Preserved Sheet Blubzz Imzzl Vussa Svassaril

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Mar 9, 2021
Reaction score


Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Nang Allar (Aerun Dragonkin)
Religion: Draconism
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Preferred Weapon: Longmaw Spear



Heritage Skill Packs
  • Unseen Prayer
  • Sacred Burn Pack
Point Buy

Strength: 6

  • Building Scale Pack
  • Force Toss Pack
  • Steady Body
  • Oceanic Pack
  • Concussive Blow
  • Diving Tackle
  • (Free) Careful Fighter
Constitution: 7

  • (Free) Shield Cover
  • Shield Taunt
  • Shield Phalanx
  • (Free) Tank Stance
  • Tank Rally
  • Tank Watch
  • Tank Hero
  • Tank Slam
  • Thick Hide
Dexterity: 1


  • Disguise Pack
Defense: Constitution

  • Alchemy Science
  • Metallurgy
  • Pathfinding Art
  • Writing Art
Body Shape
Physical: 27
Body Shape: Muscular
Body Fat: Obese

  • Pidato (learned from parents)
  • Mai (racial feature)
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Calem (learned at Die Akademie von Kaiserman)
Special Traits
  • Metallurgy: Iron Family Metallurgy (access to using Iron, Ferr-Iron, Steel, and Blacksteel for their Metallurgy Craft.)
  • Metallurgy: Weapon Metallurgy (able to craft weapons including ammunition and parts of weapons.)
  • Metallurgy: Utility Metallurgy (able to craft utility items such as nails, hinges, tools and beads.)
  • Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
  • Skin Color: Main hide is Mauve; underbelly is Peach
  • Clothing: A loose, cream linen shirt and brick-red breeches, girded by a golden-buckled belt
  • Height: 6' 8"
Visual Information (continued)
  • Blubzz's design is based on the blobfish. His head reflects this. His neck and cheeks bulge.
  • He has a hefty frame and a prodigious paunch. Overall, his skin is very soft to the touch, though the palms of his hands are rough from years of work and training.
  • Blubzz generally wears loose clothes. His garb is simple. He favors warm colors and light colors.
Life Story

Balaputra VII was born into a wealthy household, whose mother was the daughter of Digmaan Imzzl, and whose father, Soleh, served as his Tol-Chroq. Their father had earned the Digmaan's favor through his military service as well as his stunning works of economic treatise. Being a man of great wealth, he encouraged his children to get a taste for their interests at an early age, but only provided for their pursuits of knowledge bit-by-bit, waiting for their eyes to alight before making any great investment in their respective educations.

Being an earthy man under his prim and proper exterior, he exposed Balaputra to the various realms of service and study, both indoors and outdoors. As much as he learned of the critters and the crags in his favorite cay within the Imzzl domain, he learned also of the kingdoms and enclaves beyond; as much as he learned of the science of script and signing salaries, he learned also of the science in smoking alchemical solutions and the calculation behind clocks' number-laden faces. So that he wouldn't be spoiled, his father taught him to work, as a housekeeper under the Tol-Kkhit in the summers of his earlier years, and shadowing craftsmen of his own will in the service of the Digmaan in those of his later childhood years, learning what it was he might drive his stake in this world in.

His mother Amisha had the aspect of a nun. She always covered her head, and she never said a word as long as Balaputra could remember. Her secret was, she was a powerful mage. Every word she spoke held terrible power. She took a vigil of silence for the dragon Caius' sake, and spoke to her children and Soleh in Sign Language. The story they told everyone else is that Amisha was mute.

As their father had, in the last years of their childhood education, Balaputra and his siblings attended the Feather of Osstissa, where first they learned the discipline and watchfulness of Allar hunters, and then the ferocity of Allar warriors! Here was where he got the nickname Blubzz. Despite his bulk, which others might think would make him unwieldy, in his time at the Feather, Balaputra showed himself to be as dextrous a combatant as his siblings. He was wily to challenge his classmates' jabs at him; he sought whatever solace and modicum of civil society he could find among his classmates. Their rows gave way to comradely. In his time to himself, he cultivated his skill in metallurgy, having first learned some of the craft while shadowing a smith when he was younger. He held his tongue and kept his cool. He graduated alongside his brothers with flying colors.

Balaputra, now a young man with one diploma under his belt, decided he wanted to attend Die Akademie von Kaiserman to study Alchemy for another. For this, his father could only shell out so much, but the Digmaan was pleased with the service of his Tol-Chroq, and he decided to help the young lad make his way in the school, paying for his tuition and materials, for which Balaputra would be eternally grateful. With that, he left the Pidato-speaking world home for the first time, and stepped into the Common-speaking campus of Die Akademie. Although he excelled in his studies, most of his learning there was of the lives and cultures of others.

His brothers and his mother all wrote him regarding some troubling events surrounding their leader. Balaputra, strapped with these two certificates of merit, returned to the realm of Digmaan Imzzl for a visit. The Digmaan, having lost the keenness Balaputra knew him for, was now given to forgetfulness and confusion: signs of his age, and a new figure--a Cro named Klyzz with obscure relations to the Digmaan, whom the Digmaan had appointed his Lazzai--seemed to hang around him like an overgrown limb. He hoped to serve the Digmaan alongside his siblings, as he had in Osstissa, but they had long left the barracks. All who remained were veterans, whom his father, the Tol-Chroq, could barely pay with the Digmaan making frivolous spending, despite Soleh's protests. Wanting his counsel on the matter, he came to the Digmaan to ask how he might serve, and the ruler flippantly appointed him Tol-Iyaz, as if on a whim. However, after the affairs of the Tol-Chroq, there was no money left to invest in the businesses of the realm, so he offered his work directly to them, finding that to be the best "investment" he could make.

"Mysteriously", Soleh told his son, "There are numerous purchases, of which I have never seen a piece. The Lazzai seems all too happy to keep them under wraps." Suspecting the Lazzai might be the leech on their lord and land's livelihood, the two officials, father and son, confronted Klyzz one night over his dealings with the Digmaan. In his responses, he fell back on the privilege of his appointment as the Lazzai, and stating that all the purchases they made were "only those to which the Digmaan himself agreed", dodging their questions with questions of virtue like "my dear friends, you wouldn't dare question the right of the Digmaan to do what he wants with his money, would you?" and "I don't pry into your business with the Digmaan--that would be impolite! So why break the confidence between me and him?" His shifty talk made them sick.

What happened afterwards, none could have foreseen. When Balaputra and Soleh confronted Klyzz beside the Digmaan, before Soleh could present his indictment, he fell before Blubzz's eyes, the victim of a dart shot from the shadows. Balaputra flipped the table on Klyzz and took the Digmaan's hand, only to feel him become a dead weight as he, too, was cast a dart. The king had been a puppet.

Heaving the Digmaan over his shoulder, he burst through the doors, racing out of the house as the walls seemed to close in on him. With tears in his eyes, he rushed through the streets to an apothecary, whom he told the events and left their dear Digmaan's body, before being cast out to the street for his escape. He would be their next query, after all. Balaputra brought her and his siblings to Regalia.

He briefly joined the Void Cult of Armas, but returned to the Draconism of his childhood. He spent some time in the city of Regalia, where he could find some protection from the puppeteers, and briefly worked at the Morbus Imperium. He left to serve Regalia's military interests in Hadar and abroad, supporting his family at home in the Empire's capital city.

He has returned to Regalia, intent to live here long-term. The Morbus Imperium is gone, but opportunities abound.
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Hello! I'll be taking this application for review, expect a response shortly.
Here's my review!: @Daowlie
  • Overall quite a lovely application, though there are a few things I'd like you to fix up.
    • Please invest 3 points into Linguistic Sciences to take Alt-Regalisch
    • Please expand a little more on each of your answers in the Personality section, or feel free to use the Core List instead if you wish.
@Antimreoir thanks for the review.
I've invested the three points into Lin. Sciences and have touched up the answers in the Personality section. Personally, I thought I had written more than enough for my answers, as the Character Application Template recognizes 1-5 sentences as average. I was happy to oblige you, though.