Blume Street Gang - Criminal Slum Gang


MassiveCraft's token ethnic
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Sicilian countryside




The Blume Street Gangsters are a coalition of thugs, criminals, and the lowest dregs of the Slums, bound together through blood and the desire to force themselves into the spotlight of gang conflict. They consider themselves to be the guardians of their namesake, Blume Street as well as Zeldzaam Street, and the gatekeepers of Vampire Town, and acting aggressively to anyone infringing on their territory.

They are lead by their great leader, known only as the Great Chief of Blume, whom only the closest confidants and advisers of theirs know the Chief's true identity, the Chief themselves hidden behind a armored helmet. The Chief's agenda for the Blume Street Gang is to catapult the outfit into the heat of gang wars and establish themselves as a dominant force among the various factions.


The Blume Street Gangsters follow a loose code of conduct, colloquially referred to as the Chief's Oath, which serve as a rough guideline which all members are expected to at least attempt to observe. Members who flagrantly disregard them are subject to punishments of being ejected from the gang, or worse.
  • Blume Street Gangsters will obey the chain of command, whether it be the Great Chief instructing lower Chiefs, or Warriors commanding Inductees.
  • Gangsters will enforce a territorial tax upon anyone seen or caught within Blume Street Gang's territory. This also includes entering Vampire Town without Blume Street Gang's approval. People who refuse to pay are subject to mild beatings and ejection from gang territory, and those who cannot pay due to legitimate reasons will be ejected without injury. Enemy gangs must pay extra tax or else be beaten and driven off.
  • When on duty or patrolling, the gang outfit must be proudly worn at all times.
  • Do not break truces or treaties. Anyone who breaks such will be branded a traitor by the Great Chief and be ejected from the gang. This includes also starting unneeded wars with other gangs.

Great Chief @Donnarumma_
The Great Chief of Blume sits at the head of the organization, a powerful disguised figure who's identity is all but unknown save the Chiefs, who carry out the Great Chiefs orders with no hesitation.

The Chief follows the loosely given orders from the Great Chief, and are empowered to enact such orders with brutal efficiency. They advise the Great Chief on all important matters and going ons of the Crown Isle City, with undying loyalty. There are four 'specialty' Chiefs which have been given specific roles within the gang, that being the Chief of Magi, the Chief of Alchemy, the Chief of Forging, and the Records Chief.


The Warriors are in effect simply proven Inductees whom are fully fledged members of the gang. They are entrusted to follow the orders of their superiors with fervent and eternal zeal. They earn their mark through action and are accordingly promoted by Chiefs from Inductee to further push forward the Blume Street agenda.

These lost souls who've been given a new chance at becoming something of worth and note by the Blume Street Gang are called the Inductees, which must undergo training and tests of loyalty, accompanying Warriors or Chiefs into battle or patrols to prove their merit.

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