Preserved Sheet Blume Faelwen

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Aug 27, 2016
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Basic Information:
  • Name: Blume Alea Faelwen
  • Age: 21 years old, born in 283 AC
  • Gender: Identifies as Female
  • Race: Yanar-Cielothar seedling
  • Main Ambition: To fulfill a life full of adventure and to open up a shop for her various sewing jobs.
  • Blume was sent to Regalia by her parents and has been in Regalia for almost a year. She has a home near the market and works as a Seamstress for the Laveer company.
  • Blume was born in a small village called Verrowyn, which is settled in the deep forests of Daenshore. Blume was born to her Cielothar father Elashor Faelwen and her Yanar mother Zaleria Faelwen, formerly Keyro. She has three brothers named Celothor, Maechon, and Merildor. She also has one sister named Erynith.
  • Besides opening her own shop, Blume strives to make friends with the people of Regalia, always trying to welcome people with a smile.


Visual Information:
  • Eye Color: Pale yellow whites with hazel-brown iris'.
  • Hair Color: Dark and light green.
  • Hair Style: Very long vines with flowers blooming around the crown of her head.
  • Skin Color: Pale green.
  • Clothing: A pastel pink dress held in place with a brown belt.
  • Height: 5'0" ft.
  • Weight: 120 pounds.
  • Body Type: Lean build.
  • Her face is more round with round cheek bones, she has almond shaped eyes and ears that come to a point. She has a scar under her left eye from a minor accident as a kid and her hair is almost always down.
  • Blume is almost always seen wearing pastels and her pink dress. Instead of using accessories she believes the vines around her body and the flowers blooming on her create enough to accessorize anything.
  • Blume tends to speak in a soft sweet voice, but can easily stern if need be. She knows Elven and Common language.


  • Adventurous: Blume is adventurous by heart. She loves to explore places she has never been before which has led to some amazing discoveries. Enjoying the time away from the bustle of the city, it gives her peace of mind wandering around in places she has never been before. Due to this she has been shoo'd off the premises of many estates, but continues on with her prowling.
  • Insecure: From not having any friends besides her siblings at a young age and being overshadowed by her eldest brother, Blume grew up being very insecure in the things that she did. Even today when she does something she immediately doubts her choices. If she creates something for work, she often apologizes for it not being impeccable, regardless of the quality of the item.
  • Blunt: Not to be mistaken for being insensitive, Blume can sometimes come off as blunt. She may have a soft voice, but she will let people know how she feels about a situation, whether it seems rude or not. The words tend to slip off of her tongue before her brain can check them. Blume is not afraid of confrontation and will defend herself with her words if need be.
  • Submissive: Not in a way that most people think of submissive, Blume is very easy to go in to something. Regardless of being self-reliant, it is very easy to get Blume to follow someone or something due to her not having any hard beliefs of her own. If a person of authority were to tell her to follow them, the chances of her disagreeing are very slim.
  • Self-Reliant: Although loving to have her peers around her, Blume is very self-reliant. When in times of trouble she would rather resolve the issue on her own rather than dragging her friends along and risking them getting hurt. Blume lived a life of wandering off on her own so she would often be seen tugging back her finds not wanting to ask for help. It is not that Blume does not want help, she just believes that she can do things on her own, which can be troubling for her at times.
  • Compassionate: Blume tries to have a heart of gold. She does not see the need for execution even for major crimes. She worries about her friends often and whether or not they are safe in the city or during a merchant run. Whenever a friend is hurt she tends to not leave the clinic or will stand just beyond the door making sure they are okay.
  • Nimble: For being only 5 ft tall, Blume is very nimble on her feet. From exploring the deep forests and being chased by animals at some points, she knows how to move and go over obstacles in her way. She might not be strong or able to fight, but she knows how to move quickly.
  • Forager: Because of Blume's profession she has learned to find all things necessary. When out on a trip she is very good at searching the land and finding all of the materials that can be perfectly used. Her senses are very acute in finding items, even lost items that people can't seem to locate anymore.
  • Multi-Tasking: Blume is very good at multi-tasking. Always trying to keep herself busy while she waits for her dream shop to open she can be found doing multiple things at once. Taking stock of her crews inventory while also working on something else is one of her main attributes.
  • Stubborn: While being trustworthy with the people she surrounds herself with, Blume can be a stubborn person. She doesn't like being told no and will sometimes continue what she is doing. She has spoken back to guards for not wanting to shut up, but her stubbornness has never gotten her into trouble yet.
  • No Fighting Ability: While being a nimble and tall person, Blume has no background in fighting, nor does she have any desire to fight. She was raised to try and talk about a problem instead of being violent about it. She does not know how to fight back and would rather not given her peaceful nature.
  • Intrusive: While not liking to cause trouble, Blume has a tendency to include herself in others business. She could often be seen sitting at the tavern listening to others talk or trying to dissolve a situation on her own when it does not involve her. Her bluntness doesn't help her intrusiveness in that she is not afraid to tell people her opinion on a situation at hand.
  • Blume has a tendency to mess with the foliage growing on her body. Not exactly picking the petals off, but when nervous she can be seen running her fingers along the leaves and surrounding flowers.
  • Blume is a very good climber, it does not center around her life, but she is a girl who is good on her foot and can move around very well.
  • Blume is a wonderful singer. She used to sing old Yanar folk songs while exploring as a kid and her love of those songs blossomed into her having a wonderful voice. She is very shy to sing at first as she is not used to having many friends, but they have recently helped her begin to open up.
  • Regardless of her height, Blume considers herself to be extremely acrobatic, being able to get into places with ease as it goes with her Nimble strength.
  • Blume enjoys the singing of the birds as it reminds her of peace and makes her feel at home
  • Wine. Blume enjoys wine, as the taste of the aged fruit slightly reminds her of her mother.
  • Friends. Blume was a loner up until she left for Regalia, her friends make her feel a sense of purpose and without them she believes she would not be as happy as she is today.
  • Blume dislikes blood. Blood reminds her of the true violence in the world and she would rather not have to have any run ins with it if she really does not need to.
  • The smell of beer. Her youngest brother was a drunk and she could not stand the smell of it growing up, thus turning into a hatred for it.
  • Racism. Growing up Blume dealt with very little racism as the villages and towns surrounding her tended to be home to Yanar and if they were Ailor they tended to be more open to the idea of other races.

  • Sigurna Wodenstaff (@SpunSugar): Sigurna is who Blume considers as her first friend. Blume used to travel to Sigurna's hometown and would trade there as her home village was far too small. They first met on the boat to Regalia as all the merchant ships left from the shores of Sigurna's town. The two are together often and are usually accompanied by many people of the Laveer merchant company.
  • Dahlia Greenvine (@EmpressEvie): The very first Yanar in Regalia that Blume ever encountered was Dahlia. They now are good friends and tend to stick together whenever there is conflict around them. Both being Yanar's they understand each others struggles and try to be there for one another.
  • Balam-eul Geoseulleo (@TheOverseer__): Balam is the man who gave Blume work. A very kind and accepting man, he gave Blume acceptance in a city where she would need it. Working for the merchant company has allowed them to be in many situations together that helps strengthen their friendship.

Life Story:

  • Blume Alea Faelwen was born in the beginning of fall on September 26th to Elashor and Zaleria Faelwen. Blume was the third child of five, sticking her right in the middle of all the chaos. Growing up many of Blume's accomplishments were overshadowed by her siblings, especially that of the oldest son, Celothor. Being taught by her mother the things a Yanar woman should do, Blume always tended to have the opposite idea. Often seen wandering around the village she became well known by her neighbors and those of the neighboring villages and towns. When Blume was only ten years old, her oldest brother Celothor, who was nineteen at the time, was killed by a group of Ailorian bandits while he was out collecting supplies for the upcoming winter. This event sent her father into depression where he could no longer stand the thought of leaving the house. The second eldest was her sister who had been sent away to learn Evergrowth magic, thus leaving the responsibility on Blume to bring in items for her family.
  • The next few years Blume would collect items near her village not going too far when one day at the age of fourteen she heard a cry off in the distant. Curious as to what it was she grabbed her knapsack and began exploring the woods surrounding her. On her way towards the sound she discovered that there were many more resources out here that would benefit her family if she were to trade them. Completely forgetting the cry she set out on finding new and interesting places. Over the next two years Blume became a near expert on exploring, able to cross blocked paths or climb into abandoned towers with ease. Blume enjoyed being alone and spent her time by herself rather than make friends around her. Excited by her new discoveries she would head home only to see her youngest brother, Merildor, almost always drunk. Her father would sit in the same spot for days on end before her mother would finally talk him in to getting up and moving around the house only for him to become stationary in that spot for the next few days. Around this time Blume's mother took up wine making, as it passed the time and was something she could do from home, thus Blume's home smelled of fruit, to which she would never complain.
  • When Blume was eighteen years old she came across a town by the name Oversmede Skov, a town full of Ailor people. Not encountering nor hearing of Ailors since her brothers passing Blume was hesitant to enter, but when greeted by a joyful old woman she realized that these people did not harbor hate for different races. Over the next year this was where Blume did most of her trading, trying to sell the goods that she had turned into dyes. She would dye vibrant colors into fabric, selling the bright pieces for the people to turn in to beautiful dresses or dress shirts.
  • Nearing her twentieth birthday her sister came back home, adding sixth person to the home who needed goods as much as the rest of her family. Seeing their family struggle Blume's parents decided it would be best to send Blume off to Regalia in hopes of her being able to sell her dyes in a shop and help out her family. The week after her birthday she said her goodbyes and set off for Oversmede Skov where a merchant ship was set to head back to Regalia. On this ship was where she met Sigurna who had also been sent to Regalia by her parents. Bonding over the common factor the two became friends. Arriving in Regalia was a tough thing to settle into as Blume had never been to a city as big as it is. Blume continues to work towards opening her shop and works for a merchant company in the meantime.
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Stubborn and no fighting ability are both not acceptable weaknesses, i would remove them and replace.
Blume! This truly a wonderful Application and it was extremely difficult to find any flaw in it at all. I especially like that you took the time to fill out the likes and dislikes section because even though it is not required it brings an extra level of understanding to the Charter. I will also echo that having no combat abilities at all is a weakness. LumosJared posted guidance on copout weaknesses recently that stating that stuff like "No sword skill" is a copout weakness since typically it is accompanied by a strength like "Expert with axes." Having no combat abilities is a weakness in a dangerous place like Regalia.

I would suggest that stubborn and meddlesome are both personality traits more than weaknesses, though. Mental and emotional weaknesses are things that need to truly weaken their ability to do certain things. If for instance, stubborn was strengthened to argumentative where she literally can't help but to argue with with things she doesn't agree with that would be a weakness. I've role-played with you though, and I don't really find Blume to be argumentative. That's just an example of how to fashion something into a full weakness.

Hope this helps! :)
It's an acceptable weakness, because she isn't a mage. She is incapable of any combat, therefore it's a weakness.
Bad at swords: Being bad at something isn't a weakness. It indicates a lack of practice in it.

Talentless: Having a lack of a talent isn't a weakness, it just means you're ordinary. This also applies for people who put a lack of 'magic knowledge' or any type of knowledge down as a weakness.

- Copout weaknesses page by @LumosJared
Bad at swords: Being bad at something isn't a weakness. It indicates a lack of practice in it.
Because it's a singular weapon. They just don't have to use swords. If you're incapable of combat in any way, shape, or form, it's a weakness. You don't have to be good at combat to fight decently, so it's not "Talentless" either. She's making it seem like Blume will almost always, if not always lose.
Because it's a singular weapon. They just don't have to use swords. If you're incapable of combat in any way, shape, or form, it's a weakness. You don't have to be good at combat to fight decently, so it's not "Talentless" either. She's making it seem like Blume will almost always, if not always lose.
Oh, ok.
I changed meddlesome to intrusiveness and then kept stubbornness just because I don't personally see being stubborn and argumentative as the same thing? I highlighted the changes and now I will wait for a lore staff to review. @TheOverseer__
Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • Talar are now called Altalar. Change Talar to Altalar when you specify her race.
  • The only negative trait you have is "Blunt," while you need to have a balance of 3 negative traits and 3 positive traits. Remember; it's not bad to have a mean character or an insensitive one.
  • What year was she born in? The current year is 304 AC.
  • Which of her parents was the Altalar?
  • What village was she from? Where was the village?
  • Who were her other siblings?
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
Made a mistake and it now says "Needs Reviewed" again. Sorry about that.
I made all of the edits, some of the things are under spoiler cuts, but I still highlighted them in red for you to see!