Crafts Guild Blanc In Ruby


Feb 14, 2021
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Name: Blanc in Ruby
Business Type: Ruby Medicine Production
Owner: Baron Louie Blanc



Medicinal plants have been valued and utilized by humanity since ancient times. Across various cultures, there are references to the use of plants for healthcare, and some communities have developed complex traditional systems of health that expertly employ these plants for centuries. One such remarkable plant is the Ruby Flower, renowned for its ability to assist the body in restoring itself.

Baron Louie Blanc dedicated a portion of his land to the cultivation of this beautiful and magnificent plant, recognizing its usefulness and the importance of maintaining the city's well-being. The land, located in the County of Floquet in Vixhall, was generously granted by Countess Marie Blanc, his older sister.

Within the grounds of the Barony of Bouclier, advantage is taken of the region's fertile soil and favorable climate to cultivate the Ruby Flower. At Barony of Bouclier, we prioritize ensuring that the soil contains adequate amounts of organic matter and essential nutrients. To achieve this, we prepare our homemade fertilizers, providing the flowers with the ideal conditions for their development while nurturing and protecting them.

The harvest of Ruby Flowers is a labor-intensive process that requires utmost care to extract the flowers from their roots without causing any damage. This ensures that they can be safely transported to clinics or other gardens dedicated to medicine or alchemy. We meticulously avoid collecting medicinal plants that are sick or damaged, always striving for perfection in the health of the plants themselves.

When it becomes necessary to store medicinal plants for a certain period, we delicately dry them to prevent breakage and protect them from humidity and fungal damage. This drying process is typically conducted in shaded areas, ensuring that the plants are safeguarded and cared for with the same diligence as before. These practices enable us to maintain the highest quality in our products and, more importantly, in the plants themselves.



1. Le Ruby Petals - Plucked manually in a very delicate way, selecting only the best petals from this pretty flower. Transported in specialized leather bags so humidity does not spoil them during transport ,7r per 2 oz pouch.

2. Le Flower Top - Cut from the bottom of the sepal with the sharpest cutters from Vixhall. Transported in specialized leather bags and also into small boxes so humidity does not spoil them during transport. Used to press the flower directly into insect bites or poison ivy.

3. Bouclier Flowerpots – 20r per Ruby Flower Pot adding it's transport to the clinics. Extracted from their roots with maximum caution, so as not to break its roots

4. Bouclier Ruby Shipments - The Price of the shipments to the for clinics or specialized gardens it varies in the amount of Ruby Flower they want to order. The prices would move between 65r per 700 oz boxes to 250r per carriage with a maximum of fifty boxes. The higher prices are only in special cases of massive orders, the carriage prices only affects when it's two or more for its transport.

5. Bouclier Body restore Cream - Restorative cream mixed with Ruby Flower and Seba Iaat leaves for wounds, bruises and irritated skin. Completely heal any minor wound without a trace! 15r per 18 oz jar.

6. Le Bouclier Infusion - Prepared to help with rehabilitation of internal injuries and calm other pains. This drink is sold in resistant glass bottles, boxes and leather pouches for transport. This infusion can be drink cold, at room temperature or hot. Mixed with Ruby Flower and Drachenwald Nuttree substance, Ruby Flower has a bitter taste with a sweet aftertaste but with the help of Drachenwald Nuttegg it sweetens the Ruby Flower enough. 8r per infusion pouch, 12r per box, 25r per bottle.



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