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Book Of The Day - Part 3


You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
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Introducing: BOOK OF THE DAY, a delightful way to bring literature to the masses. BOOK OF THE DAY is the Library of Forgotten Pleasures way of providing reading material to the public from a selection of Authors who have donated their works to the Library.

Find your way to the GOLDEN WILLOW, GATEHEAD CLINIC, or peruse the FLORAL COURT district notice board to uncover this week's chosen book. Grab a pamphlet and dive into a world of forgotten pleasures!

[ooc notice: many parts of the lore in this book may be changed or outdated. This has been kept purposefully this way]


Published: Spring 311 AC
Ed 1

Author: Wisteria {ooc; TeaRoses}

Chapter 1

"The Kingdom of Silver"

Behold the Moon, who neither reasons nor seeks for questions or answers, yet shines evermore in the tranquil and hushed sky of our beautiful land

In a realm far distant from our own, there existed a wondrous kingdom of silver and stars. Majestic pillars, gleaming with the luminance of marble, stood proud and tall as crystal clear waters gurgled in streams beneath bridges of delicate glass. Here, in this enchanted realm, four moon gods were worshipped, each imbued with unique tenets of the seasons over which they presided in the nocturnal sky.

In Summer, the moon was a beacon of innovation, progress, and shamelessly revolutionary, lighting the way for seekers of change and new possibilities.

In Autumn, the moon

was a playful, spontaneous spirit, whose charmingly erratic nature brought

joy and merriment to all who revelled in the swirling leaves and crisp air. In Spring, the moon was a creative force, filling the world with harmonious melodies and vibrant colors.

And in Winter, the moon was a being of intuition, sensitivity, and empathy,

watching over all with a gentle yet vigilant gaze, their icy presence a reminder of the enduring power of quiet contemplation and deep reflection.

As the kingdom grew and the years unfurled like a great tapestry of time, each of the four moon gods found its place in the firmament, attaining great success and equilibrium with the people of the land. All, that is, except for one.

The Winter moon, unlike its radiant siblings, was viewed with suspicion and disdain by many in the kingdom. For with the arrival of the Winter moon came icy winds, snowdrifts that buried homes and fields, and long, dark nights that chilled the hearts of those who dared to venture out into the cold. Few in the realm took comfort in the Winter moon's presence, and many made secret agreements to withhold their gratitude and scorn the god in silence. Yet despite the chill and the isolation the Winter moon endured, its steely resolve unbroken, watching over the land with a steadfast, icy gaze.


Chapter 2

"Festivities of Memory"

Then, on a day shrouded in the mist and snows of Winter, a neighbouring kingdom arrived to pay a festive visit to the wondrous land of silver and stars. Undaunted by the fierce and frigid tempest that raged outside,the kingdom dwellers huddled together around crackling fires, telling epic tales of the past and sharing in the warmth of each other's company. As the night wore on, the stories grew into a celebration of knowledge, passed down from generation to generation with reverence and joy. And lo! The neighbouring kingdom brought with it gifts of their own, tales from a land of golden sunshine and bright skies, where the sun was worshipped with a fervour that rivalled the Moons. Yet even as the light of day seemed to mock the darkness of the icy season a rare and precious harmony blossomed between the two realms, for they saw in each other the beauty and richness of their differences, and shared in a joyous feast of wisdom and friendship that would echo through the ages.


Chapter 3

"First Snow"

As the kingdom's people nestled in their warm abodes, wrapped in blankets and lulled by the lullaby of the icy winds, a solitary figure stirred. A girl had sneaked out into the heart of the darkest night. Her name was Eilela.

She had come from a distant land with the neighbouring kingdom, to visit her kin and bask in the wondrous beauty of the silver and starry realm. Wrapped in a thick and woollen cloak, she braved the biting cold and turned her gaze skywards,

marvelling at the snowflakes that tumbled down like a flurry of fairy wings, alighting on her bright auburn hair. A curious light danced in her eyes, for in her own kingdom, the snow was but a dream, a fable told by the elders around the hearth.

But here

In this land of Winter and wonder, the snow was both harsh and soft, commanding yet peaceful, a paradox of beauty that filled her heart with awe.

With gentle words, she whispered into the stillness of the night,

"Oh, Winter moon, how little they understand of your true majesty! How beautiful you are, even in the harshest of seasons. Though I am cold, I am also unjudged and at peace, for in your embrace, I find wonderment and joy."

As Eilela's words drifted up into the frosty night air, they reached the Winter moon's heart, which had long been burdened with the weight of neglect and scorn. And in that moment, as the girl and the god shared a quiet communion under the cover of snow and stars, it felt as though they were the only two beings in the universe, linked by a bond of mutual understanding and compassion. The Winter moon's sensitive heart stirred, like a slumbering flower awoken by a warm ray of sunlight, for the first time in ages.


Chapter 4

"Lament of the cold"

In the days and weeks that followed her encounter with the Winter moon, Eilela found herself drawn back to the silver kingdom with an ever-growing fervour. Even outside of the festive season, she would make the treacherous journey

through the snow-covered hills and valleys, her heart beating with a mixture of excitement and trepidation at the thought of seeing the Winter moon again.

Each visit seemed to bring her a new sense of peace and serenity, as if the icy winds and glittering snow were wrapping her in a cocoon of calmness. And each time, she would bring with her a small easel and a set of paints, eager to capture the stark beauty of the winter landscape and the elusive glow of the Winter moon. But as much as she cherished these moments of quiet

communion with the forgotten god, Eilela could not help but feel a sense of unease and sorrow. For the people of the silver kingdom, blinded by their worship of the other moon gods.

One day, as she gazed up at the shining orb in the sky,

Eilela whispered a prayer to the Winter moon, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Dear Winter moon,"

"you do not blaze over me like the sun, but your radiance touches me in a way that no other god can. I wish that more people of the silver kingdom would see your beauty and understand your grace."

Little did she know. that her words had not gone unnoticed. That very night, as she made her way back to her extended family's dwelling, she found herself surrounded by a group of angry and indignant kin, led by her own uncle.

Accusing her of blasphemy and heresy, they banished her from the kingdom of Sun and the family home of Silver, casting her out into the cold and unforgiving snow.

Alone and desolate, Eilela wandered through the frozen wastes, her tears turning to ice

and her lips grow numb with cold. But even in her darkest hour, the Winter moon did not abandon her.

Her body weak, she felt a sudden rush of warmth and light, as if a soft hand had reached out to comfort her. And in that moment, as she lay trembling in the snow, Eilela knew that she was not alone. For the Winter moon, with all its intuitive and empathetic power, had taken pity on the girl who had seen its true beauty and had paid a heavy price for it.

The Winter Moon's divine presence filled the frigid night air with a hushed radiance. It approached Eilela's frozen form, its gentle hands cradling her as if she were a precious flower.The warmth of its embrace flowed into her, bringing life back to her icy limbs.

The Winter Moon's heart ached for her, and it yearned to ease her pain.

Then, with a flicker of insight, the Winter Moon knew what to do. With a voice like a soft breeze, it whispered into Eilela's ear,

"I will not let you suffer alone, dear one. You shall be a part of me, and I of you. Let the snow become your garment, let the winter be your companion. My immortality is yours to keep, I will not let you die a cold death."

As Eilela's eyes fluttered open, she was greeted by the sight of her beloved Winter moon, Though the moon's face was hidden behind a veil of mist, her heart knew without a doubt that it was them. She felt a chill run down her spine, the icy breath of winter seeping into her bones.

Without warning, the Winter Moon unleashed a tempestuous rage upon the land, a tempest that shook the very foundations of the Silver kingdom.The snow fell in great billows, obscuring the world in a blanket of white. The wind howled and screamed,

tearing at the trees and ripping up the earth.

Eilela was overcome by the ferocity of the storm, her body wracked by shivers and her breath misting in the frigid air as everything turned to pure white and chaos.



Chapter 5

"Eternity to the stars"

The stillness of the night was broken by a delicate sound, like the soft chime of bells on a woman's gown. As Eilela stirred from her slumber, she found herself engulfed in a sea of twinkling stars.

The air was neither warm nor cold,

but rather suspended in a dreamlike haze. Her chest tightened with unease as she struggled to recall how she had come to be there.

Suddenly, the Spring Moon appeared before her, awakening from its own celestial slumber.

Its gentle voice drifted to her like a melody, soothing her racing thoughts. "You are not meant to be here, yet you exist in a different form," it spoke, pointing a slender finger to the snow-covered earth below. Eilela followed its gaze to a figure lying motionless on the ground.

As realisation dawned upon her, Eilela's heart sank. She knew that the figure was a sacrifice made by the Winter Moon, which had now passed on.

In despair, she rushed down to the frozen body and clung to it,

desperately trying to breathe warmth back into the soul of the departed. But all her efforts were in vain.

Tears streaming down her face, Eilela watched as the Spring Moon began to weave a miraculous blessing, cleansing the land of the snowstorm

and restoring peace and harmony to the Silver Kingdom. But the joy was short-lived, for the Spring Moon had also brought forth dreams of the Winter Moon's eradication.

Eilela's heart shattered

as she realised that all that she had loved and cherished was now gone forever.

Left with nothing but her paintings and memories, Eilela wandered the stars, forever searching for the Winter Moon's ethereal embrace.

And even as the Silver Kingdom remained snowless, she clung to the hope that one day, she would find her beloved Winter Moon once again.

"May the stars align and fate bring us together once more, my dearest Winter,"
