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Blade Pierced In Adultery


Mar 22, 2018
Reaction score


[!] A public notice is posted, bearing the sigil of House Vaedra. [!]



In my absence, dishonor. Lord-Protector Krieger von Karlise and Lord-Protector Lancel Peirgarten committed to a forbidden romance, while betrothed to my sister. Behind my back, my sister; Lady-Protector Catherine Vaedra, in secret, went behind her fiance's back and mine in return to commit herself to Sera Yehor of the Krnsik Union- who knew of her marriage, and cared not. Both House Vaedra and House von Karlisle? DISGRACED BY THIS DISHONOR.

My sister- betraying her Knighthood and House by cheating on her fiance with a fellow Knight, an adulterer. On top of that, a /commoner/. At least Lord-Protector Krieger found a nobleman.
Sera Yehor- romance with my sister who is to be wed, bearing full knowledge of his actions, adulterer.
Lord-Protector Krieger von Karlisle- a public romance, disgracing his fiance and his House by cheating on his fiance, adulterer.
Lord-Protector Lancel Peirgarten- disgracing House Vaedra and House von Karlisle with his love, one never meant to happen, adulterer.

The only solution to this is simple; a duel. To settle the honor of both Houses, and the honor of all the Knights present today.

I call upon Sera Yehor is to duel Sera Lancel Peirgarten to resolve this /SCANDAL/. Either by their own swords, or by elective champions (ooc = champions would be boring), this is the only way that this dishonor and disgrace can be resolved.

Until the death, or until one yields.

If this duel is refused, then all Knights involved will be permanently disgraced.

This drama has been brewing for a while. Romeo and Juliet/Song of Achilles type stuff.​
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A certain flaming spirit's infernal wreathed eyes peer towards the notice upon catching the iconic insignia just outside Crookback. They read with little interest at the beginning, but as words of a scandal were scribed - that catches their attention fully.

A hand reaches - already intending to run its digits along the parchment before they finish taking in the information. And with that, a copy of it manifests out of flames for safe keeping.

"Blueblooded politics never gets old," it drawls to itself, quietly storing away the letter. It twists back around to trek in the bounds of the Borough - already seeming to feel a Keeper's eyes on them. "'specially when there's an Archon involved."
[!] Upon receiving the notice, the Countess delicately traced her hands over each word. Her thoughts brewed and took shape as she perused the page. Finally, she raised her pen, ready to craft a response to the Lord-Protector's proclamations. The letter read as followed:

After careful consideration of my relationship with all those involved in this scandal, I have composed a response.

To Lady-Protector Catherine Vaedra and Lord-Protector Kreiger von Karlisle,
The tarnish upon this engagement is a result of both your actions. While you must accept responsibility, I do not hold you solely accountable. It is evident that this was nothing more than a feeble attempt by Lord-Protector Riftan Vaedra and Lord-Protector Volkner von Karlise to forge an alliance at the expense of your happiness. I lament this unfortunate truth, recognizing the fearful authority wielded by your patriarchs, which none of us can ignore. Lady-Protector Catherine Vaedra and Lord-Protector Kreiger von Karlisle, I do not blame you, yet it does not absolve you of guilt. I plead both of you, along with your partners, to seek forgiveness from Ness and find your way back to the path intended for you.

This engagement was not founded on love, but rather a scheme orchestrated by feeble-minded men who failed to establish trust among themselves, using their cherished kin as pawns in their pursuit. I beseech you both to formally apologize to Lady-Protector Catherine Vaedra and Lord-Protector Kreiger von Karlisle for manipulating them in such a manner. Let us hope that they may find it within themselves to forgive you.

With Sincere Regards,
Countess Tuija Vikström of Risøyhamm
Matriarch of House Vikström
Imperial Hostess
A copy of the notice found its way to the top of Auriane's morning papers. She dramatically slammed her teacup against the table, snatching up the missive with anxious hands. Eyes growing wide as she read on, a loud gasp could be heard echoing through the estate.

She placed the missive back down, taking her teacup up again. She blew on the piping hot liquid before taking a sip. "Good for Catherine."
[!] Lirh Lorraine du Poncaire sat in their art room covered in paint, drumming the paintbrushes while reading the announcement. Opposite to Countess Vikstroms response they grabbed their quill to informally write on a sticky-note slamming it on the notice [!]


Sera Khafra nearly chokes on the sandwich he was eating when his eyes scanned the page to see Yehor and Catherine.
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Sera Mihai Nicolae idly passed the notice, yet a familiar name caught the Oranjen's eye. The lavender eyes read what was written thoroughly before re-focusing on a specific name. He muttered in visible disbelief, bewildered;

"Lord-Protector Peirgarten..?"

In response to Houses Vaedra and von Karlisle,

To call upon a duel between my son and this Lothar commoner, while entirely overlooking the fact that both Catherine Vaedra and Kreiger von Karlisle were willing participants to this 'adultery' is nothing short of a fallacious perversion of the events, and an unignorable twist of what the term 'honor' means.

You attempt to absolve the members of your Houses from shared guilt by pinning my son and a commoner against eachother, though this vile attempt will not hold. I invite the Viridian Order to review this notice in full, as well as the 'honor' behind what it suggests: the truth will speak for itself. If there is to be a duel, it is only natural that all the names involved in a shared dishonor should take to the sword.

But the situation is far more complex than it is portrayed in this self-favoring letter.

Lord Protector Kreiger von Karlisle cannot be blamed for wanting to be partnered with someone that befits his orientations. Further, House von Karlisle should not be burdened by, but in fact celebrate this development, for indeed the House Peirgarten has accumulated years of respect in the eyes of the Imperial Court, while the most that the Vaedra name is known for is being a backwater House whose most noteworthy feat is amputating eachothers limbs. By all accounts, the Lord Protector Kreiger is reaching above his worth in the political playfield.

Conversely, Lady-Protector Catherine Vaedra cannot be blamed for wanting to share a bond with someone who's actually interested in what lays between her legs. It is quite damningly evident that neither parties were in favor of this engagement that's been forced upon them by two families who, in spite of the outcries of a developing and advancing generation, continue to obstinately uphold fossilic norms of the past.

I invite the Houses Vaedra and von Karlisle to recognize and acknowledge that this faux betrothal was never meant to be, and even if carried out, would have resulted in Knights Kreiger and Catherine agreeing behind the curtains to take lovers in secret. Because they are incompatible. Because they do not desire eachother. Because they were forced into this distasteful arrangement against their will. No amount of fearmongering about dishonor and death will change these facts.

In closing words, do not ever attempt to pit my son into a duel to the death, especially not for an action as innocent and beyond reproach as loving someone, or I will find you myself, and there will be one more armless Vaedra ambling around town for it.

Count Rüzgar Peirgarten of Lorhauser
A treatise marked with the Viridian Order's insignia is posted below:

You speak of honor yet wish to make two Knights needlessly duel. You wish for resolve yet bloodshed will only act as a catalyst for more hostility. We, as Knights, ought to understand what duels are for: Breaking of code, overseen by the Viridian Order.

This is not a duel. This is a flamboyant mockery of it.
As a sergeant-at-arms in the Viridian Order, I will not condone this mockery, nor should any Viridian or any Knight with honor.

Stop this madness and allow two couples to embrace without your own political gain getting in the way of it.

Archard Rothe
An afternoon's Kaffee's cup is set down, as a cleric's fingers diligently put a copy of the paper down.

A quill made of a falcon's feather is dipped into ink as cold and dark as the beast preparing to bestow a reckoning. Harsh lines of writing slowly form a regular report, to be sent back to her superior.

A visit is paid to the All-Beacon temple, quiet words were spoken to talk about many things. Her faith has always kept her steady, after all.

"Confidant-Knight Sera Yehor," she mumbles, more to herself than anyone else. She'd said that name countless times before. Her trusted companion, one she would now be seeking out, as usual, yet as unusually.

Ness may be forgiving.

Purger Anna may be forgiving.

But Ivanna is not.
The yanar read all these notices. And then saw Ruzgar's and held up up toward the temple.

"Now this is a proper Father and a proper nobleman, oh how different so many lives would be. If we all had such fathers as this, he's right though dishonesty and disloyalty might be potent sins, but is it truly dishonest if both parties are agreeing to date people they're actually attracted to.

Leif does not enflame the heart just so one can smoother it by adhering to a forced arrangement which took no account of orientation nor compatibility. Let the men love each other and let the Seras do their penance to whatever god of love the Unionists have, but make no apology that their compatible orientations and beliefs led them to romance."

the Yanar sat back before making her words to the hearth fire.

"Oh beloved Leif, We've spoken these many days and you've heard the many conversations of this home. Hear this one and provide your protections upon these youths, so they might feel no fear nor dishonor in their adherence to your fires and their passions."

she also poured a libation of wine into the flames. This time making a more silent prayer to another God perhaps.
Rhiannon Von Karlisle's gloved hands clutched the papers as they kept swarming on her desk. At first, she looked to the header, then reading the contents, slowly as she kept absorbing the information, her eyes narrowed, and her grasp upon the parchment was more and more intense. For the first time ever, she was concerned about her safety, for this was the first time she truly experienced Noble "Drama".

"I wonder if I'll be able to step outside today..?"
A Black Convent would read over the names and sighed. "My poor cousin. The only thing Riftan ever thinks about is blood and more of it. How I managed to fight by his side when I was alive is a wonder to me. Despite me no longer belonging to the house, I hope my cousins and her proper love find peace and prosperity."
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From inside Fairbanks, a Gallovian noble woman compiled the small amount of notices to make sense of what happened…

With a shake of her head, she could not help but chuckle and speak aloud to herself after placing a cup of tea down onto the living rook table.

"Oh of course, arranged marriages. Bane of my existence. But the shaming? Just no need. Let them be with who they want to be."
In the Highlands of Gallovia a Velheim surveyed the document with a determined speed before raising his gaze, his emerald green irises glimmering with nostalgia as he muttered beneath his breath;

"In fair Regalia, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean...-"

"What?" An older man inquired from behind him.

"Just something a Cearden once said. Anyway."
From inside Fairbanks, a Gallovian noble woman compiled the small amount of notices to make sense of what happened…

With a shake of her head, she could not help but chuckle and speak aloud to herself after placing a cup of tea down onto the living rook table.

"Oh of course, arranged marriages. Bane of my existence. But the shaming? Just no need. Let them be with who they want to be."
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"Revealing your sister's night-time affairs to the public and shaming her for it? Strong. Special place in the Beyond for bad brothers.

Good on you, Cathy."
murmured a particular Wydd-Knight, as he read the notice by candlelight.
A certain Touamand sat curled up within her estate, a glass of wine in one hand, and the notice within the other. Her fuschia gaze lit the paper up in an ominous glow as a talon tapped against the paper, an amused hum rising from her.

".. If I had a tenpiece for every polyamorous or bigamist noble- Well.. I'd be a very rich woman" she mused, a chuckle rising in her throat as she took a swig of her wine. "Well- I suppose I can't judge, hah- Good for them, though. Seeking out partners more suited for them. Healthy and strong ones, too. I should probably get some tea at the Peirgarten's some day, they're pleasant company" she said to herself, neatly folding the notice up, and placing it on her drawer. She tapped a small tablet of stone which laid at her side, setting a magical reminder to do.. Something, at a later date.
As the morning sun bathed the room in a warm glow, Fernando sat at the rustic wooden table, a steaming cup of kaffe in hand. The aroma of freshly brewed beans mingled with the scent of ink on newsprint as he unfolded the local paper. His eyes scanned the headlines until they landed on an article that piqued his curiosity.

The words on the page painted a vivid picture of betrayal and forbidden passion, weaving a tale that challenged the boundaries of societal norms. As he read, Fernando's thoughts turned to the implications of such accusations, contemplating the potential repercussions for the accused and the repercussions on their families.

With a contemplative sigh, Fernando set the paper down, his mind filled with a sense of empathy. He understood the weight that such scandals carried, the impact they could have on lives and reputations. As a man who had witnessed the complexities of human nature firsthand, he knew that there was often more to a story than met the eye.

"These accusations of adultery among the nobility... It is a tangled web, indeed. Lives are at stake, reputations hanging by a thread. But are these claims true, or are they merely weapons in the hands of those seeking power? There is always more to these scandals than meets the eye." He muttered
Emile looks at the notice and squints, rubbing at their eyes to make sure they weren't seeing things. "... Huh, would you look at that. Good on you, sister."
A certain ginger could not help but snort at the notice, before taking it down. "The audacity of some of our Order to talk about saving face when acting like this… this is a farce and hypocritical like no other."
Gwenfrewi drawled a hum after she has read through the notice and the many postings scattered about it in varying degrees of outrage for one side or another. Eventually, she leaned back in consideration, scratching at her cheek.

"… If the two engaged agreed for this situation, I don't think it would be any different then every other blueblooded relationship with secret boyfriends. Yet again; what if neither party knew they were cheating on the other?"

The Witch turned her head the other way in thought before peering to the ground and the Ithanian Fluff that sat there at her feet. She questioned it, "What if neither of their boyfriends knew they were engaged?
I've never caught wind of it."

The cat did not reply to the inquiry, its tail flicking behind it as it sat upon the ground. The creature did, though, blink lizardly as if it were listening, one eye shutting at a time.
After some thought, an additional smaller notice was pinned.
I find it utterly ironic and downright hypocritical to hear any calls for retribution for adultery coming from none other than Riftan Vaedra, who cheated on his fiancée. Check your own values before you attempt to put down your "beloved" sister.

- Emile.

@gabisnail @AlienDark12
A short post's written, placed somewhere else. Its contents are related, however.

I am Yehor, commoner Confidant-Knight of the Krsnik Union, that was sent to Regalia with a squadron called the 'Burgundy', assembled and led by Purger Anna's directives.

I am writing this as an apology to whom it will concern.

I apologise to the Burgundies for getting distracted, for not placing our missions above all else.
I apologise to House Vaedra and House von Karlisle for the upset and scandal caused.
I apologise to the public for this matter has spiralled out of control, led to your ears, when there are more pressing concerns in our city at hand.

I do not know how to put it in better words, but this is my sincerest apologies. I have, and will continue to, approach the affected parties to convey my words.

I will however make it clear that I will only love three women in my life, and it will remain that way:
That will be Layan (my little sister), mother, and Lady-Protector Vaedra.

That is all.

Confidant-Knight of the Lothar Order

TAGS: @AlienDark12 @Greenie @FutureTeller @Stellarrix @RaggedyGrace @BluKnight10 @KrakenLord01 @PresentMediator @BiBiBirdie @Mollymock
