Bone'eads Art Competition!!!!!


I know everything. But sometimes I forget
Oct 31, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere in Ireland
Roleplay Guilds
The Crimson Inquisition. Tavern bouncer
Alright all you artists out there, I call apon thy to sign up.
Now this isn't any art competition, this is a special one. Why I hear you ask? Well in this you will only be drawing a specific thing. What is this thing? Well this thing is an Ur. I have'nt seen any Ur art and I wish to see alot. And yes there are no reference images of Ur so this may be difficult

So here are the rules and info
First prize: 500r
Second prize:200r
Third prize: 100r

Anyone who enters will receive 10r
You may only enter one piece of artwork, it may can be any type of art like sketched, digital, etc
Except!! any art like this


That art will not be accepted and you will NOT get the entry money
You have 1 week, so until the 29th of july. Get cracking I suppose, the art entrys will be posted on this thread and if you have it finished before the dead line, you can post it here if you wish or you can wait.
Be sure to tag any artisits which you think will want to do this

Thanks for reading, can't wait to see your art you lovely people



  • bear.png
    23.6 KB · Views: 9
Last edited:
Broken image is broken, also if you can, I'd suggest raising the price.
ber.png My paint tool had a spazz and shaped the image like that, so sorry for the large gap, but yeah I'm poor and need money.
IMG_20150726_001323.jpg Behold ten minutes of work,lack of resources and my crappy phone camera!
just a note does it look like he is on something
View attachment 63540 Behold ten minutes of work,lack of resources and my crappy phone camera!
just a note does it look like he is on something
In ten minutes thats impressive. I wonder what even more amazing art you could create with time.

I decided I could no longer bear finding excuses to procrastinate about doing these competitions.(3am sketches go!)
I feel as if you should win purely for the bear pun, but unfortunly this is an art competiton and not a pun one. :(
Oh right and I love the art too
i've done some iga art in the past. time for it to have a use i guess. it's not much and it's pretty old stuff but shh.. shhh...
Competition ends today, this wednesday 00:00 GMT.
Due to unforeseen circumstances I will not be able to judge the competition until saturday so the competition will now end at saturday 00:00 GMT giving you a few extra days to churn out your art. Have fun and thank you for participating.
Also if you could put your ingame name now down so I will be able to pay all you lovely people.