Archived Bookshelf Storage

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score

This plugin allows people to store books inside bookshelves.

Whenever I look at a bookshelf, I always wonder why you can never place books in them. In vanilla, one can use minecarts and pistons to combine entities into a bookshelf, but that isn't very practical, yet alone a waste of space and resources. Therefore, someone decided to make a better solution. All you do is right click a bookshelf and you can store books. Simple as that.

As well as books storage, you could also store papers and maps, plus any items. All of these features can be configured on and off to your liking. You can also determine how many storage spaces are in each shelf, to prevent book hoarding.

I can see this being used in a few ways. On way I can see it being used is storing player made books in the library for others to read. This might allow for a little more RP to take place in the building, which it truly needs. It also allows a new storage system for players to use in their houses.

One problem I can see is some players would rather sell books than freely donate them. This I fully understand, as the system in place works. Another problem might be that people will take books from the library and never return them. As in real life, people do take books and never return them. The library books would be on an honor system.

I think this idea needs a community opinion, as there are pros and cons to this plugin. Feel free to comment down below your opinion on this plugin.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
there may be a lot more to this. How will /lwc work with this? I haven't checked the mod from the link, but are only books able to be stored or can it be used for anything like another container? I like this idea though.

LWC can lock any block in the game by adding it to the config, so bookshelves could be added to the list.

I believe by default that books, paper, disks, and maps are the only things allowed in the bookcase. Which kinda makes sense, since I don't think IRL storing an anvil on a shelf is very practical.
Here's the main issue that I'm seeing with this, and that's the fact that it's adding another plugin to the game just for another container for players to use. That's the only use that I'm seeing it as, and as far as plugins go, it's a rather useless plugin to just add onto the server. Take a look at the old dispensers and droppers, if placed correctly they will somewhat resemble crates or boxes, yet I see a lack of people actually using them as such; though this is just me mildly ranting about how very few people actually use them for storage. Also, I believe that I've seen a very similar idea pop up many months ago, if it wasn't this exact plugin, the plugin referenced at the time was very similar in the fact that it dealt with making bookshelves another container. So basically, just in my opinion, it'd be more efficient for us players to learn how to use the containers that Minecraft has already given us, to our advantages rather than bothering to add another plugin, that'll just accomplish a single objective, to the list of plugins that this server network already relies upon.
I like the feedback on not wanting the plugin. However, I want to mention some of my own observations.

I see a lot of players use droppers and dispensers as storage containers. They are the only storage containers in Regalia that are protected by areashop. As such, lot's of people rely on them to store valuables.

One could use a chest and minecart, but anyone could walk in and steal the contents without a problem. So people are stuck using a 3x3 storage case instead of a 9x3. So not using a minecart and chest results in a net 6 spaces lost, at the cost of having it protected.

One could also just make a vault faction. But the cost of 1 Regal/day might make it seem like a waste of time and effort, especially when one might not have enough items to actually make use of a vault.

I think the bookshelves would allow for us to be even more efficient. We already use them for decoration and enchantments. But with the plugin we'd be able to add another use for them, storage. I want to reiterate that only books, paper, maps, and CDs are the only items that can be put into the bookshelf. So in that respect, It isn't another storage block. It's well, making the bookcase behave like a bookcase.

I appreciate the comment, but I'm going to have to disagree, as I've seen this plugin on a few servers, and it does its job nicely.
This plugin is dead, it hasn't been updated in nearly a year. We are not going to code a replacement, in terms of value it's probably not worth it. Roleplayers who want an extended storage in Regalia are recommended to donate for /bp or to use hoppers and droppers and what not. Performance in Regalia is more important than storage at this point.