoring and he didnt setup in-game so... But also it is rather.. funny that the only word that is censored in-game, isnt censored on the forums.

@Omnomivore do you have any information about the in-game censor and why it only censors shit?

I believe it is hard-coded in but I'm not 100% certain how the current in-game censor works. I know that we cannot manually edit anything to be censored ourselves from in-game.
Why does it seem to be a known fact that any pvp chat will become a toxic sewer of negativity? Everyone seems to accept that as a given. I'm genuinely curious.
I think it's just the nature of the game they play? Like Overwatch is pretty toxic, and it's a PvP game. I've never played League, but I've heard it's pretty bad. With PvP kind of stuff, your team expects you to be good, and be able to hold your own. If you can't do that, it's easy for people to get mad. PvP type stuff is pretty stressful as is, and to have someone not good makes it worse. A lot of what people refer to toxicty, is also playful banter too. Like I'll jokingly call someone something in Overwatch, but we both know it's as a joke.
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