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Played Character Boone Idolite

This character is actively played.


The kinda name you scream with RAGE
Jul 26, 2024
Reaction score


-ˋˏ☀︎ Core concept ☀︎ˎˊ˗
Alibi | Babylon | Pools
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ IDENTITY
    • -ˋˏ Boone is a character that is meant to be shaped by the world around him, the people who surround him will be the ones to form his character overtime. He's a symbol of innocence meant to be nurtured- a blatant test toward everyone he finds himself in front of. As long as a sliver of kindness is shown, his unwavering trust is bestowed without hesitation. A very quick and easy way to weed out those who are greedy, and those who aren't.

❝ Shake my little soul for you, now ❞
☀︎ General information ☀︎ˎˊ˗
name and title(s)
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ FULL NAME | Boone Idolite
      • Meaning | The name "Boone" is of old French and Latin origin, meaning "Good, Lucky, blessed." derived from the French word "Bon" and the Latin word "Bonus." The name "Idolite" is a combination of the word 'Idol' referring to a divine being and 'Lite,' derived from the English word 'Light.'
    • -ˋˏ Nickname(s) | Cowboy
      • Meaning | The nickname 'Cowboy' is a direct reference to Boone's physical traits. He has a few features that resemble that of a cow, along with certain behaviors and dietary requirements.
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  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ AGE | 20
    • -ˋˏ Birthday | December 7th
    • -ˋˏ Zodiac | Sagittarius
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ SEXUALITY | Pansexual
    • -ˋˏ Preference | Boone prefers humanoid individuals. He has no gender preference.
    • -ˋˏ Romantic orientation | Demiromantic
    • -ˋˏ Status | Single
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  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ GENDER | Male
    • -ˋˏ Pronouns | He/Him
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ EYE COLOR | Dark brown/Onyx
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ HAIR COLOR | Black
    • -ˋˏ Style | His hair is well groomed, fluffy and soft with no particular style
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ SKIN TONE | Tanned, Sunkist
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ HEIGHT | 6'5"
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ BODY | Boone has somewhat of a stockier build. Physically, one could tell he's quite strong with his muscled build and the upright stance he often takes. Across his skin he has a few white patches as a result of piebaldism, these patches don't seem to cause him any issues. If his patches weren't enough of an oddity, he also has three outstanding physical traits. He has bull horns, cow ears and a tail. Despite his black hair color, his ears take a light brown color and each have a patch of a lighter cream color on them.
    • -ˋˏ Condition(s) | Piebaldism
      • -ˋˏ Piebaldism refers to the absence of mature melanin-forming cells (melanocytes) in certain areas of the skin and hair.
    • -ˋˏ Notable traits | Horns, cow ears, cow tail
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  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ HERETIGE | Ailor Godborn/ Asha mix
    • -ˋˏ History | Boone's mother was a bovine Asha woman and his father was an Ailor man. His father harnessed far more magical capabilities than his mother, leaving Boone to even out somewhere in the middle. Boone doesn't know where his parents are now, after they abandoned him he did not know how to return nor where to look, so he wandered.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ OCCULT | Boone's magic is typically used in very small quantities. One wouldn't guess he's inherently magical at first glance, but upon further inspection they'll find that he is an Exist magic user.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ RELIGION | Unionism
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ OCCUPATION | Boone a 'for hire' individual mostly. He does small jobs for pocket change, like a jack-of-all-trades who's always around and willing to help however he's asked to.


❝ And I settle up into, ❞
a world of noise!
☀︎ Stats & Mechanics ☀︎ˎˊ˗
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ ATTACK | Strength
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ DEFENSE | Magic
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❝ I'm a man of many tricks, ❞
❝ and tools and joy!~
☀︎ Personality & Traits ☀︎ˎˊ˗
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ DEMEANOR
    • -ˋˏ When you first meet Boone you're greeted with a kind and curious face. He might be large but his imposing size is very quickly overlooked by his overly friendly greetings and unquestioning trust he holds in those who show him a sliver of hospitality.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ TRAIT | Curious
    • -ˋˏ A natural trait of his is unrelenting curiosity toward just about everything. Boone loves to learn, furthermore he loves to adventure and investigate. He loves to navigate people, learn faces, names and interest. There's a million things for him to see in this world and he's extremely eager to witness it at least 10 times over.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ TRAIT | Devoted
    • -ˋˏ It's not at all difficult to gain Boone's trust/favor and once you do he is entirely devoted to you and your cause. He will do whatever is asked of him, he will go wherever he is needed and he will be helpful in any way he possibly can. Contrary to popular belief, Boone is an extremely reliable friend to have.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ TRAIT | Trusting
    • -ˋˏ As mentioned before, it's not difficult to gain Boones trust- furthermore it is not hard to maintain it. He's very honest with everyone he speaks to and he naturally assumes everyone else is the same. That being said, unless he himself finds out that a friend of his is being untruthful to him, he will always assume that they are faithful. Should another friend present him with evidence of such, he'll refuse to believe it until he sees it for himself.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ TRAIT | Supportive
    • -ˋˏ Boone does not see any evil, he's a firm believer in the fact that 'right' and 'wrong' are entirely subjective and places no judgment on the harsh decisions made by others.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ HABIT | Staring
    • -ˋˏ Boone has a habit of staring at people he finds interesting. He never means to be rude nor hostile, his eyes simply like to linger where there's something pretty to look at.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ HABIT | Note passing
    • -ˋˏ When he's too nervous to outright talk to someone, he'll often drop them a note to let them know what he's thinking! These notes are always positive.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ HABIT | An odd introduction
    • -ˋˏ Everytime he introduces himself, he says the exact line; "I'm Boone and I'm a cow," with his hand on his chest. He never means that he's a cow, he means he's part urlan which for some unknown reason he feels it is important to disclose.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ LIKES
    • -ˋˏ Plants | Boone likes to study plants- not because he finds them interesting, but because they're apart of his diet. He loves to graze around and occasionally ramble about what plants do what!
    • -ˋˏ Exploring | Boone loves to wander about and explore new places! He likes the thrill of adventure and maybe accidentally wandering into places he shouldn't be.
    • -ˋˏ Socializing | Boone is extremely social and loves to meet people and make new friends!
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ DISLIKES
    • -ˋˏ Aggressive people | 'Aggressive' is an umbrella term he uses for people who have a bad attitude. Boone doesn't take well to sarcasm or blatant insults, he finds people who greet him with those are rude and not worth his time.
    • -ˋˏ Loitering | When in one place for too long, he becomes restless and antsy.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ FEARS
    • -ˋˏ Spooky things | Anything that looks vaguely strange to him, he's frightened by. Anyone/Anything that appears frantic is spooky and often sets him off. Essentially, anything your horse would be afraid of; he would be too.
    • -ˋˏ Loud people | When people shout, Boone finds himself alert and upset. He doesn't like it when people are louder than they should be and is often driven away by the pressure of the tension surrounding the individual.
    • -ˋˏ Flying creatures | For an unknown reason, Boone is afraid of creatures that fly. Not having wings, but the act itself. Once he sees something in the air, he doesn't know what to do. Furthermore if it flies after him; he will flee and hide in a place where it cannot get him in the air.

❝ With a battery of guilt, ❞
on which to poise!~
☀︎ Plot hooks ☀︎ˎˊ˗
snares and hooks
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ A friend to all! An enemy to; you never know
    • -ˋˏ It's very easy to befriend Boone. All it takes is a sliver of kindness and he'll be your ride or die. He sees no reason to not trust just about everyone he comes across and offer them his unwavering devotion, so that's exactly what he offers!
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ Wanderer
    • -ˋˏ Boone can be found just about anywhere, but more commonly; Amontaar. He can often be found just wandering abouts, looking for something, someone, interesting.
  • -ˋˏ☀︎ ➻❥ For hire
    • -ˋˏ Boone is always available for work and will take just about anything that is offered. Whether it be helping with your little store or hunting someone down across the continent; he's ready for whatever!


-ˋˏ☀︎ Extra ☀︎ˎˊ˗
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