
Don't say anything
What am I doing?
Keep my mouth shut, that's all I need to do.
Why am I testing her?
Why can't I close my mouth?
She'll kill me.
Do I care?
She hurt the ones I love.
Insulting her won't help.
He died before this.
She brought him back.
It wasn't him.
He's still alive.
But..I've heard so many bad things..
Those were his choices.
Armyn, Rinel?
What about them?
They're slaves!
My slaves. slaves..
Don't fight her.
I can fight.
I'll lose.
But..I beat my brother..I can fight..
I can fight but I can't win.
Just go a bit longer.
We can't win.
We can.
I'm scared.
Everyone is.
I'm going crazy.
Just take it one step at a time.
How can I?
Start with something simply.
Doing what? Nothing is simply anymore..
Just breathe.
Don't say anything
What am I doing?
Keep my mouth shut, that's all I need to do.
Why am I testing her?
Why can't I close my mouth?
She'll kill me.
Do I care?
She hurt the ones I love.
Insulting her won't help.
He died before this.
She brought him back.
It wasn't him.
He's still alive.
But..I've heard so many bad things..
Those were his choices.
Armyn, Rinel?
What about them?
They're slaves!
My slaves. slaves..
Don't fight her.
I can fight.
I'll lose.
But..I beat my brother..I can fight..
I can fight but I can't win.
Just go a bit longer.
We can't win.
We can.
I'm scared.
Everyone is.
I'm going crazy.
Just take it one step at a time.
How can I?
Start with something simply.
Doing what? Nothing is simply anymore..
Just breathe.
I just realized this and I didn't even realize it till like this very second reading back on other stories but I figured out where I got my idea from this writing style. @Aspen__ I really liked your story, which I realize now that I named the same D:

I was just putting this here because I didn't want you to think I purposely copied you when it was an honest mistake, I can down this story if you would like.
I just realized this and I didn't even realize it till like this very second reading back on other stories but I figured out where I got my idea from this writing style. @Aspen__ I really liked your story, which I realize now that I named the same D:

I was just putting this here because I didn't want you to think I purposely copied you when it was an honest mistake, I can down this story if you would like.
No no, you don't have to do that! I really like your story and it's actually really nice to hear that what I wrote inspired you.
Wow it's lovely! Great job on wrighting it. It almost reminded me about one Book I am reading about Right now, called the Hourglass Door. I suggest the Book if you haven't heard about it yet