Preserved Sheet Breanna Rosen

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Sleeping Extraordinaire
Jun 27, 2016
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  • Full Name: Breanna Rosen
    • Nicknames: Bree, Brea, Anna
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Genevaud Ailor
    • Archan Lineage
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Preferred Weapon: Halberd

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"I'm good at what I'm required to do.
Don't ask about the rest."
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Proficiency Points: 5+10 +10+26= 41
  • + 10 Spear Combat | 10 from Points
  • +6 Shielding Combat Skill | 6 from Points
  • +3 Linguistic Science | 3 from Points
  • +12 Union Blessings | 12 from Points
  • +10 Strength Training | 5 from Talent Points, 5 from Racial Boost
  • +5 Perception Training | 5 from Talent Points
  • +5 Woodworking Art | 5 from Hobby Points
  • +3 Needlework Art|3 from Hobby Points
  • +2 Cooking Art | 2 from Hobby Points
Body Shape
Physical Stat | 0.5 x 5 Woodworking Art + 1 x 16 Combat Abilities + 1 x 10 Strength Training = 29
Body Shape | Athletic
Body Fat | Moderate Body Fat

Genevaud | Mother Tongue
Common | Taught in school
Alt-Regalian | Linguistics Knowledge

Special Spells - Unionist Blessings

  • Blessings of the Avenger
  • Blessings of the Bulwark
  • Blessings of the Lord
  • Blessings of the Waywatcher

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"Nothing to brag about, really."
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  • Eye Color: Soft Blue
  • Hair Color: Hazel Brown
  • Hair Style: Wavy and long, preferably tied up into a bun.
  • Skin Color: Ivory White
  • Clothing: Tasteful Dresses with floral decal.
  • Height: 5'7
(an example of Breanna's features)
Facial Features
Brenna has a round face with soft features, save for her nose. Her cheeks are gently plump, with a pair of dainty lips, almond eyes, thick eyebrows, and a broad nose. Her expression is typically neutral, with a gentle, knowing sense about it. (Which is very often betrayed by her stern attitude.)

When worn down, Brenna's hair rests just at her shoulders, wavy and springy. However, she prefers to wear her hair up in a braided bun, with short bangs at her forehead.

Brenna's body is similar to that of a Greek woman. Healthy and plump at the sections of her stomach, hips, and legs. In the center of her chest she has a tattoo of a Halberd with Sanktist Script surrounding it.

Breanna tries to be "in" when it comes to fashion. Only purchasing clothing and dresses that are seen as trendy and popular in Regalia when she can afford it. However, she is still nostalgic of her homeland, and has a favoritism towards dresses with floral designs. She even goes as far as sewing floral patterns into her dresses when appropriate.


Brenna speaks in a polite, yet methodical fashion. Preferring to respond in a "to the point" manner with a dignified choice of words.

(A sketched portrait of herself.)
Commissioned by Breanna during her days in the Regalian Military)

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"The spirit guides me. And what about you?"
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Lawful Good

Personality Type
The Advocate

Belief: 10/10

Breanna believes strongly in her faith, taking upon herself to
push its agendas as a Lancyon and takes its teachings to heart.

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"I'd rather not talk about it"

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  • Breanna Rosen was born the youngest of four on 282 A.C in western Genevaud.
  • Breanna's father was a skilled carpenter in their Canton, and taught Breanna the skills of woodworking and carving in her youth when she wasn't busy learning skills taught by her mother and elder sisters, such as sewing and housework.
  • Her elder brother, the third youngest, was always very close to Breanna. They would often play together.
  • Growing up, Breanna took to carving further, until the day her father sold a piece of her work, whilst not as refined as his. Breanna grew a proud sense of independence from her skill.
  • Her elder brother sought to enlist in the School of Lancyon. Pained to see him go, Breanna begged her parents to go with him, speaking of spreading their Unionist ideals and the great way alongside him. Through much consideration, her father agreed to let her go and join her brother in the school.
Teen-Young Adult
  • Traveling to Basta and enlisting in the school, Breanna begins her training and fully realizes just what she signed up for. Despite having no training beforehand, her devout belief in her religion pushed her to continue alongside her brother, enduring the intense training for six years.
  • As an initiate, Breanna was often apart of Lancyon parties, becoming a sort of thrill-seeker.
  • Upon graduation at age 16 with her years of skill and the close bonds made along the way, Breanna was still bright eyed as she enlisted into the Regalian Military.
Young Adult - Adult
  • In 307 A.C, Breanna fought on the front lines of the Dread War.
  • Amidst the war, her brother was lost in battle and presumed dead. Overcome with grief, Breanna devotes herself further against the Kathar threat, and despite her passion and determination, her personality turns less bright. Breanna becomes more militaristic, stern, and depressed over the course of her time in the Regalian Military and war.
  • Coming out of the war injured and traumatized, Breanna takes a leave to console herself, and enters a lengthy depression, unable to return to work.
  • After a year out of military work, her belief in her faith keeps her head above water as she returns to her daily life, deciding to start small as a part of a conservative mercenary group.
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  • + 6 Carpentry Arts | 6 from Hobby Points
  • + 4 Threads Arts |4 from Hobby Points
  • +1 Culinary Arts | 1 from Hobby Points
You've spent one more Hobby Point than you have access to. Please remove a point somewhere.

Belief: 10/10
Incredibly Devout
This is, as you you've stated, incredibly devout. Please include a sentence or two justifying how pious they are to flesh the response out some more.

Please make these edits in Purple, and tag me when complete @skullpanda90!
You've spent one more Hobby Point than you have access to. Please remove a point somewhere.

This is, as you you've stated, incredibly devout. Please include a sentence or two justifying how pious they are to flesh the response out some more.

Please make these edits in Purple, and tag me when complete @skullpanda90!
Edits have been made!
  • + 10 Pole Combat Skill | 10 from Points
  • +4 Shielding Combat Skill | 4 from Points
  • +1 Fast Blade Combat Skill | 1 from Points
  • +5 Ritualism Proficiency | 5 from Points
    • Unionist Sanktist
  • + 4 Knowledge Proficiency | 4 from Points
    • Unionist Culture
  • +8 Medical Sciences | 8 from Points
I'm counting 32, rather than the 31 your character should have access to. Please correct this.

Make this edit and tag me when complete!