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Played Character Blocky

This character is actively played.


Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)
Basic Information
⇶Identification Details
→Unit Model: CA.7:14864 'Kulvaar' ('Personal Protector', 'Protector Guards-You')
→Unit ID: QO.3.12:1
→Registered Unit Nicknames: "Blocky", >>[!Registered by user:Llunciia]
⇶Heritage | Mystech, Crystaltech Mech Automata
→'Culture': Tohn Sona Maraya
⇶Gender/Pronouns | Object, It/Its'
⇶Religion | N/A
⇶Extradimensional ('Occult') Status | Mundane

⇶Character Occupation | Archaic programming obeyance

Core Concept, 'Protocols', and 'Directives'

This Crystaltech Mech Automata, originally constructed prior to the end of the Bright War, has been modified to engage in the personal protection of 'Marinoor', whilst utilizing archaic functionality from prior iterations of the unit, such as the 'Civil Enforcer' and '<<ERROR : DATABLOCK CORRUPTED>>' models. This unit has been re-designated as a 'Qorivaar Jurisdiction Citizen-Protector Automaton', and has been assigned a new mission in Amontaar.
Protocol Permissions
This sections details the unit's protocols. These are major segments of programming which allow the unit to undertake certain actions and engage various subtle transformations , which lead to a great ability to complete a certain objective. These are not exhaustive, and new protocol sets are often sub-divided from existing ones, when specific instructions to the unit are issued. Given potential coercive output of this unit, some protocols have been made "conditional", and require a variety of circumstances to exist before such protocols are activated. This prevents the inadvisable deployment of tactical weaponry on civilians, as one example.

Protocols marked [MT] were installed by Marinoor Talveer.
Protocols marked [CC] were installed in the until prior to the activation of the Meraic Vault Program.
Protocols marked [TSU] were installed prior to the Singularity Device's activation.


[TSU] TSU-STANDARD SCIENTIFIC protocols | Standard Meraic-era scientific protocols and methods. Includes access to various pieces of scientific instruments.
→[CC] CULTURAL ARCHIVE protocols | Ever-present but low Priority which demands the recording and archival of all cultural aspects around the unit, largely in relation to Meraic-diaspora, but not necessarily limited to. Music, food recipes, performances, political events, and other cultural things. Prioritizes usage of Resonant Retention Crystal Production Segment (Memkeys).
[TSU] SURVEILLANCE protocols | The unit will attempt to observe and categorize all that it sees, be it natural or made by the hands of the living, for future research and categorization.

→[CC] TACTICAL ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION protocols | Omni-present protocol which allows for advanced logic and chain of causality understanding. Initially implemented for use in combat scenarios, modifications made to this extremely advanced protocol have allowed this to extend to numerous other areas, including social, political, and scientific.
→[MT] EMOTION REGISTRY protocols | This protocol allows the unit to understand and associate a value with various emotions. It does not allow for the experience of emotions.
→[MT] DIALOGUE protocols | This protocol, and its numerous sub-protocols, allow for adult-level conversations with the unit. The unit utilizes Tohn Sona-era Automaton Standard Speech in order to communicate with the maximum clarity and effectiveness.
→[TSU] RESEARCH AND RISK SIMULATION protocols | Allows the unit to simulate various events and scenarios and attempt to understand the most likely outcome, utilizing a vast array of customizable variables. When connected to a larger Resonant Calculation Engine, unit is capable of assessing vast complexes of knowledge and understanding due to combination with Tactical Analysis and Prediction protocols.

⇶Conditional Permissions:

[CC] RATION DISTRIBUTION protocols | Allows for the distribution of rations and other items associated with the Ration Distribution Office.
[CC] AUTONOMOUS SENTENCING protocols | Engages comparison of a present action with the <<ERROR : DATABLOCK CORRUPTED>> penal and civil code so as to dispense appropriate punishment. Does not require biotic instruction.
[CC] JUDGEMENT APPLICATION protocols | Allows for the coercive application of any punishment issued by Autonomous Sentencing protocols.
[CC] CIVIL COMPLIANCE protocols | Crowd control and combat capabilities are activated upon the engagement of this protocol. Safeties are removed and Resonant Overclock Restrictions are additionally lifted until the cessation of combat.
[CC] RECONNAISSANCE protocols | The unit will attempt to observe and categorize all that it sees, be it natural or made by the hands of the living, for the maximum tactical and strategic advantage.
[CC] FORTIFICATION protocols | Allows for the construction of various fortifications and entrenchments, as well as other military assets, such as <<ERROR : DATA EXPUNGED>>.

[CC] RAPID SITUATIONAL ADAPTATION protocols | Disables all Resonant Overclock Restrictions and permission requests. Allows maximum usage of all protocols and Automaton capabilities, adapting without verbal statements of intent or programming adjustments. Dangerous protocol due to potential unforeseen consequences of unit self-moderation in lieu of biotic control. Usage is only advised for near-destruction of objective failure.
[TSU] AEROSTATIC HIGH ATMOSPHERE OPERATION protocols | Proprietary miniaturized Aeromagnetic Crystallus (Anti-grav technology) allows for easy movement in zero-g and other non-atmospheric environments. Lesser functionality is also engaged when submerged in most liquids.

Visual and Equipment Information

Standard variant of this unit is humanoid, and of unremarkable height. This unit possesses a single Unified Sensory System Segment which is functionally analogous to eyes, nose, recorders, and ears, located within a spherical head segment. This unit uses a BAATSU-standard Aeromagnetic Crystallus Segment for levitation and bipedal movement, resulting in a spike-legged appearance. This unit will appear in amethyst Crystaltech , which is semi-transluscent. Unit has been designed to induce <<ERROR : DATA EXPUNGED>> and possesses Crystaltech protrusions on shoulders and joints to upkeep Force-Matrix, as well as aid aforementioned <<ERROR : DATA EXPUNGED>>.
Unit Equipment
→ONE TSU-standard Toggleable Repeating Plasma Rifle: 'The ranged weapon'
→ONE TSU-standard Percussive Enforcement Tool: 'The melee weapon'
→ONE BAATSU-standard Force-Matrix Emitter: 'The shield'
→ONE Resonant Unimatrix: 'The brain'
→ONE TSU-standard loudspeaker: 'The voice'
→ONE TSU-standard holo-emitter: 'The hologram'
→ONE BAATSU-standard Mineral Extraction and Storage Kit: 'The test tube and pickaxe'
→ONE BAATSU-standard Resonant Retention Crystal printer: 'Memkey printer'
→ONE BAATSU-standard nanite container: 'Coercive hacking and connection'
ONE BAATSU-standard LONG-RANGE Resonance Uplink: 'The radio'

Proficiency Information


→Technology Hobby (11/10)
→Alchemical Hobby (2/10)
→Athletic Hobby (6/10)​
⇶Language Modules
→System default module | Shalota
→Installed modules | Common, Calem, 'Velheim Tongue', Hellas, d'Ithanie, Dresllo, Droque, Anglisch, Kriv, Altalar, Natl, Wai-lan, Pidato, Ibeth​
Mech Mechanic I: Mech Automata cannot invest in the Magic or Faith Proficiencies at all. They however gain 1 free Point Buy Pack from any other Category without Proficiency investment.
→Mech Mechanic II: Mech Automata gain the Shapeshift Pack Mundane Variant for free, but have to always appear mechanical or robot-like with at least two legs and two arms.
→Mech Mechanic III: Mech Automata gain the First, Second, and Third Mechanics from the Skyborn Heritage Mechanics section. Additionally, Magic cannot tamper with their memories.
Skyborn Mechanic I: Skyborn do not need to choose a Tech Branch for any engineering or technology tinkering they do. They can build/edit/repair any Branch. Even if a unique Technology Branch has specific requirements they do not meet (such as Religion, or Affliction), then they are not able to build or make it, but can repair or edit it. They can install security systems in their Rentals, requiring OOC notification of Break-ins.
Skyborn Mechanic II: Skyborn have a unique sequential memory that allows almost perfect recall. With mechanical equipment, they can extract their own memories including all sensory experiences, and copy them onto so-called Memkeys. Memkeys in turn can be used by other Skyborn to "watch" such an experience and feel as If it was them who experienced it, or use a virtual-reality-like device to allow non-Skyborn to experience them.
Skyborn Mechanic III: Skyborn have a high analytical ability to perceive and understand the machinery that is witnessed or operated during Events. This may allow them to learn more about the devices that are seen or used, or discover hidden features or functions that other people cannot perceive. Make sure to contact an Event Dm for any potential uses in Private Message during the Event or beforehand to learn more.​
→Mech Mechanic IV: Mech Automata can choose one Skyborn Ancestry Mechanic to gain. Additionally, they will always know if a technician has altered their personality/programming.
Scripter Ancestry Mechanic: Scripter Ancestry Skyborn are immune to any type of memory alterations due to their high attunement with their sequential memory. While it is possible to remove memories from their mind, memories cannot be implanted, edited, or replaced. This means that if a memory is removed, a Scripter Skyborn will always know that a memory is missing, and where it disappeared.​
→Mechanic Mechanic V: Mech Automata can always create backups of themselves/their personalities, meaning if they are killed, they can be re-built/respawn, but are liable to have an existential crisis about it.
→Chem PB Mechanic 'Chem Feeding': Chem Feeding does not grant any Abilities, but grants utility for dealing with the Afflicted. The Chemist can produce Magic Aureates, which are apple-sized edible crystals which can satiate the feeding hunger of Vampires or Geists. The same object sates any of their hungers as if they have fed from a real person. Aureates can be produced one of two ways. Firstly, the Chemist must use an attack emote against someone. If they succeed in doing at least 1 HP damage, they gain 1 Magic Aureate, and only one can be produced per day. The second method, is to take a blood sample of their own, and mix it through a complex alchemical process to become a Magic Aureate. Up to three can be produced this way, but any Afflicted who consumes this Aureate becomes enthralled to the Chemist, meaning they listen to the commands and directives of the chemist against their will (this is all within reason, and with consent, the Chemist should not start acting against the interest of the Afflicted, and any weirdness forces the addiction to be retconned). This mechanic is disabled if the Chemist becomes Afflicted themselves. The only exception to this is if the Chemist has an Invaded or Vested Spirit Affliction. Chem Feeding is gained for free upon Point Buying any Chem Point Buy Pack.
→Tech PB Mechanic 'Tech Ghost': Tech Ghost provides unique Roleplay Function for Roboticist flavor. Firstly, Tech Ghost allows the user to produce Automata, which are autonomous programmed robots. If the Automata is Played Separately, see the Mystech page for all rules. If the Automata is strictly an extension of the Technician Character, then the same design guidelines apply, but they do not gain their own Proficiencies (or the Mechanics on the Mystech page), and instead must follow this section's rules. Tech Ghost Automata can be remotely controlled by their creators: they cannot be in the same scene (unless it's no-stakes Social RP), and must have the same Proficiency investments as the creator, ignoring the logic of a robot casting Magic. This does not count as a disguise. If the creator of the Automaton dies in Roleplay, their consciousness is transferred to one of their Automata, and they continue to live as a robot (now becoming Mystech). Tech Ghost is gained for free upon Point Buying any Tech Point Buy Pack.

Proficiency Information

⇶Points spent |
⇶MainStats | Int ATK, Wis DEF
⇶Persuasion Stats | 3+ (7)Int + (2)MindControl = 12, Cap of 12

⇶Strength | 0
→Building Scale [Free, Mech Automata Pack 1]​
⇶Constitution | 0
⇶Intelligence| 7 | ATK
→Shapeshift Pack [Mundane, Free, Mech Automata Pack 2]
→Mind Control Pack [Mundane]
→Mimicry Pack [Mundane]
→Oceanic Pack [Mundane]
→Wardrobe Pack [Mundane]
→Tech Assimilate Pack
→Tech Auto Pack
→Tech Exhaust Pack​
⇶Wisdom | 6 | DEF
→Chem Bolts Pack
→Chem Hyperfocus Pack
→Chem Cleanse Pack
→Chem Technique Parry Pack
→Chem Purge Pack
→Chem Bang Pack​
⇶Dexterity | 1
→Escape Artist Pack​
⇶Faith| 0
⇶Magic | 0

Life Story


Plot Hooks

⇶Interactions ('Traditional' plot hooks) |
→Marinoor's machine | [
→'Tohn Sona Dis-unity'| [
→Soulless automaton | [
⇶Integrations (Free-to-adopt pre-existing connections for quick RP) |
→Shop guardian | [
→Archaic Meraic | [
→Vaulted | [
→BAATSU-standard | [


→Blocky/the Kulvaar Unit takes influences from a lot of sci-fi franchises and related media, thought most prominently:
→Games: Portal 1&2, Half Life 2, Signalis, Stellaris
→Books: Children of Ruin, by Adrian Tchaikovsky
→Movies & TV: Pantheon (TV Series)​
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OOC Note: This is an extremely experimental character. If this machine is immersion breaking for you, is too verbose, or there is some other way you would prefer it be played so as to be non-disruptive (if it is disruptive for you, which is not intentional), please send me a message on Discord @ezalB.
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block updated (mostly)