Archived Bread For Tax

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faiyde sp04

Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not sure if I like it myself, but its worth suggesting.

There has been suggestions for a faction maintenance cost, how about faction owners get the option to pay through silver or a large quantity of bread.
I cant think of a reason to justify this in terms of rp, but it would allow factions with little silver income to pay their tax and would bring a real purpose to farming.
As an uneducated guess I think it may benefit the economy, bringing some value to bread to all those that cant be bothered farming enough.
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I like this idea. You could do it for all forms of goods like coco beans, Iron, even wood and smooth stone. For the more common items you have to collect a heck of a lot and for the more rarer goods less. Gives other options to smaller villages/hamlets and independent factions/guilds who can't get a decent flow of silver in the coffers.
Also it's quite RP too.
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