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Bram's Herbarium of Natural Anomalies [Part 1]


Apr 30, 2019
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By Bram S.

((RP Plot-Hooks Inside! Written in GREEN.))

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[Those perusing the Library may come across a short, handmade booklet amongst the more sophisticated publications. The faded yellow pages smell of earth after the rain.]


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Deadly Flora Beyond this Point. Read at your Own Risk.
((tw: depictions of blood, injury, & death))

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Make no mistake, a majority of what will be found in this field journal could kill you. Could, meaning that with the right information can be safely avoided. That's why I'm committed to the exploration and cataloguing of anomalous changes in nature. It is my belief that magical evolution is more prevalent in our flora than we realize, and understand its uncanny patterns could be the key to protecting our natural future. That and it's just terribly fascinating. While there are still many parts to this field guide requiring further study, time and resources are sure to open doors to new discoveries, for better or worse.

If you are to come across any of these flora or other anomalies, report them immediately.

Disclaimer: The Wyld Factor
Before I can begin, I will first make known the context and theories In which I conduct my research. Thus, I must mention the controversial and disputed history surrounding the Wylwarped Woods. If you've not discarded this book by now: I thank you. Knowledge of the Wylwarped or Wyld Wood is scarce and conflicting, proof of its existence even more so. It is not my intention to mix fiction with fact for entertainment's sake, but rather to provide a different perspective for and possible origin of the great metamorphosis happening beneath our feet. It is my theory that Wylwarped, if it ever did exist, is less of a physical location but rather an evolutionary reaction of flora to significant magic or events happening upon them. That is to say: I don't consider the following flora to be from the Wyld, but instead became Wyld through transformation. Only time will tell if this theory holds true.

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Amanita Regalius
Threat Level: Minor (Inhalant)


A distant relative to the Shademarsh Mushroom, these thin blue fungi bare a striking resemblance to the Axford Maiden, often found growing alongside one another in fields and meadows. This deception serves as protection in their environment, and a case mistaken identity can have disastrous consequences. Stooping to enjoy its sweet scent may cause the fungi to jettison a cloud of spores which contain a mutated form of the signature Shademarsh poison. Common symptoms include heart palpitations, chest pain, and difficulty breathing as the inhaled toxins aim to paralyze the diaphragm. Skin contact is known to cause a numbing sensation, but is overall less harmful. A single False Maiden encounter may require minor medical intervention, but is likely non-fatal to a grown Alior. But what about a whole field of them? Caution is advised when traveling through flower fields.

Uses & Abilities
Currently, the False Maiden serves most usefully as a numbing or paralytic agent. Crushing the fungi into a topical paste creates a quick and easy numbing solution for minor injuries or muscle aches. This is not recommended for critical medical emergencies, but further refinement of these effects may prove useful in the future. Consumption, raw or cooked, is not advised.

  • Can I eat it? NO!
    • What about, dried out? Stop. Eating. Things.
  • Protective face masks are required when handling.
  • Fungi's paralytic properties may best perform as an oil.
  • Must seek fighters willing to test this as a paralytic blade oil against hostile creatures.

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[Rough sketches from an inexperienced hand depict crude renditions of fantastical flora. The madness persists...]

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Vitis Asphyxium
Threat Level: Major (Physical Injury)


Where common Stranglers snatch the occasional mouse or bird, this evolved species has the strength to lift a grown Alior. Puppeteers reside in tall trees with a pitcher plant at its core and reinforced vines ranging from 10 to 50 feet in length. They have a grip strength akin to that of a python which can dislocate or even break bones, incapacitating large prey enough to be hoist up through the trees. At this stage it is unknown how exactly this plant feasts compared to its ancestor, as closer observation is simply too dangerous. What is known however is that only the head is consumed fully. Once the head is no more, the vines will then infiltrate the fresh cadaver from the open neck. What follows is by far the most complex and grotesque defense mechanism I've ever observed thus far.

These infiltrated cadavers are either kept hidden above in the canopies or are lowered to the ground where foliage conceals them. There they remain dormant, providing steady nutrients to the vines while they in turn preserve the cadaver through unknown means. When a threat is perceived, the vines spring into action, tapping into the muscle memory of their victims to gain their motor functions. This means that not only can these vines hold and use tools through the cadavers, but they may also have extra physical skills. If there's any silver lining, victims at this stage are probably deceased and will not experience much pain or discomfort.

Uses & Abilities
Not much is known about the properties of Puppeteers as closer research is still too dangerous. However, it can be speculated that the "strings" of the Puppeteer could serve as a replacement for common rope given their natural reinforcement. The fluids of the central pitcher plant have the potential of being highly corrosive.

  • Why the head?
  • Plant does not have a particular taste, will grab anything that comes into contact with the vine.
  • How much weight could be lifted total?
  • Tracing genetic heritage is key to understanding where species is headed going.
  • Must gather an expedition party to collect physical samples for study.
  • Can I eat it?

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[The following entry is notably less organized than the rest. Ineligible notes and doodles are scrawled about the margins, as if desperately searching for… something. ]

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Hemovitis Dominus
Threat Level: DO NOT TOUCH


Relative of the Bloodthorn. Origin unknown. A hybrid form? Grows an average of 40 inches per day; faster than bamboo. They are moving. Tendrils: deep scarlet to black, 2 inches in diameter. Thorns: 3 to 4 inches, white, like teeth. Known to "eat" organic matter such as deceased fauna by aiding decomposition. The vines instinctually grow towards areas where blood has been spilled, usually found among cleaned-off skeletal remains as if guarding them. They do not need the sun to survive as they grow in and outside of the soil. Is it even a plant?

Uses & Abilities
Unknown. No harmful effects reported. Then what does it want?

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((Thanks for reading! More to come.))

((Disclaimer: Was told these didn't have to be lore approved but this is all just for fun and rp excuses! Nothing strictly cannon.))​