Archived Blaze Spawners And Possibly Any Other Spawners.

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Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Since server sharding has been implemented, i've noticed that my blaze spawners have stopped spawning, It would show the spawning particles but no blazes would come out. I've done some research on this and this could be happening due to the server mob spawning limit, this is really bad for business i was wondering if this could be fixed?
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They should make blazes a spawn rate same as Wither Skeleton to be fair enough, or even the same spawn rate as Ghast
If you mean from a blaze spawner then I don't think they can do that, as I said the reason why the spawners are not spawning is due to a mob spawn limit.
They may have deliberately done it to prevent people farming them.
The spawner seems to be working fine, as there are less people online, however when it did stop spawning i did try slaughtering a few zombie pigmen in the area, and it still failed to spawn any blazes, I don't know what else to do, because I cant always get on early.
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