Archived Blocking

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Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
I've seen time and time again the fact that Ignoring on Massive and Ignoring on the Forums are far different. I'll keep this short.

When you Ignore in-game, the ignored character is BLOCKED. They cannot contact you, and you cannot see what they say. You are safe from whatever you are ignoring them for.

However, on the Forums, when you ignore someone, you stop seeing what they're saying, but they can still contact you.

Basically, they can avoid being blocked by contacting you over the forums. What I'd like to see is that when someone is ignored on the forums, it blocks them from making contact similarly to IG. I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't want to see what I have to say, and I too don't want to see or hear from certain people. Some issues can't be resolved, so basically forcing the opposing side to shut up and move on can silence the issue. Eventually, maybe you too will forget the issue over time and can unblock whoever was blocked. It'd just save time and energy, bringing a problem to a screeching halt rather than letting it burn and eat you. Unless, it still nags at you for ignoring that person, then you deal with those feelings however you do.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just because someone sends you a message doesn't mean you have to read it, just saying.

If its easy to implement staff should just go ahead and do it though.
Tagging @MonMarty since this has to do with the forums