Archived Bloodlust

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Speed 3 maybe, I think speed 5 is a bit over the top still.
It's not laggy as it was back then, and shV wood axe kills vampires easy. I'd love to see it back :)
In reality that's not a good comparison. The vampire would always have speed 4, but the defender would just have to happen to have holy water in their inventory.
If you know bloodlust is on the server you bring holy water in your inventory or backpack yes.
PvP is fine without people running around with Speed 4.
Remember though, even though they would have speed 4, or whatever other bonuses they have, it's also nerfed by the fact that wooden weapons do extra damage and holy water can kill them in like 2 hits. Not to mention vampires can really only do anything at night
Remember though, even though they would have speed 4, or whatever other bonuses they have, it's also nerfed by the fact that wooden weapons do extra damage and holy water can kill them in like 2 hits. Not to mention vampires can really only do anything at night
Exactly and keep in mind that bloodlust gave you 120% dmg bonus before which im also suggesting that they remove. So after all it would be pretty balanced as vampires can only pvp at night, if you get hit by holy water you can eaily get killed in matters of seconds and wood axes does insane dmg to vampires.
You quit pvp so I dont think you shold have a say when it comes to suggestions.
No, I haven't quit PvP why would you say that?

I don't think bloodlust should receive a buff as Speed 4, or even Speed 3, is extremely powerful. It's very difficult to escape a person that is using Go Go Juice, but you're asking for Speed 4 to be available to everyone on the server? Saying that the buff will be balanced because Vampire's are weak is a naive claim. Players with PvP experience will immediately counter Vampire's; while bloodlust will be used to attack inexperienced players and cause further confusion and chaos in a balanced PvP environment.
No, I haven't quit PvP why would you say that?

I don't think bloodlust should receive a buff as Speed 4, or even Speed 3, is extremely powerful. It's very difficult to escape a person that is using Go Go Juice, but you're asking for Speed 4 to be available to everyone on the server? Saying that the buff will be balanced because Vampire's are weak is a naive claim. Players with PvP experience will immediately counter Vampire's; while bloodlust will be used to attack inexperienced players and cause further confusion and chaos in a balanced PvP environment.
Maytee you werent even pvping when bloodlust was around so how come you know so much about it? Holy water FUCKS up a vampire for a good amount of time so there would be more than enough methods to counter the fact that they have speed 4.
Maytee you werent even pvping when bloodlust was around so how come you know so much about it? Holy water danceS up a vampire for a good amount of time so there would be more than enough methods to counter the fact that they have speed 4.
Facks not dances, thanks massivecraft filter :-)
Maytee you werent even pvping when bloodlust was around so how come you know so much about it? Holy water danceS up a vampire for a good amount of time so there would be more than enough methods to counter the fact that they have speed 4.
If you read what I said you would see that I said Vampire's are weak and easily countered, that's not apart of my argument.
If you read what I said you would see that I said Vampire's are weak and easily countered, that's not apart of my argument.
There are no inexperienced player to kill in the faction world as everyone stay in regalia what so ever. Also you talking about this balanced pvp we have, well there has to be a reason theres only 8 active people fighting eachother over and over again everyday. We obviously need some variation when it comes to pvp beacuse right now its boring as hell.
There are no inexperienced player to kill in the faction world as everyone stay in regalia what so ever. Also you talking about this balanced pvp we have, well there has to be a reason theres only 8 active people fighting eachother over and over again everyday. We obviously need some variation when it comes to pvp beacuse right now its boring as hell.
Player count has nothing to do with PvP being balanced. You're asking for unreasonable changes to a perfectly fine system.