Archived Blessed Water

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
Elijah Clarke: Halt, vampire!
*Vampire runs*
*Elijah corners vampire*
*Vampire runs through Elijah and escapes*

There it is folks, the story of my life as a guard.
(I'm sure some of the other fine guards feel my pain too)

What if there were a way to make capturing a vampire appear more realistic? Or, for good Samaritans of Regalia, providing a way to keep a vampire subdued long enough to call a guard? How about simply make the usual vampiric retreat more blatantly unrealistic, in both their eyes and those surrounding the scene?

Here is my solution: a new throwable potion item, blessed water, will induce the following on a vampire:
1. 3 seconds of blindness
2. 10 seconds of slowness (either 1 or 2)

1. Guards will be able to capture vampires, eliminating the excuse of ("I jumped over you", "I shrunk to the size of a marble and ran between your legs", etc)
2. Vampires will not have the excuses above, giving them the option to either RP fairly (thus teaching them appropriate RP), or teleport away
3. Vampires are dark and evil; is it not fair they have this one weakness?
4. It will encourage vampires to stay quiet in order to avoid a tsunami of blessed water, and eventually a beheading

Ideas for crafting blessed water:
- Simply right clicking on an alter of light with an ordinary water bottle

Other ideas:
- Possible cool down of 10-60 seconds to avoid misuse

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I agree this would be great in RP, but in PvP it might be a little OP. If you're a vampire who PvP's and someone hits you with one of these you are gonna have to enderpearl away to wait or just drink milk to remove all of your potion effects.

TL;DR: The RP side is great, PvP side might need tweaking.
This sounds cool, but then again what if the vampire made a fair rp escape.
Vampires are already somewhat weak when it comes to PvP, seeing as they have no bloodlust, can't fight during the day, lose hunger whenever they get hit, ect ect. This could be pretty OP during PvP. It could be useful for RP, but not PvP.
Kirby12352 Joshy54100

Regarding the potential for this to become overpowered in PVP, consider holy water. Already, the vampire hit experiences weaknesses, blindness, and slowness. Plus, one more hit and they're on fire. In a battle, blessed water would seem weak next to holy water, and besides, holy water is barely more expensive to make (requiring lapis).


If the vampire made a realistically fair escape in the first place, they wouldn't be able to be hit by the blessed water in the first place. Blessed water would make the tavern an enclosed and dangerous place for vampires, rather than a popular hang out spot.
Kirby12352 Joshy54100
Regarding the potential for this to become overpowered in PVP, consider holy water. Already, the vampire hit experiences weaknesses, blindness, and slowness. Plus, one more hit and they're on fire. In a battle, blessed water would seem weak next to holy water, and besides, holy water is barely more expensive to make (requiring lapis).

Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Vampires are already severely under-buffed in PvP unless you want to be extremely mobile. With no fall damage and a two block high jump, you can go a lot of places. But once they get splashed only once, the fight might end right then and there, all because of a single splash potion.
What will stop people throwing these all over the place in the tavern then yelling at vampires who get the slow effect? It would be bad for vampires who understand to hide.
I believe that it would be easier for guards to carry holy water on them, and this effect happens to the vampire when both guard and vampire are in Regalia. It eliminates PvP abuse, makes it so no other players can abuse this in Regalia, and focuses on the topic that this revolves around, which is a serious problem indeed. Plus, it is less coding work, and adding holy/blessed water perms manually to guards shouldn't take long.
Personally, I find this would make it harder for those who are actually good at portraying vampires. I mean the fine examples of them suffer because of all the noobs?
And how, might I ask, would this stop a nooby vampire-rper from simply holding W, and just walking through you anyway? Or doing the classic e: breaks away and runs. or e: dodges the water. I see no real way they'll listen to this, even if you /do/ throw it at them. Slowness and blindness never stopped me from holding W and moving. Doubt they'll pay any mind to it.
I think vampires are already grossly underpowered, even though that's what they should be, in terms of RP. If you do this, I believe you're just hating on vampires in general, which is fine IC, but not OOC. Take TechPac for example, he's a good vampire RPer, and wouldn't jump over you like that or whatever. (He'd rather kill you). This generalization is quite absurd and I say you should just ignore godRPers.
I agree with Darkness, Tech and a few others here, but here's another point:

If a terrible vampire RPer does happen to run, throwing something toward them won't stop it. No matter what, they'll run, even with blindness and slowness. If you happen to come across a brilliant vampire Rper, such as Tech, they won't run through you or anything of the such until they have claimed to in chat and have a valid reason to. You should, as Darkness stated, ignore godRPers, as it's a waste of your time. I stumble across them once or twice every now and then, they seemed to have gradually shrunk overtime.
While i love custom items, these things wouldnt be restricted enough to make fun for all.
holy water gets chucked about like crazy at the best of times, imagine if they actually worked? vamps would be murdered left right and center. while i share no love for the long fangs in rp I dont see it fair that they can be blinded by any player whos willing to go about making a ton of these.

Id predict flash mobs just spraying them in vollys across the tavern, (as hilarious as it may be) it would suck for the afflicted. My only rebuttle would be to arm the vamps with something to use to counteract it say a smoke bomb that would blind the guardsman for the same amount of time but im just throwing about ideas.

You bring up some good points, and I like that idea. Restricting blessed water only to guards is also a reasonable solution.

As to the other comments about how a god RP'er cannot be stopped simply by a slowness effect, I agree wholeheartedly; that was never the intention. Using game mechanics to enforce RP does not make for good RP. The purpose would not be to force the vampire to RP, but rather take away the classic "______ runs away super fast"; and not simply so that guards might be able to catch vampires, but that vampires will be more likely to realistically comply with guards (which will lead to a positive RP learning experience for everyone involved). If a vampire runs away every time they're confronted by a guard, they won't learn to RP fairly. I think blessed water could change that.
Or maybe a "handcuff" item or something that makes them stand still or follow the guard... Idk. As again, I'm not thinking. It's probably stupid.
Make Vampirism an apply kind of thing.
Or nerf it altogether...
I'd prefer my first solution
I like MiningMac5 idea. Instead of just focusing on vampires, why not enforce arrests on everyone? It would be something like "handcuffs". Anyone could be captured by a guard using the handcuff mechanic. So that way, it wouldn't affect pvp (unless the guard cheats) and no one would be favored above the other.
Why don't we give the guards leashes that work on players instead of animals? (no idea the difficulty of coding this)
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