Archived Bookshelf Function

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Got Wood?
Sep 28, 2012
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fairly simple to do, allow bookshelves to be able to store books of all types (book, book and quill, enchanted book, written book, and possibly maps), they could only store said list of items though, that way people can have functional archives and libraries, it would also promote players to write more in game lore and novellas and would compliment cowboys' printing press plugin rather well (which should also be added), link below \/

Suggestion - Finished Printing Press Plugin. | MassiveCraft Forums

please thumbs up if you like :)
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Love the idea. Cause i want to make ahuge library. One genre I'm looking forward to writing is the Dwarven lore in Massivecraft.

But Books needs to be bound to bookshelfs, So people dont take the books. Let's say a small radius around the bookshelf and the player if the player leaves the radius the book will be place back in the shelf. If you want to purchase the book ask the author, So it get's unbound.
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