Blood Washes Over Your Demons

Blood Washes Over Your Demons


It was a crisp afternoon on the date of December 31st, 305 A.C. guardsmen Alec Dondario had been going through his normal patrol after declining to drink earlier in the night.

He'd receive a message from a guy, it was proclaimed to be urgent. Was at the Bridge connecting to the Crown Isle. He rushed himself over.

Upon arrival, the Bloodcast Knight saw a girl seated, over the guardrail legs fully extended. There was another woman, Roesia Alaire at the foot laying down "Now I don't want to push you but I have to.." Alec clanked over quickly. "Oi!, there's a fockin' guardrail for a damned reason!" the girl froze up from pushing Roesia off the bridge. "Help" cried the Roesia. He promptly clanked forwards. His Violet Armor, shimmering as it was recently cleaned, he'd reach forth snatching the woman by her shirt. She'd throw her wrists out. He'd unclick a pair of shackles and quickly go to latch them tightly on her wrists. Only holding the girl with one arm he' extended one to Roesia "Let me kill her!" the girl squealed as he drug both over the guardrail. "Right, you're the one courting Vidarr Ulfurtonn yes?" she nodded at him he was questioning her.

Whilst Alec was busy questioning Roesia. The woman pulled out a small wooden doll, plucking a hair from Dondario as he wasn't completely attentive to his surroundings. She'd pluck it pushing it into the doll. The spell'd be cast. At that she'd snap the left arm off the doll. Pain would shoot down the left arm of Alec "Oh well thi- OI WHAT IN THE FUCK, OW" he yelped in pain. The witch continued her voodoo nonsense, now snapping the leg of the doll. Alec would drop to his knees "Holy shit it's in my leg now!" he'd turn seeing the doll in the Witches hand, her eyes glowing like a cynical emerald green. The witch would draw her dagger now occupied with the girl and finishing and cleaning her plate. She'd move towards her in swift point. Before the sounds of unsheathing a Blacksteel arming sword was heard. Alec would swipe a hard strike to the ankle, attempting to hit her achilles-tendon. This would cause her to lunge forward plating her dagger into Roesia's shoulder. "Ow fucking fuck!" she'd yell in pain. Alec recomposing himself back to his feat would go back to his feat. The witch snapping the right leg and arm of the doll. "Holy Divine fuck!" he'd yelp in pain his adrenaline would be pumping in attempts to save the Noble courtsmaid. As the witch was still on the ground, he'd ignore the immense pain throbbing in his body. He'd go for his final strike. Going to slash the Witch on the back she'd scream in pain. He'd send his cutlass to stab within the witch stomping on her back before sending it for her left side of her chest. She'd die immediately as it entered her body
Alec would be slightly sweating his body throbbing.. He'd look distressed as he took the shackled hand and drag it to the side of the bridge. He'd let out a huff and a sigh. "Another day of killing Witches I suppose" his voice cold. Crackling in the winter air, as snow began to fall upon them. Then kersploosh the corpse would fly off the bridge heading for the ice. The ice would crack on immediate impact. The body sinking quickly red plagued the water. He looked to her before readying to clank off "Sorry about that. Find yourself a doctor. Hope you're alright" the Inquisitor would clank off. Snow crushing beneath his boots blood all over his uniform before he'd just sigh.

Blood Washes Over Your Demons


It was a crisp afternoon on the date of December 31st, 305 A.C. guardsmen Alec Dondario had been going through his normal patrol after declining to drink earlier in the night.

He'd receive a message from a guy, it was proclaimed to be urgent. Was at the Bridge connecting to the Crown Isle. He rushed himself over.

Upon arrival, the Bloodcast Knight saw a girl seated, over the guardrail legs fully extended. There was another woman, Roesia Alaire at the foot laying down "Now I don't want to push you but I have to.." Alec clanked over quickly. "Oi!, there's a fockin' guardrail for a damned reason!" the girl froze up from pushing Roesia off the bridge. "Help" cried the Roesia. He promptly clanked forwards. His Violet Armor, shimmering as it was recently cleaned, he'd reach forth snatching the woman by her shirt. She'd throw her wrists out. He'd unclick a pair of shackles and quickly go to latch them tightly on her wrists. Only holding the girl with one arm he' extended one to Roesia "Let me kill her!" the girl squealed as he drug both over the guardrail. "Right, you're the one courting Vidarr Ulfurtonn yes?" she nodded at him he was questioning her.

Whilst Alec was busy questioning Roesia. The woman pulled out a small wooden doll, plucking a hair from Dondario as he wasn't completely attentive to his surroundings. She'd pluck it pushing it into the doll. The spell'd be cast. At that she'd snap the left arm off the doll. Pain would shoot down the left arm of Alec "Oh well thi- OI WHAT IN THE FUCK, OW" he yelped in pain. The witch continued her voodoo nonsense, now snapping the leg of the doll. Alec would drop to his knees "Holy shit it's in my leg now!" he'd turn seeing the doll in the Witches hand, her eyes glowing like a cynical emerald green. The witch would draw her dagger now occupied with the girl and finishing and cleaning her plate. She'd move towards her in swift point. Before the sounds of unsheathing a Blacksteel arming sword was heard. Alec would swipe a hard strike to the ankle, attempting to hit her achilles-tendon. This would cause her to lunge forward plating her dagger into Roesia's shoulder. "Ow fucking fuck!" she'd yell in pain. Alec recomposing himself back to his feat would go back to his feat. The witch snapping the right leg and arm of the doll. "Holy Divine fuck!" he'd yelp in pain his adrenaline would be pumping in attempts to save the Noble courtsmaid. As the witch was still on the ground, he'd ignore the immense pain throbbing in his body. He'd go for his final strike. Going to slash the Witch on the back she'd scream in pain. He'd send his cutlass to stab within the witch stomping on her back before sending it for her left side of her chest. She'd die immediately as it entered her body
Alec would be slightly sweating his body throbbing.. He'd look distressed as he took the shackled hand and drag it to the side of the bridge. He'd let out a huff and a sigh. "Another day of killing Witches I suppose" his voice cold. Crackling in the winter air, as snow began to fall upon them. Then kersploosh the corpse would fly off the bridge heading for the ice. The ice would crack on immediate impact. The body sinking quickly red plagued the water. He looked to her before readying to clank off "Sorry about that. Find yourself a doctor. Hope you're alright" the Inquisitor would clank off. Snow crushing beneath his boots blood all over his uniform before he'd just sigh.

Oooohhh... I like it :> , nice little story dude.