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Played Character Brighid

This character is actively played.


Jul 3, 2023
Reaction score
Plaintext Character Application, pending the fun aesthetic one when I make it. :)

Full Name: La'isse Sareyl Fiaisa Bel-Essaëlle
Heritage: half-Teledden (dominant), half-Ailor
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Occult: Arkenborn of Pride (Aspect of Catheron), Void Mage

La'isse uses 'Brighid' as a go-by name, because
she feels the name she was given at birth wasn't flattering enough.
'Brighid' roughly translates to 'Exalted One.'

Child of Pride. Catheron's Scion. Brighid begrudges her parentage, not for its status, but
for its incompletion.

Ambition defines worth, and Brighid's
ambition is a lofty thing.
Put simply: Brighid will have a kingdom
of her own, and rule it as a God.

Brighid views those without ambition as
little more than parasites, the weak to be
ignored, or stepped over in service of
her own dream. Often, she will encourage
others to 'seek higher things,' and set their
ambition as high as it will go.

Brighid stands shoulder to shoulder with most of the Pride Arken's children. (213cm)

Her eyes are blinding bright gold, as if Catheron himself sees the world through Brighid.

Brighid currently only has one eye, due to some mysterious gamble she made.

Attack Stat: Magic (7) Defense Stat: Magic (5)

Magic: 14
(Magic Point Buy)

Magic Disengage
Magic Summon
Magic Isolate
Magic Distort
Magic Cleanse
Magic Snare
Magic Shove
Magic Barrier
Magic Warp
Magic Resist

Magic Bolts (Teledden) (Deadeye Stance)

Magic Reduce (Teledden)
(Adapt Point Buy)

Mindcontrol (Prideborn)
(Invoke Point Buy)
Deathless Invocation

Mechanics, Talents, and Hobbies
Magical Talent
Medical Hobby
Alchemy Hobby

Heritage Mechanics:
Ailor Mechanic I, III, IV
Lanlath Mechanic III, IV

Deathless Invocation chosen mechanic
(Kathar Mechanic I)

Aspect of Catheron chosen Mechanics
Mechanic I
Prideborn Mechanics II and III remain

Brighid has been hired as part of the Callëlassä, for her time in Amontaar.

Suvial Mechanic IV has been chosen
as the Mechanic granted by her involvement.


Longing Will - Vying for superiority
in all things, Brighid is driven by a
deep, compulsive determination to
obtain her own kingdom, in which
freedom and rank are given
to the strong and skilled, and she
reigns supreme.

Birthright Complete - Demigod
parentage is imperfect and incomplete.
Brighid will transcend mortality, and
bring herself to her deserved throne
among the Gods.

Hunger - Brighid's quest for ascension
comes in many forms. Artifacts taken to
empower herself and learn, people brought
to adore and respect her, and ancient tomes
studied for countless nights to become greater
than the Fifth Tier Mage she presently is.

Base Instincts - Brighid's Vampiric Purging has forced
her to exercise self-control, and in doing so she's
strengthened her resolve and her mind. Regardless, Brighid
finds herself enamored by Magical power.

Common-born and frail, Brighid learned early on that influence is power, and power is everything.

An early life marred by revilement from some and reverence from others,
Brighid's eyes caught and set upon Godhood. Such a status would
allow her to resolve discrimination against herself,
grant herself the control and power she craves,
and validate her as a child of Pride.

Now, in Regalia, Brighid relentlessly pursues her dream.
Pride's recognition may be spurned, should Brighid surpass and consume her sire.

Brighid is ambidextrous.

Brighid's coat, dress, and other articles of clothing she wears, are enchanted with Void Magic.

Brighid has a penchant for wearing crimson gloves.

Brighid enjoys Lothar fashion.

Brighid's Deathless Invocation consists of four enchanted objects, three of which are weapons, and one is a bracelet. Their lore and locations will become known eventually, but for now assume they are somewhere in the Regalian City, hidden from those who would seek them out.

Brighid was born in 277 AC in the Allorn city of Essaëlle, a child of 'Cather'. Her mother held some involvement
with a cult worshipping Pride, but Brighid knows little of it.

When Brighid's Magespark manifested, it was exceptionally powerful. This brought awe from those around who were loyal to Pride, and fear from others. Brighid learned quickly that her strength gave her many opportunities. Despite being relatively successful, and despite some around her recognizing her as a divine child, Brighid was extremely selfish and vain, using her Magic for her own gain.

At fifteen (292 AC), Brighid grew bored with her mostly-static life, and her hunger for knowledge and power was undeniable. She set off from Essaëlle, intent on attending the Magic school Sollandë Aëssar.

Brighid arrived by 293 AC, and spent nine years learning Magical skills, and more complex Allorn Magic theory there. When she turned twenty-five by 302 AC, Brighid left Sollandë Aëssar to travel Altaleï as a whole.

Brighid had, by the time she was thirty-one years old, fallen to the darker undercurrents of Magic and her own parentage. She adopted the Aspect of Catheron, in order to better make use of all of her Magical capabilities, and found her way to the Regalian Archipelago by the time she was thirty-three. Brighid spent a year and a half in Baldmark, where she continued to steep herself in the darkest of Magics, and by the time she left for the City of Regalia, Brighid had become a Fledgling Nerocanto Vampire, and had formed her ambition in full.

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