Archived Brewing Nausea Potions

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Recently, my buddy Fritz and I were having some rounds at the tavern in Regalia. afterward, I was walking out by the dock. I was thinking. "What is you could make your own potions of nausea in Massivecraft?"

Massivecraft already has custom crafting recipes. Would customs potion brewing be any harder?

This would make owning your own tavern that much more, realistic, I guess I could say. Instead of wasting your precious ghast tears, blaze powder, and sugarcane to make more useful potions, you could make nausea potions for your own taverns.

These potions would be easy to make. They would require something simple like wheat or melons to make, so that way they could be easy to keep in stock.

I think this would be quite nice to add to the game and make our taverns that much more fun.

Just a suggestion...
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As long as it is coded so they cannot be made splash, I don't see why not.
Well in my eyes, it could be made so that brewing stands could be compatible with poisoned potatoes, mushrooms, or poppies (the opium), and the game directory of massivecraft changed to make the game ID of the invisibilty potion could become the potion of nausea item, so basically you would make the "invisibility potion" using mushrooms instead of ender eyes, and that consuming a "potion of invisibility" would cause nausea.
Well in my eyes, it could be made so that brewing stands could be compatible with poisoned potatoes, mushrooms, or poppies (the opium), and the game directory of massivecraft changed to make the game ID of the invisibilty potion could become the potion of nausea item, so basically you would make the "invisibility potion" using mushrooms instead of ender eyes, and that consuming a "potion of invisibility" would cause nausea.

You can only make an Invis pot by corrupting a night vision pot with spider eye, not ender eye.

But nooo.. my everlasting brew pots! :C
But that is a good idea.
As long as it is coded so they cannot be made splash, I don't see why not.

Eh, that could be useful in PvP, but I see what you mean man.. SOMEPONY *cough* Donovan *cough* would abuse it to hell.
This is a great idea in my opinion. Custom potions created with simple and easy to get items that only give the nausea effect and maybe there could be custom names for said potions(So we don't have to use our experience to do so).
This is my example of what to add:

Ale - Wheat brewed into water bottle(Because wheat isn't very useful in the first place)
Effects:Nausea for 30 seconds

(Gunpowder would be incompatable so no splash potions)
In another topic which is related to the custom potions is a desaturation potion, it could be made with rotten flesh directly and could be used in RP as well as PVP situation to prevent the raiders running in to kill the not to strong members and running when the stronger members come, it'll either make it so:

1. They'll have to stop to eat, decreasing the distance between the running raiders and the defence
2. If they have no food, they'll eventually reach 3
they'll have no choice but to at least try and fight

3. In an RP perspective it could be uses as a stealthy poison to make the victim of said potion or "poison" feel disorientated and sick, heck it could even have a nausea effect with it.
This could totally ruin PvP if it were made into a splash potion. What if you were fighting and some idiot bombs you with a nausea or blindness potion? If it were restricted somehow to a drinking potion I would support it, but otherwise, no.
How bout this
Normal Potion Start
Netherwort + water bottle
+Wheat = Nausea I potion (10s)
++Redstone = Nausea I potion (30s)
+++Glowstone = Nausea II (30s)
++Glowstone = Nausea II potion (10)
+++Redstone = Nausea II potion (30s)

+Poison Potato = Blindness I potion (10s)
++Redstone = Blindness I potion (30s)
+++Glowstone = Blindness II (30s)
++Glowstone = Blindness II potion (10)
++++Redstone = Blindness II potion (30s)

and just not let it be mixed with gunpowder. Then the only way you could abuse it in combat would be to ask someone to drink it first.(which might I add would be a common tactic used by an assassin).
I am thinking that wheat could be nausea potion 1, but would be named "ale", and adding more thing to it would name them different drinks from the Golden Willow Tavern.
In another topic which is related to the custom potions is a desaturation potion, it could be made with rotten flesh directly and could be used in RP as well as PVP situation to prevent the raiders running in to kill the not to strong members and running when the stronger members come, it'll either make it so:

1. They'll have to stop to eat, decreasing the distance between the running raiders and the defence
2. If they have no food, they'll eventually reach 3
they'll have no choice but to at least fight.

3. In an RP perspective it could be uses as a stealthy poison to make the victim of said potion or "poison" feel disorientated and sick, heck it could even have a nausea effect with it.
What about the dakkar, though? They cannot eat. This would ruin them.
This would be good, but what if they were splash...(bandit)
nausea and blindness would NEVER be splash potions as that would be just ridiculous for PvP. The desaturation I could see as a PvP splash potion tho.
I am thinking that wheat could be nausea potion 1, but would be named "ale", and adding more thing to it would name them different drinks from the Golden Willow Tavern.
Well any naming you would do would just be done with an anvil, you could name it anything you want (within the letter constraints) at least that is how I name my alcohols in my pub.
Yes, but naming with anvils cost experience. Naming large amounts of drinks would be a pain.

Ah but there is the beauty of it since it takes more to make them you can charge more than a normal potion for them, because lets face it prices of potions in Masivecraft are really low.
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