Preserved Sheet Brendan Sigmund Heinrich.

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An Unfortunate Scotsman
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
St Andrews, Scotland.
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Brendan Sigmund Heinrich.
    • Nicknames include: "Der Behemoth von Lutherstadt" "Bren".
  • Age: 37.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor - Alt-Anglian - New Regalian.
  • Main Ambition: To gain power within Regalia's militaristic occupation.
  • Special Permission: School of Feer-Drakken - Champion.

  • A generally disregarded member of House Heinrich, Brendan is moreso a fighter than a diplomat, having served in his fair share of wars.
  • Brendan was born in Lutherburg as the most daring Heinrich of his generation, he grew up a dare-devil and likely will go out that way.
  • Brendan has a passion for acceptance, love and above all care. He may not seem like the sort of character to have a soft spot, though he hides it away with care that others don't find out.

  • [*]School: Feer-Drakken.
    [*]Level: Expert.
    [*]Source: Brendan's father sent him to the School of Feer-Drakken to hone his skills in the art of swordplay.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Faded Blue.
  • Hair Color: Jet Black.
  • Hair Style: Bald with beard.
  • Skin Color: Pale white.
  • Clothing: Simplistic.
  • Height: 6'5.
  • Body Build: Strongman.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Zweihander "The Red Night's Sky."
  • A heavily scarred and worn man, keeping a grim look upon his features and sharing in the Heinrich's common appearence. His beard is a well groomed marvel that appears to be the only hair upon his head. It is often noticed that even with the well-groomed marvel that is his beard, he has a large scar running up from his chest to his chin.
  • Standing at a towering 6'5 and retaining more than his fair share of bulking muscle in every area of his person, Brendan has retained an extremely intimidating stature that is covered in scars and bodily hair. Most notably, his back is known to be so tough that when punched, people have supposedly broken their hands upon it. His right shoulder retains a tattoo of an owl that symbolizes family above all.
  • A man wearing the Heinrich Colours alone, Brendan carries many gold and silver rings on his person which are accompanied by plenty of gems. His boots are that of a black leather that are held together by golden straps and he often wears a heavy coat to cover all of his upper body.
  • With a thunderous, booming voice; Brendan is a frightening man indeed. Some would even say that he could split mountains in twain with a single shout, all is speculation however.

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Upon first meeting Brendan, most people wish they hadn't. He is a cruel man when someone is stopping him from achieving one of his many goals and many people who know him would say so as well. Most simply find him intimidating and don't approach him, though after a few days of knowing him, he is seen as tolerable and reasonably kind.
  • Second Paragraph: Brendan worries about his looks, his family's thoughts of him and more. He is a mentally sound man when it comes to many different things, but on these topics he tends to panic because of his scarred face and bad attitude and temper. It often plays on his mind whether he brings honour or dishonour to his family and he has sometimes even had nightmares of being disowned because of this, he struggles to face the reality that he is a loyal man, no matter how intimidating and aggressive he may be.
  • Third Paragraph: When in the company of family, Brendan is a much kinder man than thought of, aiming to win his family's affection with compliments and gifts for each in his company. Though when around friends, Brendan can still be found to be a cruel person. He shows his true colours when not in the company of his family and will often save his coin for himself and suck up to those in a powerful position in order to gain the power that he so truly desires.
  • Fourth Paragraph: A man of the law, loyal to the Regalian Empire, House Kade and House Heinrich. Brendan finds himself to be a man of neutrality, often not bothering to count himself as a good person nor a bad one. He simply does as he is told, by his peers of course. The Law is his life and as such he wishes to uphold it and has even attempted to join many guard charters in order to keep the Holy City and other Empirical Holdings safe.
  • Silver Tongued: With wit about him, Brendan has managed to talk his way out of many situations in the past. His life, although filled with physical standings, both in the arena and outwith it, has been one of much trouble and often he's managed to talk his way out of some serious situations. He retains this talent to this day, though not refining it often, he always uses fair reasoning to keep himself upon the moral high-ground at the best of times.
  • Upper Body Strength: Throughout years of rigorous training, Brendan believes to have turned himself into the perfect soldier. His muscles show very clearly in all instances and they assist him with his combat prowess in all areas. His sword is extremely heavy and with a broad blade, strength is needed at the best of times. This applies to the swing of his blade, although he could be a smaller body size, his extremely muscular limbs make him a formidable opponent and give him that extra oompf that is needed to be a Feer-Drakken Champion. In boxing matches the strength also assists him in many ways, giving him a great grasp on how his strength and weight effect his combat efficiency.
  • Smithing: During his time in Magnaar, Brendan was taught to forge not only blades, but blunted weapons as well. Though this isn't a completely refined talent, he takes pride in being able to create masterpieces such as a Zweihander or Longsword with ease. His knowledge of how to work metals is extensive and keeps him on his feet if he ever needs to create a new weapon or armour piece for a friend or family member.
Lewis Roland Heinrich: @onearmsquid - "Such a man-.. Mature and deserving of the respect he is given." Beloved nephew and a man whom he displays loyalty and love to, the only man who's ever understood him and taken to him with kind words and an open heart.

Arnold Heinrich: @Masterman120 - "Another nephew, I'm not so fond of this one-.. Didn't he puke on one of Emmalyn's bridesmaids? Pah, Good on him!" Perhaps one of the stranger people in his life, Brendan aims to bring his cousin to a state of normality through vigorous training and otherwise impractical methods.

Rosalia Heinrich: @_Owlet - "I think I remember this one, wait-.. Maybe, it's Roland's sister right? Pff, whatever." A less memorable niece than the others, but she got a mention nonetheless. Brendan finds Rosa to be good company, even if she is a woman he's not paid to be with.

Life Story

Born in the Summer of 268AC - September 10th to be exact, Brendan had never been large as a baby, though that would change as he grew older.

Being the youngest of his generation and having little involvement with his cousins, he took to training with his father in the art of swordsplay. He was a quick learner, outsmarting most of his cousins and giving his father a good beating every once in a while.

His strength amongst his generation was almost unparalleled, even in his youth the boy was muscular and loyal to his training regime. He'd never known anything more than to train and by the age of ten he'd even amounted a decent set of muscles that would surprise most people.

His training continued into his early teens, the daring and dangerous boy was already approaching five foot seven by the age of fourteen and his growth didn't seem to be stopping there. He fought in tournaments from the age of thirteen to the age of fourteen, showing off his reasonable prowess with a longsword and even managing to unseat opponents in lancing duels.

At the age of fifteen, it was best decided that Brendan be sent off to some form of schooling, though due to his height of 5'9 at the time, it was seen fit that he be sent to a more offensive school that carried larger weapons in favour, being sent from Lutherberg to train in the School of Feer-Drakken.

It was found, in his second year at the school that his burning desire to beat any and all competitors in combat was a dangerous one. He was known to disable his opponents in the arena, breaking bones and having even severed limbs in tournaments during his training.

When he reached the age of twenty, Brendan was found to have a militaristic mind. A warfare based man with little training in the topic, he brought himself to sign up for local law enforcement within the confines of Trestamere and Magnaar. His work was little, due to the amount of training required within the school. Though he soon enough found himself a fighting force with a group of guardsmen working aside him on patrols.

At the age of twenty two, Brendan had lived in Magnaar for seven years and loved the lives that thrived about him. Forges were used to make the largest blades that anyone could think of, the men were big, bulky and competitive, much alike himself. The women were quite the same, with the exception that he was attracted to them.

He soon found himself enrolling in the Regalian Military after the Chrystant War, leaving his life in Magnaar behind and bringing about another chapter in his life, desiring above all to take on the years of torment to come and turn them back on the world about him. He took pain in his stride and war was a big part of his life to come, his mind was filled with the wonders of what was to come. He kept in his head the thought that after this he could return either home, or to Magnaar.

Soon began his military campaign, tearing through enemies on the battlefield and gaining many a scar and bruise from his battles, the young Heinrich clawed through hellish landscapes and kept only a few colleagues close so as to not lose his focus when one of them dropped dead beside him.

At the age of twenty five, the Heinrich shaved himself clean of the beautiful black hair that once fell from his head and ran down his back in a ponytail, symbolizing the end of the man he was before and the start of a new soldier in the Regalian Military. Watching men die had become a daily routine, blade after blade, arrow after arrow. He fought through it all and came out atop his common soldiers as the brutish, 6'5 Behemoth that hailed from Lutherburg.

When he returned from the battlefields in his later twenties, the scarred and more fine-tuned soldier returned to Magnaar to complete his training in the School of Feer-Drakken. Alongside his classmates, he looked out of place, constantly hiding his scars with longer clothing and fearing what others may think of this scarring. He never stopped shaving his head, having gotten used to the routine.

Upon completion of his training, at the age of thirty six and wearing his abilities like the medals he had once gained in battle, he travelled to Regalia in search of his Nephew and other family members. He felt that in the end, he wished to prove his worth to them through showing his combat prowess and that he'd never lost etiquette. He spent a year traveling, refining his art in tournaments around the Archipelago and seeing it all within one lifetime, finally ending up in Regalia at the ripe young age of 37.

Having been born in Lutherburg in the warm summer of 268AC, surrounded by family who had come to witness the birth of the youngest Heinrich of the Third Generation. Brendan was born a small, weak child with a bright blue twinkle in his eye and not the slightest amount of fat upon the baby.

Brendan grew up in Lutherburg with his cousins, often being known for his daring ways and frighteningly bad temper. He was a leader, powerful in his own right and often seen as a child who could put others in their place with his wit and fair judgement due to his daily study of law and combat with a Longsword.

By the age of ten, Brendan was able to swing a Longsword with superb power and accuracy, strongly admiring the skill and technique it took for him to do so. His life revolved around combat and giving commands to those he thought of as being lesser than him, breaking the wills of those about him with his simple ferocity and general learning.

At the age of eleven, Brendan entered his first Tourney, without worry of the consequences and carrying his beloved longsword into battle. He wiped out his opponents one by one and even went on to duel on horseback with lances, his mind was focused on not just fairness but the fact that when fighting, the goal is to generally survive rather than allow your enemy a chance at striking you down.

When turning twelve, he headed to Regalia with his father to take part in tournaments within the city. His first Regalian tournament saw him against countless Viridian and Turall Students, many of which he struck down in brutish ways that would leave them incapacitated and in dire need of medical attention. He didn't win the tournament that day, his father participated and fought against him. It took few blows to knock Brendan out of the competition, breaking a rib in the process.

They went home that year with prizes that would make even the higher Nobility jealous, one of which prizes was a Zweihander that Brendan had won due to his combat prowess and age. His father soon saw the love that was displayed towards that weapon and decided that when Brendan was fifteen he would be sent to the School of Feer-Drakken in order to learn with the weapon and further his physical and mental state.

When the time finally came, upon his fifteenth birthday. The blade of the Zweihander that Brendan had won was recast, forged and engraved by Lutherburg's best metalworkers. From the fires of a forge came forth the Zweihander known today as the Red Night's Sky, a fearsome blade that carried many engravings of relevance to the Heinrich Family and being given a handle of glorious red leather to carry its weight.

He soon left for Magnaar, sent off to live in a small cottage close by to the School of Feer-Drakken. He bunked with an elderly lady who taught him the histories of Aloria and told him stories of the Great Dragons that once besieged the skies and cast flames upon the towns and cities of Anglia. During the daytime he was sent off to learn in his chosen combat style and on an evening he was lectured on histories, taught languages and learned to cook, clean and was made to do chores in return for a roof over his head.

The determination of Brendan was clear, he would do whatever task he was given as long as he could continue to train and expand his mind so much that he'd become the man he is today. He soon gained his first scar upon his seventeenth birthday, his teacher offering him a duel to further his experience in the art of Feer-Drakken swordsplay. He lost, gaining a large cut across his right eye that ran through his eyebrow and down his cheek. This was the beginning of his more concerning lifestyle, he grew to be an angry and unsettled man, challenging his fellow students to fights and breaking their wills in the process of it all. He tore apart the foundations of what made him a fair and just person, experimenting with his fighting style so much that it could hardly be recognized as an honourable combat style.

Throughout his time at the School, it was clear that he'd be viewed as not only a prized student, but a fighter with such potential that he'd give his freedom to fight for anyone he deemed respectable enough to follow. During his seventeenth year of life, he brought himself to sign unto the Magnaar Guard, serving until the age of twenty one as an officer and furthering his understanding of other combat styles through analysis of each criminal that he had to battle against. He carried out his duties on an evening after the school day was over and burned through the layers of corruption that layered Magnaar's streets.

The day before he left the School of Feer-Drakken, being the day before his twenty-second birthday, Brendan resigned from the Magnaar Guard and set about giving his savings to the elderly woman that had taught him to live a full life of his own. He then left the city, headed for Regalia to sign up for the Military and partaking in battles for twelve long years of his life. His Military Campaign was great, pushing forwards into the lower ranks after the Chrystant War had ended and he was determined to serve the Empire in any way possible. His many battles left him with new outlooks on each race, giving him a certain regard for each that he came across. He held Ailor with the highest of regards, seeing as they were known as a supreme race to others.

Each small detail of his life was written out in the Military, he worked his way up to becoming a Military Officer and forcing himself to push further into the career that he had chosen, becoming a model soldier for the Regalian Military and showing off to his peers that he could handle any task that came his way. He soon reached the age of twenty five, having seen his fair share of bloodshed and having watched good men die with each battle he attended, he shaved himself bald, a symbol of courage that he would not be swayed from completing the tasks ahead of him and showing that from the fall of many soldiers, another is born from the chaos. He gained the title "The Behemoth of Lutherburg" because of this, his towering height and immense strength carried him to do great things. He vowed above all that he'd never fall to cowardice and always uphold Regalia's claim to the Archipelago.

Soon enough, he left the Military after his twelfth year of service. At this point, being thirty four years of age, he returned to Magnaar to further hone his skills and become a champion of the combat style. He returned to the same cottage that he had lived in before, finding out that the old woman had passed away during his long years of service, a happy woman at the ripe old age of ninety seven. Her grandchildren had taken ownership of the cottage and without question allowed him to stay within its walls and under its roof. Each night after his further training, Brendan visited the cemetery to mourn the loss of the woman who had once looked after him. He expressed his loyalty to the Unionist Faith in Magnaar, preaching to the people of the city that the Unionist Faith was the one true religion and even leading them towards the Regalian Military, in attempt to strengthen the Empire he was loyal to.

When Brendan turned thirty six years old, he left Magnaar once again to travel the archipelago in search of worthy opponents and fighting in countless tournaments in order to support himself in his travels. He visited the vast desert of Farah'deen and the frozen lakes of Dixagh all in search of an answer to why he had been given his talents in the form of physical prowess. Soon enough, he found his answer through a preacher in Basta, who told him he was to end his search in Regalia. He soon left Basta in great haste, traveling to Regalia over the next two weeks of his life. By the time he reached the city, he had turned thirty seven and realized his calling towards the Guard Charters of Regalia. He soon found his Nephew, who happily took him in and soon enough he was set to stay in the city for the remainder of his days.
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Just an overall note that the Life Chronicles is 600 words more than the Life Story and gives a more in-depth look to his physical and mental states.
My sole point of review is his Talent of Feer-Drakken Champion. Being leveled in the school is not a talent, but is there instead a trait he possesses that helped him in this training at to achieve his high level of combat skill? Tag me when the edit has been done in green @Vivamente
Feer-Drakken Champion Talent has been replaced with Determination.

Edit made in Green!

Determination is a personality trait, not a Talent. I meant replace the old subject with things such as "Scheduler" or "Upper Body Strength", both examples of personal talents that would help him in his combat school.

Please tag me once the edits have been done in orange @Vivamente
Yes it will be, approved.