Preserved Sheet Brigita Irene Armbrüster

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Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score
Brigita Irene Armbrüster


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Brigita Irene Armbrüster
  • Age: 31
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To become a realm-renowned culinary artist
  • Special Permission: N/A
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Hair Style: Shoulder-Length, typically worn in a bun
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Typical Alt-Regalian attire, or an apron
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 133 lbs.
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: Cooking spoon, Dagger
Personality and Abilities
  • Brigita wears her opinions on her sleeve; thus, a stranger's interpretation of her mannerisms is often rather accurate. The Alt-Regalian seldom restrains her tongue, even when speaking with a newcomer; if she notices a visible flaw, she'll strive to ameliorate it, regardless of how such restoration would be perceived. Consequentially, most strangers find her overbearing and nitpicky, impossible to be around for long. Nevertheless, some regard her perfectionist attitude a source of mirth and endearment.
  • Despite her frequent belittling of others, Brigita is almost always filled with self-doubt. Despite her intimate acquaintance of the kitchen, she often deems herself below standard and fights to achieve a sense of glory. Furthermore, Brigita often mulls on the thoughts of fellow women; will they praise her unfaltering adoration for the kitchen, or will they scorn such a fervent attitude? It should be noted, however, that the Armbrüster's self-doubts derive from a belief in a lack of knowledge; when dealing with tasks she is already well-versed in, however, her confidence returns with grandeur.
  • Akin to her behavior towards strangers, Brigita is equally critical of her friends and family, yet in a less hostile manner. She often laces her comments with humor and self-deprecation to ease her admittedly frequent critiques, hoping to minimize any damage her words may cause. On the flipside, Brigita frequently asks her companions on how to better herself, trusting them to reciprocate her brutal honesty to make changes for the better.
  • Despite her time around deckhands and sailors, infamous for their moral ambiguity, Brigita's code of justice is relatively clear cut; if it's against Regalian law, it's wrong, and should be punished most severely. Brigita doesn't deign to concern herself with so-called "gray crimes." Rather, if she isn't sure, she'll leave it to the politicians and magistrates to debate. This makes it difficult to define her moral code; on one hand, her adherence to regulation is positive; on the other, such conformity liberates her from performing tasks others may see as necessary (such as helping the poor), resulting in negative opinions.
  • Culinary Skills: Brigita is a brilliant chef. From birth, her brain attuned itself to identifying which flavors work together, and which don't. While the woman knows there is always another snippet of culinary knowledge to discover, she takes pride in her ability to toss up a meal, boasting her skills not only through word-of-mouth, but through her meticulously crafted delicacies.
Combat Style
  • While the Armbrüster has had no formal training, brute determination has served her well in the past. Given her job on her father's Merchant Ship, Brigita is no stranger to the drunken approaches of men. Should a threat approach, Brigita will draw her dagger, letting her steel speak for itself. If an attacker continues forward, she'll respond with a quick thrust to the heart, or to any piece of flesh avaliable. On the more peaceful side, Brigita is also skilled with a large cooking spoon. When words fail to discipline chefs under her tutelage, she won't hesitate to turn to her spoon into a reliable weapon.
Life Story
  • 273: Brigita arrives into the world, born to Frederik and Liesel Armbrüster in Regalia. Her father taught her the basics of literacy and the inner-workings of a merchant ship; both being topics that held little interest to the young Armbrüster. Brigita's mother taught her the basics of sewing, along with an introduction into the world of cooking.
  • 285: Now age 12, the Armbrüster enrolled in a local cooking class which took place one a week. From this, her love for all things culinary blossomed, and she grew into one of the most eager and skilled students.
  • 290: At age 17, Frederik decided to let his daughter accompany him on his various merchant routes around the realm. Brigita took the place of the assistant chef for the majority of these voyages, always taking time when the merchant ship made port to converse with the locals about their culture and cuisine, learning more and more each trip. While her family could be described as anything but pirates, her father's merchant vessel nonetheless suffered through many skirmishes involving nasty, smelly, one-eyed sea raiders.
  • 295: It was at this point that Brigita had near fully devoted herself to a life of food. She moved from Regalia to the southern parts of the Kingdom of Nordskag, working as an assistant chef at a local pub. Her years of traveling and learning about various cultures enabled her to add a flavorful twist on traditional tavern food, making her name a popular one in the local area.
  • 299: Deciding to pack up and move once more, the Armbrüster found herself at a large restaurant in Ithania, which became her work environment for the next three years.
  • 302: Knowing that her prime was at its peak, Brigita decided to join one final voyage, intent on learning as much about Aloria as she could before permanently settling down. She operated the kitchen of a massive merchant vessel, utilizing all of her culinary skills to her advantage.
  • 304: With her final voyage at its end, Brigita has returned to Regalia. With her current sights set on the Golden Willow Tavern, the woman hopes to become a legend among chefs.
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is this gordon ramsay
Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • Change all mention of "Ceradian" to "Ceardian," as that is the proper spelling.
  • What sub-culture of Ceardian is she?
  • I like the idea of her using a spoon as a weapon. It really gives me an insight on what kind of person she is. Good job on that!
  • "Overattached" is a cop-out weakness in that it paints Brigita in a positive light since she won't allow harm to come to anyone she loves and it also requires other people in order to actually function. Please replace this with a different weakness.
  • Was she a pirate? If so, specify this in the life story.
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.

I think I've hit everything! Thanks for the review. Summary below.
  • Fixed spelling errors (did not put the corrected ones in red, as I thought that was too minor a change)
  • Changed culture to "New-Ceardian" - If that was not what you originally meant by sub-culture, don't hesitate to let me know.
  • Changed "Overattatched" to "Stubborn"
  • Specified in her life story that she was not a pirate
Stubborn is written how I would write "determined," which is a positive trait. Please replace this.
Rejecting due to inactivity, but tag me if you make the final edit I requested before the thread is deleted (two weeks after I put the rejected tag on, I believe) so I can approve it. It's literally the last edit you need to perform.

Changed to greedy, edits made in purple. Apologies for the wait, a flood of work came in, bumping this way down on the priority list.
Requesting a re-review!
  • Updated sheet to new format
  • Altered personality slightly
  • Changed visual features
Not sure if this is applicable to staff, but I intend to auction this character off.