Preserved Sheet Bjorgulf Ridderfjord

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
"The Gods have given me the power to protect the world we live upon."


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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Bjorgulf Ridderfjord
  • Nickname(s): Ward of Fae Knight
  • Age: 37
  • Date of Birth: July 18th, 271 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Alior
  • Culture: Velheimer
  • Lineage: Bolven
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Bastardsword

Skill Information
(37+5=42 points)
[7 Points for Learning]

  • Melee Combat
  • +15 Greatsword Combat (+15 Points)
  • Nature Art
  • +10 Husbandry Arts (+10 Hobby Points) - Northern Wolf named Håp
  • +1 Hunting Arts (+1 Point)
  • Special Training
  • +10 Strength Training (+5 Talent Points & +5 Racial Boost)
  • +5 Perception Training (+5 Talent Points)
  • Sorcery
  • +16 Sorcery Magic (+16 Points) (Exist)
  • Super Self I
  • Casting Light I
  • Magic Sight II
  • Light Mend III
  • Arcanology
  • +3 Arcanology (+3 Points)
  • Artifact Knowledge
  • Racial Traits
  • Hardy Constitution
  • Versatile Instinct
  • Hidden Stature

Body Shape:
  • 15 Combat Stat + 10 Lineage +5 Strength Training = 30 Body Stat
  • Type: Muscular
  • Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common (Free Language)
  • Skodje (Parental Language)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Grey-ish Blue
  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Hair Style: Cut Along the Sides w/ Ponytail
  • Skin Color: Tanish-White
  • Clothing: Druid-like Attire
  • Height: 6'5' (Or 7'3" When in Sunlight)
  • Alignment
    • Chaotic Good - He became the man he is today through the Wards of Fae Order, but is willing to do what it takes for the betterment by containing what artifacts he can, when needed
  • Personality Type
    • The Thinker (INTP) - INTPs are well known for their brilliant theories and unrelenting logic, which makes sense since they are arguably the most logical minded of all the personality types. They love patterns, have a keen eye for picking up on discrepancies, and a good ability to read people, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. People of this personality type aren't interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution. - His thoughts are upon his own, allowing him to rethink and understand the patterns upon the other pagan religions he has studied. Even with being so far from society, he has learned to understand how society functions within the Velheimer community and at times larger cities such as Regalia.
  • Religion
    • Old Gods (10/10) - He has been a devoted Oldt Fayth and Old Gods due to his Druid-like stature upon religion. He is a Velheimer by heart and blood, staying true with his culture while also being respectful with other faiths
Life Story

  • Bjorgulf Haagenvig was born to Torkild and Frida Haagenvig within Drixagh on July 18th, 271 AC
  • He became the first of six children, being the older brother of three sons and two sisters.
  • By the time he was two years old, Bjorgulf became an older brother to the second son. He was overjoyed to see his brother. However, over time, he grew less and less surprised about his siblings.
  • Bjorgulf was surprised by the sight of his brothers and sisters, learning their own personalities as he'd grow up into his age of ten.

  • When he became the age of eleven, he decided to go and study the mystical ways of the Old Gods and the Oldt Fayth
  • Bjorgulf was studying the history of Paganism, as well as other tribal religions to see what other Ailor believe in besides the just the Old Faiths. He was also split his time between learning Paganism as a whole and learning the mythic ways Pagan Ritualism.
  • His time was pushed within studying the religion to perhaps become a future Staargir. By the age of fourteen, he was spoken to with his ritualism mentor about the Wards of Fae.
  • Bjorgulf's ritualism teacher, being an older Velheimer, decided to take the young boy under his wing and take him to Regalia, with the thought that Bjorgulf was being taught simple Ritualism and personal combat training

  • He went to train for many years, doing nothing but train with swordmanship to surpass his master. It was only until the age of twenty-one, in which he was finally able to call himself a Men-at-Arms for the Wards of Fae
  • After his training with his swords, he decided to go back home and head inside the woods to find a group of Nature Sorcerers that worked with the magics of the Gods. He decided that his will to serve the Gods would provide him strength to serve.
  • The Nature Sorcerers had pushed Bjorgulf's will as much as possible, wanting to see how faithful he would be to the Old Gods. They pushed him through some spiritual quests, in which he managed to finally learn the sorcery spells by the age of thirty-four years old.
  • However, Bjorgulf had returned to Drixagh to see it in ruins. He was fearful at the sight, as he managed to hold himself back from killing any of the Regalian soldiers that stepped into their lands. He decided to retire himself from doing anything fighting, moving to help rebuild the homes and protect his family while he could
  • Bjorgulf decided to head back Regalia for a time, searching for artifacts that were magical in nature while keeping it on the down low. However, he did help from time to time to protect Abberants from the Azure Order. With its decline and fall, he decided to then help out his family from then on as well as keeping himself quiet of being a Knight.
  • After the Clicker Crisis, Bjorgulf had decided to settle down for some time and allow himself to enjoy what nature had in stored. However, he managed to meet with Aeawyn Syllbess, who took him in as her Acolyte to help defend the Oberron Throne.
  • The inner conflict within himself decided to get to his mind, causing to him to no longer be under Aeawyn as her Acolyte. Now, he wonders what to do with himself.
  • With the recent ways of the Empire, as Magic was more and more accepted, Bjorgulf decided to take up his position as a Wards of Fae Knight.
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Here is my review:
  • Your Personality and Abilities section is short. I'd like two sentences per each entry.
  • Please separate your Life Story into Childhood, Teenage Years, and Adulthood.
Make these changes and I'll be happy to mark you as approved.
Here is my review:
  • Your Personality and Abilities section is short. I'd like two sentences per each entry.
  • Please separate your Life Story into Childhood, Teenage Years, and Adulthood.
Make these changes and I'll be happy to mark you as approved.

.. This is the second option of it. I only require an Alignment, a Personality Type, and the Religion. And I put a space in between the Childhood, Teenage Years, and Adulthood.
I am well aware of the two options required for the Personality and Abilities section. However, as your reviewer, I am telling you that rather than two to three words per entry, I want to see two to three sentences per bullet point. Please make this change before I can mark you approved.
I am well aware of the two options required for the Personality and Abilities section. However, as your reviewer, I am telling you that rather than two to three words per entry, I want to see two to three sentences per bullet point. Please make this change before I can mark you approved.

Put a couple sentences with what? I have always been told that it was to simply state the religion/devotion and the alignment. I've never been told that a couple sentences is needed.
I'm of the opinion that notating things about the personality of your character would be useful for their application. For their alignment, you could include why they're of that alignment -- with respect to the law, morally, specifics that would cause them to deviate from what's written. For their personality, you could include specific details about why they fit the type you've selected. For religion, you could include why they are or aren't more religious, details about their worship, more specifics.

I'll state for the third time -- make these changes before I can mark you as approved. At the most, it's six sentences.
I'm of the opinion that notating things about the personality of your character would be useful for their application. For their alignment, you could include why they're of that alignment -- with respect to the law, morally, specifics that would cause them to deviate from what's written. For their personality, you could include specific details about why they fit the type you've selected. For religion, you could include why they are or aren't more religious, details about their worship, more specifics.

I'll state for the third time -- make these changes before I can mark you as approved. At the most, it's six sentences.

Done.. I guess? *Shrugs* I believe I got everything. Unsure.
@Mollymock I have decided to have a MASSIVE re-write of the character, changing his combat style and making him a Wards of Fae Knight. Re-Review is required.
Approved, however no further large rewrite will be allowed for the foreseeable future.
Approved, however no further large rewrite will be allowed for the foreseeable future.

With the Sorcery update, I decided to remove the Ritualism and put it into Sorcery. That way, I don't have to worry about balancing and having to do another re-review when the Ritualism Update comes out. Re-Review is required, as I also moved some points from Greatsword and put it into Sorcery, with the extra point into Hunting Arts