Preserved Sheet Braeral Rhistel

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liar and milf lover
Staff member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
twinleaf town, sinnoh region
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Braeral 'Briar' Rhistel
  • Age: 64.
    • Born 20th May, 231 AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Yanar.
  • Preferred Weapon: Heavy books.


Skill Information (Required)

  • Total Points: 60.
    • Knowledge Points:
      • +30 Medical Sciences. ( +10 from Points. | +20 from Yanar race. )
      • +20 Alchemy Sciences. ( +20 from Points. )
      • +20 Finecraft Arts. ( +20 from Points. )
      • +10 Nature Sciences. ( +10 from Points. )
  • Physical Stat: 0
    • Calculation: ( 0 ) + ( 0 x 2 ) = 0.
    • Body Build: Slim.
    • Body Fat: Average.
  • Language:
    • Common. [ 10/10 | Learned in childhood. ]
    • Modern Altalar. [ 10/10 | Learned in childhood. ]


Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Soulless black.
  • Hair Color: His foliage is vibrant.
  • Hair Style: Not much here, save for Keel-Allar like branches from the side.
  • Skin Color: Verdant.
  • Clothing: Whatever uniform he's corralled into.
  • Height: 4'8".


Personality and Abilities (Required)

Character Alignment

  • Neutral Good. Briar has taken an Oath of No Harm, and therefore heals and services his patients to the best of his ability. He's naturally inclined to be cooperative towards the guard forces, often trying in earnest to be of assistance to them and other medics.
Personality Type
  • INFP - The Idealist. Briar is rather taciturn, content to hum along and trudge behind the other doctors. He fulfills what's required of him with pleasure, quietly analyzing and only remarking after weighing his words for a moment. The Yanar prefers to phrase his statements as questions, a sure sign of modesty.
  • Estel Worship: ( 7/10 | Fairly religious, though a mostly quiet worshipper. )


Life Story (Required)


  • Braeral Rhistel is born to a Regalian Yanar, an alchemist and medic in the employ of the Violet Order. He takes a particular shine to the look of a Keel-Allar, his foliage quickly taking on their salamander-like features.
  • He took on a taciturn studiousness, taking to medical texts and diagrams as soon as he'd learned to speak and read. His mother imparted her knowledge to him, and his hastened maturity ensured he would recall her information well.
  • The option of a profession was always his, but the young Yanar took quickly to the study of medicine and alchemy, sure of his desire to make his parent proud. Unlike most of the youth around his age, he preferred the solitude of the libraries, or following his mother around her work. Though his involvement was generally minimal, he followed in her footsteps, doing his best to provide some care for her patients after she'd finished.
  • As soon as he was old enough to apply, he would go on to attend a medical academy in the holy city. His mother paid the entrance fee, further motivating him to graduate and become successful.
  • His academic life is similar to what he experienced as a child, the experience in clinics and with patients setting the tone for how he would treat his patients for the rest of his life. Despite his clear awkwardness when it came to communication, the Yanar would bring sweets and other pleasantries to the ailing.
  • He graduates ten years after having entered, taking his Oath of No Harm to signify his adherence to the principles he'd learned over his tenure as a student.
  • Briar works out of the hospital for a few years, before finally deciding to apply to work with the Regalian Guard's medical charter.
  • Currently, he finds himself between jobs. The diminutive Yanar wanders the streets of the Holy City, in search of an occupation.
Quite the investment into medical sciences! I hope to see the character active alongside our more prominent Medical Virtuoso and other Medic mains. @apath
