Archived Brewery Plugin

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score

I've seen a few threads suggesting this plugin with very positive feedback. However, the most recent thread was made back in April, so I don't think a necro post would benefit anything. So I decided to make another thread on it.

So to sum up the plugin, you can brew your own alcoholic beverages. These drinks can have various effects, depending on the type and quality of brew. A lot of drinking will make your player drunk, which will cause them to wobble as they walk (they auto move sometimes), slurred speech, and nausea. The more you consume, the stronger the effects. Players can end up vomiting (dropping soul sand) or passing out (a "temp" ban for a few minutes)
If a player logs out before sobering up, they might have a hangover, where they will have nausea and slowness. They might also be in a different area from where you logged off from.

The actual brewing mechanic is pretty simple. Throw ingredients into a cauldron, grab bottles, fill em and store em (or distill them if recipe needs it.) The current drinks we have are very nice. But I think having them be custom made from this plugin would be much better.

As for compatibility with other plugins, I worked on a server that used this plugin on their factions server. There was no issues with it compatibility-wise, and it was very popular.

I've always liked this plugin for it's realistic approach to making drinks, from preparation to serving drinks to friends. Not many people were skilled at brewing. But the ones that were made a successful business.

That's about all I have to say about it. Any other info can be found on the bukkit link at the top.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This would definitly add more realism to the roleplay scene... but im not a big roleplayer so i dont know how they would feel about such a plugin... imma tag a few rp'ers... @Suzzie @Pendragxn @Eccetra (i know there are more but im tired and these are the first 3 i thought of)
I think this is interesting, thank you for tagging me @znake1468

I like the sound of this plugin, but I think some parts that you mentioned would be inconvenient in roleplay. I think if we were to want a plugin like this for Massive, it would need a few changes so it fit Massivecraft's roleplay.

I think the vomiting and passing out features are interesting, but dropping things like that in roleplay wouldnt fit, I dont think. We dont typically do things like that, I don't think it would fit. If your character gets drunk and passes out, I dont think its fair to be booted off the server.

We already do have brewable potions for nausea that we can name and add player lore to. We already have the nausea trait for example, but no one really uses it in roleplay. I like the sound of this plugin for other uses, but I really dont feel like what it has to offer fits our way of roleplaying.
A lot of these features can be disabled in the config files. So the vomiting and kick can be removed. That's why I re-suggested this plugin, since it has a lot of customization features that can be done to make it more Massive-friendly.

I just checked the config.yml file and verified my statement.
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"A lot of these features can be disabled in the config files"
This is mostly for issues relating to the harsh effects.

As for adding in a passing out mechanic, I'm not entirely sure this plugin would support that, as it would require editing the actual code. It would probably follow the same logic as the stair plugin.

Back to the argument that we can just put potion effects on bottles. Apart from that similarity, Brewery has a few more effects. I think the only viable ones would be the wobble movement and slurred speech. Also, what's the fun in just running a command to make the item? I think the physical brewing process is the highlight of this plugin (it is called brewery.) I like the trial and error of making that perfect brew.
Going to bump this thread. Make sure to read every reply and see if the issue has been debated or not.

Just want to reiterate that a lot of these weird effects that aren't server quality can be disabled in the config.
Blindness is McMMO i was wrong about that part... but Slowness is vanilla. Use Fermented Spider Eye on either Fire Res or Speed pot to get it

Blindness is a vanilla status effect, but it isn't used in any vanilla potions.

Anyways, I support the idea, my other rp server incorporates Brewery plugin and its interesting to see the competitiveness for pumping out the better alcohols. As for the effect of alcohol? You really don't need much to it other than maybe slowness and if nausea if you get too drunk, thats how it worked on my other server.

There were tiers of effects depending on how drunk you were, the most prominent messed with your speech that made you sound actually drunk in chat, only problem is that it bled over to chats other than local. That and it got pretty annoying to sound sh*tfaced after one measily beer.
Im just a little concerned, as a PvPer, that people will start using these as really powerful debuffs if they give you slowness V and Blindness effects.
I'll agree with the pvp aspect being a problem. When I made this thread I was thinking of it being used more for RP than pvp. But at the same time, isn't it already possible to make the current drinks into weapons?
I see where it could be a problem making crap drinks to serve as weaponry. Personally I think the slowness would have to be severely limited anyways, as Slowness V in RP is just as irritating as in pvp (minus the whole being killed thing.)

I'd also like to mention that the slowness usually kicks in during the hangover phase, so basically when you log in the next day. I don't think anyone logs out in a warzone for a whole day, so the hangover effect won't hinder pvp.

This idea would involve a bit of balancing to make it RP and pvp friendly. I mostly like it for the actual brewing process, as anyone can rename a potion.
Im just a little concerned, as a PvPer, that people will start using these as really powerful debuffs if they give you slowness V and Blindness effects.
Well luckily, I know that the majority of the big PVP leaders (@Sevak @morrc5 @65jes89 @Jackmo_Jones and I know there are more)
Wouldn't stand to allow their members to do this, similar to the vampire disputes.
Well luckily, I know that the majority of the big PVP leaders (@Sevak @morrc5 @65jes89 @Jackmo_Jones and I know there are more)
Wouldn't stand to allow their members to do this, similar to the vampire disputes.
I wouldn't allow these to be used in my faction, just as I didn't allow vampires when everyone decided they were too overpowered and were ruining PvP. But, please do correct me if I'm wrong, I don't see anywhere on the bukkit page about you being able to turn them in to splash potions. You won't be able to debuff people otherwise
I went on a server that does use it.

You cannot make splash potions from it. So the pvp problem is not an issue :D
I for one would actually love this, I've used it on other RP servers before, and I really enjoyed it. Getting the brewing perfect ended up almost a hobby of mine, it was wonderful. I personally feel like it'd fit wonderfully on massive, with a little tweaking of course - though this particular plugin is very easy to tweak to fit whatever's needed.
None of my people use any debuffs whatsoever. I personally don't use them as I more often debuff myself or my own team mates (sorry @Wannag) than the enemy so I'm better off just avoiding them.
I've been meaning to ask the Tech staff for a plugin like this for years but it never really got to it. We would not use that plugin because it most likely badly coded or simply dead, but I will try to write up a request doc and drop it into their todo list. No guarantee it will get implemented any time soon, but at least know we are looking into it.