Blues Corner, Taken Over By Goats!


⛓ Nom Nom ⛓
Jul 20, 2013
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This just in, from your trustworthy underground news source: resident undercover reporters have revealed a shocking discovery! That's right folks, Blues Corner seems to have been taken over by GOATS! You heard me right, folks! We have photographic evidence to prove it! Please see the images below for the shocking discovery!​
It even appears that this may be some sort of GOATISH CULT. Are there, perhaps, underlying goat messages in every Blues Corner article? CAN Blues Corner Journals even be trusted?! I think not, ladies and gentlemen! See for yourselves!​
There you have it folks! Blues Corner! Taken over by GOATS!​
I have the feeling I am going to pay dearly for redecorating Blue's place, bahah.
Please note: this is not a roleplay event, this is not an actual event, this is just something a little silly I couldn't resist doing after Blue filled the upstairs of my house with carpeting and wool.
The goats suck at spelling.
-giggles like lil' babby- You funny Omnomi!
[[ and fyi I spelled baby wrong on purpose. ]]
You do realize Im putting a lock on my doors now right?
That's probably because he's too busy spying on people in their faction homes. He's got to put goats in charge.
This just in! Seems Aria Tezari is running a cruel animal slaughter house out of her own home? The whines, clucks and pained meows of beaten, mal-nutritioned puppies, kittens, and chickens can be heard from the street, and inside it was quite the sight. Here is what we found: Pic1-2.png pic1-3.png pic1-4.png
This just in! Seems Aria Tezari is running a cruel animal slaughter house out of her own home? The whines, clucks and pained meows of beaten, mal-nutritioned puppies, kittens, and chickens can be heard from the street, and inside it was quite the sight. Here is what we found:

Ohhh dear oh dear! H-how did those get there? Eh-heh heh...

Mr. Blue... It may say things on the sign, but how can we prove that Aria was the one that placed it? It does say her name, but anyone could have wrote that and put her name.

Objection! All you people are idiots! You, Madame Idiot, don't try to lie! You, Mister Idiot, don't leave your fur all over the very obvious set up! Now everyone go home and shut up!
-Lanaskan Shadowaika
Objection! All you people are idiots! You, Miss Idiot, don't try to lie! You, Mister Idiot, don't leave your fur all over the set up! Now everyone go home and shut up!
-Lanaskan Shadowaika
You are simply getting involved with Sibling Rivalry, as the two share the last name but are not married, indicated by your referral to her as "miss"! Such involvements should not be taken seriously by the courtroom!
CASE CLOSED -Hits table with hammer-
You are simply getting involved with Sibling Rivalry, as the two share the last name but are not married, indicated by your referral to her as "miss"! Such involvements should not be taken seriously by the courtroom!
CASE CLOSED -Hits table with hammer-

-grabs hammer and breaks in two- I object!

Tsk tsk tsk, Ms. VanSherburne, who else could have placed those signs but one Aria Tezari?


-pulls out pictures of Blue's corner, Goat HQ-

It may have been Aria, but...

-points at Blue-

He could have placed those animals and signs just to frame Aria and to get revenge for finding the Goat HQ!