Bloody Stones

Soft waves lapped against the large ship, now turned tavern, as few dwellers of the undercity were heard conversing with various others and likely arguing.

"You know I won that fight."

"You wisssh you did."

"Shall we take it to the stonesss then?" The larger Slizzar cooed out to his little sister, a teasing grin across his face.

"Yesss, letsss." She hissed at him as the smaller more feminine Slizzar stood from her seat and went to slither off to a booth.

The two settled into a booth as the male Slizzar pulled a pouch from his side and dumped out the contents onto the table. Eight strange coins and two dice clattered about before resting and being scooped into a pile in front of the two. These were no regals, perhaps they were made specifically for this? The two each blindly chose a coin and rolled a die following that. The dice bounced on the table top before coming to a rest. A possible upset? As they slammed down their coins in succession the result was clear.

A wicked grin appeared on the male's face as he reached across the table and cracked a fist against his sister's face. She winced and recoiled in pain for a moment as he continued to grin, teasing her.

"You know I alwaysss win, lil sisss." Again he cooed to her.

"I hate you." She replied, holding the side of her face as she pulled another coin.

The cocky Slizzar slid over the previous coin to his side and drew another. Clattering dice was once again heard as they came to a rest and the coins were slammed down. Again a grin crossed the male's face and he reached forward, grabbing the back of his sister's head and slamming it down upon the table. She yelped out in pain as she clenched her forehead and recoiled for but a moment.

"Are you sure you wish to continue?" He spoke softly but it was quite clear he was only pushing her.

"Jussst roll the dice." She hissed out at him again, selecting another coin.

Once more he gathered his winning coin and drew another as the two tossed their dice forward. The clattering seemed to slow as he grinned over at her, flicking out his tongue. Finally, both dice came to rest and the male's expression shifted. Had he lost this one? Upon revealing the coins a grin once more grew on his face and CRACK! He yet again punched his sister right across the face. Blood had been drawn now as the female whipped her mouth with a hand.

"You can ssstill walk away." The cooing continued, the cocky Slizzar holding his head high.

There was no reply as the two picked up the remaining coins. The make chuckled, there was no way he'd lose now. It would take a miracle. As the room grew still, the dice were thrown and the Slizzar watched as they came to a stop. Only this time his sister had him beat had he not played a different coin. There was nothing for him to lose and he slammed down the coin. His sister tensed up.

"Jussst do it." She hissed at him.

And with that his tail slithered across the table before whipping her across the face. It hurt slightly but it was far more degrading and he knew that. All of a sudden he ducked as his sister had chucked a die at him.

"No fair! You cheated!" She hissed angrily before going to stand.

The two packed up and slithered on out of the tavern, one far more bloody than the other.

Tags: @Nesstro
Soft waves lapped against the large ship, now turned tavern, as few dwellers of the undercity were heard conversing with various others and likely arguing.

"You know I won that fight."

"You wisssh you did."

"Shall we take it to the stonesss then?" The larger Slizzar cooed out to his little sister, a teasing grin across his face.

"Yesss, letsss." She hissed at him as the smaller more feminine Slizzar stood from her seat and went to slither off to a booth.

The two settled into a booth as the male Slizzar pulled a pouch from his side and dumped out the contents onto the table. Eight strange coins and two dice clattered about before resting and being scooped into a pile in front of the two. These were no regals, perhaps they were made specifically for this? The two each blindly chose a coin and rolled a die following that. The dice bounced on the table top before coming to a rest. A possible upset? As they slammed down their coins in succession the result was clear.

A wicked grin appeared on the male's face as he reached across the table and cracked a fist against his sister's face. She winced and recoiled in pain for a moment as he continued to grin, teasing her.

"You know I alwaysss win, lil sisss." Again he cooed to her.

"I hate you." She replied, holding the side of her face as she pulled another coin.

The cocky Slizzar slid over the previous coin to his side and drew another. Clattering dice was once again heard as they came to a rest and the coins were slammed down. Again a grin crossed the male's face and he reached forward, grabbing the back of his sister's head and slamming it down upon the table. She yelped out in pain as she clenched her forehead and recoiled for but a moment.

"Are you sure you wish to continue?" He spoke softly but it was quite clear he was only pushing her.

"Jussst roll the dice." She hissed out at him again, selecting another coin.

Once more he gathered his winning coin and drew another as the two tossed their dice forward. The clattering seemed to slow as he grinned over at her, flicking out his tongue. Finally, both dice came to rest and the male's expression shifted. Had he lost this one? Upon revealing the coins a grin once more grew on his face and CRACK! He yet again punched his sister right across the face. Blood had been drawn now as the female whipped her mouth with a hand.

"You can ssstill walk away." The cooing continued, the cocky Slizzar holding his head high.

There was no reply as the two picked up the remaining coins. The make chuckled, there was no way he'd lose now. It would take a miracle. As the room grew still, the dice were thrown and the Slizzar watched as they came to a stop. Only this time his sister had him beat had he not played a different coin. There was nothing for him to lose and he slammed down the coin. His sister tensed up.

"Jussst do it." She hissed at him.

And with that his tail slithered across the table before whipping her across the face. It hurt slightly but it was far more degrading and he knew that. All of a sudden he ducked as his sister had chucked a die at him.

"No fair! You cheated!" She hissed angrily before going to stand.

The two packed up and slithered on out of the tavern, one far more bloody than the other.

Tags: @Nesstro