Archived ~blocking Arrows With Unarmed Is Way To High~

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IGN is Korzard
May 3, 2014
Reaction score
Alright so, most of the top pvpers on massive have 1k in unarmed. At 1k unarmed you have a 50% chance to blocks arrows. This block makes the role of an archer more obsolete because it makes is to approaching enemies with takes 50% less arrow dmg and trait hits. This arrow block also works on any weapon you are holding so it is completely unfair. I could be an archer and be having a sniper duel but, my opponents can block 50% of my arrows. This block chance is a really bad idea cause it's a passive that takes no skill and that just make being an archer less of an option. It makes no sense to have such a strong boost to any person fighting an archer. Archery is very good but, very hard to use. If your opponent require no skill to block your arrows it brings the fun out of pvp. For example: WOOOOOT Epic snipe shot at that running man with no health, o darn he just passively blocked my arrow! How fun!

If you role archeryimmune, you can be scratched by an archer.

My point is there shouldn't be boring passive that renders a certain play style inferior. OP passives are no fun .

Thanks for listening to my suggestion8-)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
So you want a nerfed skill to become.... even more nerfed? whoa, slow down there buddy, ive trained unarmed hard and its a hard skill to train considering its underrated and nerfed. without that unarmed will literally have been nerfed to the point it barely has a reason in pvp, you cant pick up disarmed weapons and the only thing will be some extra dmg.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in order for arrow deflect to work you need an open hand. Without an item like a god Axe charging towards you.
This is one of the only things that unarmed still has going for it, unarmed doesn't need more nerfing. Even with arrow deflect, the addition of traits adds a lot more use for archery, and it isn't as obsolete as you may think. And even if some people do find that archery is underpowered, nerfing an already nerfed mcmmo skill probably isn't the best way to fix the problem.
You didn't really put this up as an suggestion, to me it just feels like a complaint. You aren't really constructive and unarmed is pretty useless without this.
Do you have any idea how hard it is and how much time it takes to bring unarmed up to 1000? People who achieve this deserve the 50% chance for arrow deflection.
Ok and correct me if I'm wrong but this passive carries over to all weapons so it doesn't make fighting with a fist any better as it applies the arrow catch to all weapons.