Briareth Version 2 ??

Discussion in 'WIP Character Sheets' started by Faith_Bug, Aug 21, 2021.

  1. Faith_Bug

    Faith_Bug Mirror Thrower

    Sep 23, 2018
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    "I'm no liar, I just don't feel like telling the whole truth."
    • << Basic Information >>
      • Name: Briareth Sylphryalhn
        • [ Nicknames: Briar, Bri, B, Glitch, Epine ]
        • [ Aliases: Glitched Crown ]
      • Age: 68
        • [ Birthday: November 1st ]
        • [ Zodiac Sign: Scorpio ]
      • Gender: Male
      • Race: Altalar
        • [ Sub-race: Fin'ullen ]
        • [ Affliction: Archbloodism, Void Aligned ]
      • Sexuality: Bisexual

    • << Skill Information >>
      • Core Proficiencies
        • +20 Axe Combat
        • +4 Heavy Ranged (Throwing Axes)
        • +2 Fist Combat
      • Hobby Proficiencies
        • +10 Sailing Art
      • Point-Buy Proficiencies
        • +9 Arcanology
          • [ Bought: Artifact Knowledge ]
          • [ Bought: Essence Knowledge ]
          • [ Bought: Arken Knowledge ]
        • +6 Linguistics
          • [ Bought: Sulvaley Altalar ]
          • [ Bought: Kathar Altalar ]
        • +3 Schooling
          • [ Bought: Archaeology School ]
        • +3 Roguery
          • [ Bought: Burglary Pack ]
        • +3 Volacorum
          • Void Threlwar Mutations
      • << Physical Stat >> 31
        • [ Capped: 25 ]
        • [ Body Shape: Ripped ]
        • [ Body Fat: Average ]
      • << Languages >> 5 Total Languages
        • [ Common: Free ]
        • [ Modern Altalar: Native Tongue ]
        • [ Alt-Regalian: Native Tongue ]
        • [ Sulvaley Altalar: Linguistics ]
        • [ Kathar Altalar: Linguistics ]
    • << Special Traits >>
      • << Racials >> Fin'ullen Altalar. All available.
      • << Mundane >> Heavy Ranged
        • [ Mundane Technique: Heavy Shot ]
      • << Vampirism >> von Kerle. [ active ]
        • [ Vampiric Form: Glitched Crown ]
          • Briareth, when entering Vampiric Form, grows up to 6'9 in height. The void-tainted scales along their form spreads out further along the mutant's body, whitening up and turning silver. These white and silver scales begin to bleed with heavy amounts of ink with speckles of blood, creating a darkened pool at the creatures feet. The pool of ink usually moves on its own, wrapping itself along Briar's form in a protective coating of sorts, as well as, makes noise. This could be screeching, crying, growling, etc. Droplets of blood that had mixed its way into the ink evaporates into a mist, floating over their face akin to a mask, faint sparks and lightning like strikes present within. To top it all off, Briar's body glitches, whether it be slightly or heavily. This causes his voice to go the same, depending his emotional state. Thankfully, when he gets too overwhelmed and hard to understand, skin peels back at his palms to create mouths. Only used in these situations when wanting to be heard. OOC Note: All of these are for aesthetic purposes only!
        • << Mutations >> All Vampiric Mutations are unavailable.
      • << Archbloodism>> Void Aligned Archblood [ inactive ]
      • << Void Threlwar Mutations >>
        • Void Eye
        • Void Claws
        • Void Scale
        • Void Mark
        • Void Beast
        • Void Rift
        • Void Sight
        • Void Ocular (Gold)
        • Void Night
        • Void Tears
    [Gif Here]
    [Quote Here]
    • << Visual Information >>
      • Eye Color: Golden
        • [ Archbloodism: Purple (Crimson when Void-Aligned, specifically) ]
        • [ Infected with Vampirism: Crimson Red ]
      • Hair Color: Brown (Originally Black)
      • Hair Style: Messy
      • Skin Color: More on the pale side
      • Clothing: Something comfortable and a little revealing.
      • Height: 6'4

    [Quote Here]
    • << Personality >>
      • [ Paragraph One: Experiences and Reactions | Happiness, Fear, & Stress ]
        • When feeling happy, Briareth's energy rises, resorting into bad or good things. When energy rises, his thoughts tend to fly everywhere, and could cause him to become reckless. But usually, he smiles and his tail would sway much more often than usual. He'd be in a better mood, getting physical with friends when it comes to affection. Hugs, leaning into them, and more. Briareth in fear can go two different ways. His fight or flight instincts kick in, but lately, he has been having more flight moments. He usually runs away, trembles, or hides behind someone when experiencing fear, depending what exactly was wrong. Stress is a whole other issue for Briareth, and he does not take it well. When stressed, he can resort to violence or get hostile with anyone he encounters. It can start off with petty remarks, threats, to even physical violence, no matter who it is. One wrong statement he can take wrong will almost immediately make him explode in seconds.
      • [ Paragraph Two: Views | Authorities, Races, Religion, Arcane/Magical, & Family ]
        • Briareth had no true respect for the government, but will show fake respect to get him out of executions and harsh punishments if possible to do so. It, so far, has been working, but who knows how long he could put on a show till they finally realize what he is truly doing. He has no issue with other Races, he prefers judging the person by personality and actions rather than looks. Briareth, at first, was hardly religious, but as time went on, he had gotten himself worshipping the Dark Ancients. That soon led to mainly worshipping the Arken's when associating himself with more Arken Worshippers. In the end, he has chosen to worship the Arken of Violence, and a few others, but Violence is the one he respects most. He likes to consider himself a Scholar to some degree with how much he has learned and experimented over the past few months. Briar loves to dive into projects that contain magical creatures or items, even though people try to discourage him or prevent him from getting near anything that could possibly cause another explosion that leads to worst causes. Family is everything to Briar, or so he wishes. Family in his eyes is really complicated. He loves his blood relatives to death but some of his nieces and nephews annoy him too much to where he can lash out, unfortunately. Not actually get physical, but say things he doesn't mean. In the end, he loves the family he has, even with the bumps in the road. He considers a few good friends as well, family. Which this applies to them as well.
      • [ Paragraph Three | Pride & Motivation ]
        • Briareth is a very prideful person when he wants to be, and wishes for control in Regalia in one way or another, as well as, seen as someone to go to for knowledge. He wants to be an important person, and in his eyes, believes he deserves such for 'all he has done'. What motivates him nowadays is the friends around him who are willing to put up with him as well as knowledge. His thirst for knowledge helps keep him going by having him explore, wanting to learn everything he can get his hands on.
      • [ Paragraph Four | Fears & Insecurities ]
        • Briareth has many fears, but the main ones is being alone and dying. No one likes death, but he has come close to it many times, in fact, he has even experienced it within Henate's Duels and when he became an Archblood. It haunts him knowing one day, he will not be around anymore, and have nobody. Hence why he also is scared of being alone. Being alone to Briar is one of the worst things, feeling like no one can hear you, cares about you. May explain my he tends to get clingy to friends and loved ones. Insecurities aren't too big of a deal with Briar, the main insecurity he has is failure. He has failed many times and endangered others because of it. Knowing people hold it above his head on how much he has screwed up though, it became an insecurity after a while.

    • << Backstory >>
      • Childhood
        • Briareth was born as the eldest child out of four total, having a younger sister and two younger brothers. He took on responsibility at a young age himself, always in charge of watching over the other children in the home as the parents went out to do their daily work. Along with that, he had to find his own time to get educational needs out of the way. Part of the education was training with a weapon, starting out with a few defense tactics with an axe specifically. There was a major struggle at first, being a slow learner, but with trying to practice every chance he could get, he managed to catch on quickly.
      • Adolescence
        • As years went on, the pressure on watching his siblings and taking care of them lightened up tremendously, gaining more free time that he did not know what to do with, deciding to learn further skills while continuing training with an axe. He attended Litántha Allornata, an Archaeology school, in hopes to learn more about ruins. On a side note, he also begged his father to give ideas as to what Briareth could get into next hobby wise, before recommending sailing. Curiosity growing with the idea, he decided to seek out a sailor when he hit mid-teens, eventually finding one at 16.
        • Further practice began under the sailor, helping boat repairs and being taught sea navigation, and sailing in general too. With helping the repairs despite being under teaching, the sailor also assisted in helping Briar learn a few things with Arcanology, specifically about the different Essence's. He was pleased, knowing this was the start in becoming a possible Scholar and sharing their knowledge to others.
      • Early Adulthood
        • When turning 23, Briareth found himself wanting to travel, specifically to Calemberg after hearing about the Von Kerle’s that roam around by multiple people or passer-bys when talking about Vampires. Not knowing much about Vampires in general other than the main concept of fangs, red eyes, pale skin, and drinking of blood, it did not worry him in the slightest on how bad the idea could be. Though, he did mention it to his sister, who agreed to come with him to make sure he did not get in trouble. As reassurance, Briareth promised to look after her and keep her safe.
        • He got to work on repairing another boat that he could call his, while also gathering food and supplies in general for the trip he was about to take on. Once having everything together and a boat ready, he set sail for Calemberg with his sister. It was a rather smooth journey with a few bumps in the road here and there, but they did not run into storms big enough to stop them nor damage the boat. Briar's excitement grew for this new journey.
      • Adulthood
        • Arriving at Calemberg, both siblings began to learn Alt-Regalian to help with communication purposes with the locals there. Briareth did not stop there, however, he started learning more languages alongside Alt-Regalian, learning Sulvaley, Kathar, and a few others. They both started to explore, stumbling upon an old worn down fortress nearby where they stayed, entering to look around. Thinking they were alone, was the biggest mistake made, attacked by Vampires within seconds.
        • Both were turned, and joined the Coven who owned the fortress after clearing up introductions, situations, etc. Weeks into it, Briareth made many friends and worked together with the Coven, treating it as a new home.
        • It wasn’t long after that when the Coven started suffering from attacks from other opposing Covens, Werebeasts, and Abberant Hunters. One day, Briareth had to hide when the fortress was surrounded by these hunters, wanting to get the Vampires who were inside cured. When everything blew over after hours of most others fighting against them, he left his hiding spot, only to find a few of the members dead along with his sister. Starting to grieve of the loss and feeling the shock of the situation began too much for him, crying out apologies until one out of the few Coven members remaining had to drag him away.
        • They all started the recovery route both physically and mentally, Briareth having an easier time than expected about those lost in the attack. Before he could decide what to do next, he received a letter from his youngest brother who was settled down in Regalia, requested to be closer to family for personal reasons unknown.
      • Present / IC Events
        • [ Collective Events ]
          • Upon arriving to Regalia, Briareth, being still infected with Vampirism, seeked out to be a member of a Coven. He found refuge within the Collective, pride filled and wanting nothing but to show off to Rhys Sagh, the Desprince of the Coven at the time. It went all well during this time, ranking up higher within weeks as Briareth did their best to be that one individual who stood out from everyone else. Unfortunately, that glory and acts of 'I am perfect' soon came to an end after a month or two into the Collective. He had made one of the worst mistakes, letting in a creature unknown into the base. (OOC Note: I say 'unknown' when it was a Capra Demon and they got nerfed) Said creature seemed neutral until last minute when them, Briar, and his girlfriend, Alenia, was talking to them. They had lunged at Alenia and gruesomely attacked, causing a bloodied mess. She survived, thankfully, but Briar was at a loss. The traumatic sight sent him into a panic attack. Sivo, the Second of Command in the Collective, arrived not soon after. Without truly getting in proper details as to what happened, and everyone else unable to calm down Briar, Sivo had taken it into her own hands to knock Briar out. That had caused a large string of drama, resulting in Briareth and a few other Collective members to leave and seek a different Coven or find better opportunities to switch their life around.
        • [ Meeting the Cluster ]
          • When being Covenless, Briar did his own thing. He wasn't picky about it, but it did make things harder when having to fight others around for whatever reasons he or his opponents had. He kept to the Sewers, around the Wraith mainly to make friends and allies. Tawny, also known as Ayas Yelfina, found him in one of the tunnels and offered an opportunity to Briareth. To see how well Briar could work with others, Ayas and a few Cluster members went into the city with Briar to rob houses, becoming a great success! After that, he joined the Cluster, and did not regret it. They helped protect him as long as he kept loyal, they gave him a place to stay, and provided many adventures.
        • [ Further into the Cluster ]
          • Briareth had a great time within the Cluster, but the Collective drama followed. It got to the point where Ayas and a few separate members from the Coven began to frame the Collective for some of the Cluster's doings. It worked at first, but people began to catch on, leading to ignorance on further claims. The drama calmed down, and Briar got on with life under Ayas' command. From stealing, assaulting citizens, getting revenge, and a lot more, he was living the dream. There was nothing he would change about it all, aside from the arguments between members and losses in battles.
        • [ Ayas' Death ]
          • Fast forward to weeks later, perhaps a few months into the Cluster, word got around how Ayas accepted a duel with Harlow Ketch. That had worried many, the Silven being much more powerful than Ayas in a few ways. Briareth attempted to talk Ayas out of the Duel, to not go, to play dirty or bring others into the fight, but he refused. He did not want anyone intervening. But little did Briar know, how unfair the fight was going to be after reassurance on how it would be just a duel. When the fight began at the Void Spire late at night, Briareth and Dari' (A friend) hid behind rocks to wait for the outcome, in case something went wrong. And it very much did. It was probably an hour in before the winner was declared, being Harlow. Harlow and Alban had apparently fused to slay Ayas down and take his head. The body was dragged down the stairs and soon burned. Briar and Dari' watched the burning, and Dari' guided Briar away before he could break down or get involved.
        • [ Revenge | "HE IS NOT DEAD!" ]
          • Unable to properly cope, Briar's mental health deteriorated after seeing his Desprince, a friend, someone he held close, die by an unfair fight. For many nights, he cried and mourned over Ayas' death. There were three funeral's set up to remember the fallen warrior, the Scion hosted one, Solifuge set one up, and the Cluster had a small personal funeral. That grief began to turn into rage the more Briar heard negative things about the fallen Desprince. Few examples of; "Good he is gone." "He was nothing but pathetic." This drove Briareth to go on assault sprees in the name of Ayas, seeing it as a good way to cope and make those who had done wrong to the man fear the monster Briar became.
        • [ Aftermath ]
          • Harming many, consequences finally found way to Briar. He was publicly punished and beaten many times by citizens, his victims, or the Guards. He was crushed by bricks, ending up in the Burning Bridges Clinic a lot more than he would have liked. It hurt both his pride, and his poor wallet. He had people hunting him when they were not satisfied enough with his state of being, his very existence pissed many off. But very little people still had a good heart and believed in him to do better.
        • [ Another Death ]
          • Chaotic decisions were Briar's specialty. He was doing somewhat better with not hurting everyone in sight, but that fell, again. Briar and his old undead buddy Lock Render from the Collective met up one day and wanted to cause chaos around Regalia. They first broke a Velheim Statue or two in the Velheim Square District. Before the two could have been caught, they were sprinting for the Crookback Checkpoint to burn it. Arson was one of the worst crimes to commit, something the two never thought of. They thought they could get away after committing the act, thought they could become legends of sorts over what they have done. They were 'legends' alright. When the two made their get away escape for the river below the bridge, Lock was grabbed and soon torn apart, quite literally by those who had grabbed onto him. Briar managed to swim away, but was caught later on by Argo, Xeniya, and Ailred. Lock was put to death, burned after saying his goodbyes to friends who watched. Briareth was given to the Guards and was maimed of his left hand. Harlow managed to talk the Guards out of executing him for a reason unknown.
        • [ Is this the End? ]
          • Briareth was beaten around more by everyone over the burning of the Checkpoint. Briar mourned the loss of another friend. He blamed himself for Lock's death and became depressed because of it. He hung around the Burning Bridges Clinic more to have the medical staff keep him company when no one else would.
        • [ A New Hope ]
          • It was rough for Briar since then, but things began to brighten for him. Not many were focused on hurting him anymore and Viggo, the Lord Commander, also gave him an opportunity to 'redeem' himself by fixing the Velheim statues broken. Briar easily got to work on those with assistance, and soon finished the statues in the next two weeks. With hanging around Burning Bridges more, he made new friends who were willing to forgive him for his mistakes. Not long after all of this, he met an Ailor woman by the name of Iranela. Iranela was the main one who had Briar strive to be a better person. Briareth, within days of talking with her, fell in love, and he fell hard. He would always seek her out when he could to talk and hang out. He couldn't stop thinking about her, and they both got a job at another Clinic named the Second Winds Infirmary. Being around one another often made Briareth truly happy, but anxious with the fact he already had a girlfriend, Alenia.
          • Iranela one day had pulled Briar aside and took him upstairs to confess how she had a crush on him. Briar delighted, he wanted to say yes. He was screaming internally at himself, wanting to say the same thing. But there was Alenia. And Iranela knew Briar was in a relationship, hence why Ira' begged Briar to say no to her. Briar couldn't bring himself to do it, and left Alenia for her instead after realizing, he was not happy with Alenia any longer.
        • [ Us... ]
          • Briareth was happy once again. It was still upsetting with having to break up with Alenia, but there were no regrets. Ira' had a major impact on Briar, calming him down whenever he got worked up over small things and made his hostility fade away just like that. Briar had impact on Iranela too, apparently. As time went on, she became a bit aggressive, more than she was, and grew some back bone and was more forward. Was this a good or bad thing? Who knows.
        • [ Blood Clone | "WHY ME!" ]
          • Ah yes... a Blood Clone Briareth forgot about. To put it simple, a blood clone had ran about and got provoked by Faelor and Iranela, but mainly Faelor. It resulted in Iranela dying from falling off a roof as the blood clone pushed her off to get to Faelor. Thankfully Iranela became an Archblood, yay! :)
        • [ The Raid / Archbloodism ]
          • Further down the road, Briareth began to grow power hungry and dived further into his Scholar work, eventually coming up with the idea of hunting for Artifacts. Tlin', an Abyssal, held an Artifact named Mirror Mirror, an item Briar set out to steal. Him, Iranela, and Shou came up with a plan to raid the Abyssal's home and take the Artifact, but it did not turn out in their favor. During the raid, Iranela and Briar were out of commission, and Shou surrendered. All three of them left, Ira' and Briar collapsing in the end, but Briar died from blood loss. It was too late by the time Shou got them both to a Clinic. But hey! He became an Archblood too.
        • [ The Artifact, Mirror Mirror ]
          • Everything that has happened, you would have thought Briar would stop with his crazy shenanigans, right? Wrong! On August 14th, Tlin' got arrested and Briar tricked a Guard into giving him the Artifact, Mirror Mirror, the one he has been after the whole time. Tlin' had gotten mad but Briar managed to keep it. Not for long though. Not even two days into having the Artifact, Kelemvor - Also known as Ayas, oh yeah, he was brought back from the dead by Xaella and is now a suit of armor, heehoo - gave Briar an idea. The two wanted to change the Mirror's Essence into Ordial, and they tried. Kelemvor took Briar and Ira' to the Hellvalt Church and to the back toward the pit. Ira' held the back of Briar's shirt while Kelemvor stood watch. Briar lowered the Artifact into said pit and all hell broke lose. Seconds later, screams were heard and the Artifact had /shattered/. It broke? Wow. It got worse from there.
          • Minutes into searching the city and seeing what had been done, the trio found the Salvation Church explode as well as the curing chamber and a good majority of Old Town on fire with green flames. Undead crawled out of the ground like in a horror movie as citizens protected themselves, the Guards slaying the creatures down.
        • [ War? More likely than you think ]
          • Because of this one event and there no longer being a curing chamber, Sanguine made an advancement to take control. They ended up raiding Greygate and summoning the Arken of Pride, who helped the Sanguine infect many around Regalia. The entire city has became a war zone. Arkens being summoned, Cahal and Sanguine taking over territories, the mundanes hiding out in Estates and worn down fortresses. How could it get any worse?
    #1 Faith_Bug, Aug 21, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021

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