Bright Beginnings


There it - she? he?? - lay, leaving Côme to wonder to himself the gender of the Ceardian Bloodhound as he carefully tiptoed around the sleeping beast. He was thankful for the wall shaking thunder, as it only made his task easier. It wasn't his first time sneaking out of his sleeping quarters and in truth, probably wouldn't be his last. It was only in the hours of darkness could the Viridian in training truly explore the castle; and himself. For under the light of day and ever watchful eyes of his teachers there was no time to express the confusing thoughts and emotions that invaded his mind. He glanced to his right hand hand where a band of silver and gem of deep azure was wrapped around his finger. Just looking at the ring brought forth whispers and calls in languages he didn't know, but eerily, could understand. Côme shuddered at that, still not use to the odd sensation.

The ring - or Brytestar as he had come to call it - was different. It had originally been nothing more than a simple silver wrought ring with glyphs of a long dead language spanning the length of it. As soon as he put it on, however, it changed. Côme remembered the processes as clear as the gem that had formed: a flash of cyan light and a burning sensation as the ring began to change. Sprouting from the center of the glowing band like a seedling breaking free from the earth was a jewel of sapphire blue, shaped like a four pointed star. Immediately after, tendrils of silver began to enwrap the gem - trapping and binding it to the ring.

And since then, Brytestar has whispered secrets of at the arcane to the young Ombre. It was one such secret that Côme planned to put to use. He needed the practice - as the ring seemed to mellow in its intrusive ways when he did as he was bid - and more importantly, wanted to see if he could win his friend back.

The pair had been inseparable since their arrival to the castle and as they trained and grew together, their feelings for one another became… different. Their night time antics shifted from exploration of the castle to that of each other; when they once counted the many steps of the main staircase they now counted the stars of the night sky, the chill of night staved off by the warmth of a lover's embrace.

But now they were fighting. Côme grimaced as he slinked through the familiar passageways of the Viridian Castle. What had began as a petty competition quickly turned to jealousy as the Ombre was lauded by his teachers and peers alike. It didn't matter, the young lover thought hopefully, as soon a Sense of Clarity would befall him. And with deft fingers Côme entered the quarters of the one who he wished to return to his heart.


The welcoming was not warm by any means. Accusations flew and insults were thrown as the lips that had once been so keen to meet his own curled in disgust. Côme was shocked. Tears welled in his eyes as he stood there, the candle light reflecting off the salty streaks that stained his face. The hailstorm of hate was never ending and all the while Côme was motionless taking the blunt of it all.

Yet, the worst sting of all was the complete and utter indifference his lover - if he really ever did feel such a way - had for him. It was as if all that time, work, and energy was for nothing. A waste. His voice cracking and hand shaky, Côme reached out to place a gentle touch on the one he thought he had known so well.

Brytestar glinted with arcane light at his gesture, and for a few precious seconds, the hate and indifference was gone in those eyes Côme had dreamed of for so long… Before he was assaulted by visions and voices, and the same cyan light from once before enveloped his hand and surged through his body; the essence of the Exist had found an opening, and more importantly, a host.

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