Archived Bloodpacks (vampire Plugin)

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
I came across the idea of allowing a vampire to fill an empty bottle using a command /v fill. It will automatically remove 50% of the vampire's food bar and create a "Blood pack". When used/drunk, it will restore those 50%.

Why will this be useful:

Say you're planning on going on an end trip, endermen have no blood thus you can't feed on them. You'd have to return to the main world every single time you get hurt if you wish to keep your food bar up. Having something like this would allow a vampire to stack up on a few bottles of blood (bloodpacks) by slaughtering a group of enemies then minding their own business, knowing that they now have enough blood to survive another few hours.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Last I checked you can't go to the end on this server so tired example is flawed. and I thought endermen gave quite a bit of blood.
They don't. The example was all that is... an example. It has also come to my understanding that other servers have this plugin as well, and even if it may not affect our end, it probably will make an impact on other servers.
Vampires don't need anymore buffs, they're overpowered as it is.

I believe it's also been said that vampires is an old and outdated plugin which can really be edited anymore.