Preserved Sheet Bittiera Giralin

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The smol bean
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information:
  • Full Name: Bittiera Giralin (Nicknamed Bitti)
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-Elf (Dressolini-Avanthar)
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Two-Handed Battle-Axe
Skill Information:
Total Points: 22 (given by age)
  • +10 Light Bow Combat (Racial Boost)
  • +10 Staves Combat (Racial Boost)
  • +10 Heavy Weapons [Combat] (Points)
  • +2 Unarmed Combat (Points)
  • +6 Athletic Training (Points)
  • +4 Musical Arts (Points)
  • +1 Statesman Knowledge (Points)
  • +1 Food and Drink Sciences (Points)
Body Shape:
Heavy Weapons (10) + Unarmed Combat (2) + Athletic Training X2 (6*2=12)=
24 Physical Stat

Body Shape: Athletic

Body Fat: Low

  • Common (learned in childhood)
Special Traits:
  • Bitti tends to react poorly to cooler weather since she grew up in extreme heat. It can sometimes make her sick.
  • Loves to sing and perform onstage, hopes to be recognized one day.
  • Only child, mother and father also half-elves. The two races have been diluted over time so that her family is incredibly mixed and some of the history/culture of the two races has been lost to them.
  • Moved to Regalia by ship around a month ago, wants to find her way in life.

Visual Information:

  • Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
  • Hair Color: Cardinal Red
  • Hair Style: Long, Wavy, Down
  • Skin Color: Caucasian
  • Clothing: Light Blue Tunic, Dark Blue Pants, Tall Dark Gray Boots, Dark Blue Woven Bracelets, Dark Blue Woven Headband, Light Blue Pearl Earrings.
  • Height: 5'11"

Personality and Abilities:
  • Fear Response: When experiencing fear, Bitti tends to become very silent and try to get out of the situation as soon as possible. If she can't leave the situation she relies on others to help her out.
  • Stress Response: When experiencing stress, she tends to fiddle with her hair and confide in others to help her de-stress. She also likes to drink tea to help with this.
  • Being Happy: When she is happy, Bitti's ears tend to perk up quite a bit and she becomes especially open to conversation and is much more extroverted. She ends up being especially excited to talk about what makes her happy.
  • Law and Authorities: Bitti highly respects the law and authorities, but sometimes disagrees with how they choose to handle certain situations.
  • Other Races: Bitti views all other races of people with respect, and doesn't judge a whole race based off of one person. She keeps that respect with everyone until that respect is broken.
  • Religion: Bitti herself is a new-found Unionist, but is also very open and accepting of other faiths.
  • Magics: Bitti very much believes that magic is prevalent in everyone's lives, some moreso than others.
  • Family: Bitti is very fond of her parents and has a good relationship with them, however she is a bit upset that they didn't do much in the way of providing for her when they sent her off to Regalia.
  • Insecurities: Bitti's biggest insecurity would be that she's not from a normally recognized place and that she is much more different than the other people in Regalia culture-wise. She is also very insecure about her lack of knowledge of Regalia's history.
  • Pride: Bitti is incredibly proud of her strength and agility, and how far she's come from home.
  • Motivation: Bitti's main motivation is that there is always good in the world, even if it currently isn't present, and that she wants to prove that she isn't a normal half-elf woman.
  • Fear: Bitti's biggest fear is being attacked while vulnerable, with her second biggest fear being rejection and humiliation. Her third biggest fear is spiders.
  • Weakness: Cold. Bitti hails from an especially warm climate and being in colder regions throws her off. Being cold also activates her curse more frequently, causing her to turn uncontrollably into a llama.
  • Special Skills:
  • Bitti is a decent chef, meaning that she could cook for herself and enjoy the food she makes. (Food and Drink Sciences)

  • Bitti is close friends with a guard named Birc al-Ali @Aurelian30k

Life Story:

Bittiera was born to two half-elf parents in late spring on the tropical island of Endroitchaud, far away from Regalia. She grew up learning about diplomacy and practicing combat skills, along with putting on musical performances for her parents. On the island temperatures rose up to the 100's (Fahrenheit) and never went below 80 degrees. The people on her island would often hunt giant birds which would steal away the crop, and they would toss their kills into the volcano that rested on the island as a sign of good fortune. There was no main religion on the island, so Bitti didn't think much on it.

The young people of the island usually left on a voyage on their 18th birthday to discover themselves, but Bitti injured herself right before her birthday and had to stay. After she was healed, she didn't want to draw attention to herself leaving later than intended and breaking tradition, so her parents decided to keep her at home. Her parents kept her on the island for as long as they could until her 22nd birthday when an awful storm came through and destroyed half the village, in which the villagers took it as a bad omen that she was still there. Her parents knew that she would have to be sent away in order to keep Bitti safe.

They had heard reports of a large continent to the north where there was promise of wealth and opportunity, so they sent Bittiera on the earliest ship to Regalia, so quickly that she only had the clothes on her back and some coin. Upon her arrival, she quickly made friends with a guard named Birc and started singing at the local tavern for coin. She ended up making a considerable amount of Regals and making herself comfortable in a hotel.

All was going well until she had fallen asleep in a forest clearing and awoke to the forest set ablaze, two men escaping from the site yelling about how they had killed her. She realized that they had most likely been people who saw her strange island apparel and thought of her differently than other half-elves. She had faced similar prejudice upon her arrival. She barely made it out with her life, and took two weeks to recover. In her healing she decided that she wanted to know where she would go after death and started to study Unionism. Along with this she decided that she was going to apply to be a guard, so as to protect herself and the others around her. She ended up earning enough Regals to rent out a place of her own over on Queenwall.
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Hello there! I'm here to carry out a Peer Review!

As a heads up, I am not a member of the staff team, so I can't approve or reject your application. What I can do is try to help you out and make your application process smoother! Take or leave my advice at your leisure, I have no power. =D

Total Points: 22 (given by age)
  • +10 Agility (Racial Boost)
  • +5 Musical Ability (Culture Boost)
  • +14 Heavy Weapons [Combat] (Points)
  • +5 Diplomacy (Culture Boost)
  • +4 Archery [Combat] (Points)
  • +2 Unarmed (Points)
  • +2 Athletic Training (Points)

Proficiency boosts are not something you are able to create. The wiki dictates which races and cultures get what boosts, and the only flexibility you have is the ability to say that your character does not receive these boosts. As a Half-Elf, you only get a racial boost, not a Culture Boost (which is really just for Ailor and half-Ailor). Your racial boosts are +10 light-bow combat and +10 staves combat, so please remove your +10 Agility, +5 Musical Ability, and +5 Diplomacy. If you want, you can choose to play a half-human, which is the same thing but your character will be look somewhat less elven but you can choose from any of the Ailor culture boosts, of which there are many.

  • Assorted Native Phrases (childhood culture, taught by parents)
I don't believe that players can make up languages. We do happen to have a large number of languages available, and you can claim that any of those are predominantly used by your parents.

Special Traits:

  • Curse: Small Llama Transformation (Family curse, happens more in the cold)
  • Trait: Eyes Changing to Blue when Saddened (Racial Trait)

That kind of curse is not available in the lore, I'm sorry to say. As such, you cannot turn into a Llama. There are alternatives! Slizzar can use their abilities to transform into any playable race, Yanar can slowly gain the features of a race and eventually become a green variant (or a mixture of several races, but green and leafy), and Altalar with the Ring of Power of Ellea can transform into a chosen animal that is between dog and cat sized! This may not be exactly what you wanted, but this is what is available to the majority of players without working up towards a magic permission.

Your eyes changing color is not a trait of half-elves, or of any race on Massivecraft, I think. In the lore, eyes hold a great position of importance, only ever changing through the influence of powerful magical forces. More often than not, an unusually colored eye can show a connection to the Void, Exist, or Binral magics (afflictions such as Vampirism, Silvenism, Dragonblood, Possession, etc). Please remove this trait.

Magics: Bitti understands a bit of the lore of magic and very much believes that magic is prevalent in everyone's lives, some moreso than others.

Magic isn't a very well understood thing in the lore. The common character won't understand even the basics of it. However! Your character can certainly know things about magic! It just requires you to spend some proficiency points. Not many, just some.

  • Bitti is a decent chef, meaning that she could cook for herself and enjoy the food she makes.

There is a proficiency for this. You might want to take a look at it.

Bittiera was born to two half-elf parents in late spring on the tropical island of Endroitchaud, far away from Regalia. She grew up learning about diplomacy and practicing combat skills, along with putting on musical performances for her parents. On the island temperatures rose up to the 100's (Fahrenheit) and never went below 80 degrees. The people on her island would often hunt giant birds which would steal away the crop, and they would toss their kills into the volcano that rested on the island as a sign of good fortune. There was no main religion on the island, so Bitti didn't think much on it. Growing up the Giralin family often faced many struggles, for they had to keep a huge secret from the village. The Giralin family was cursed by an old warlock many centuries before, which would cause all of the descendants of the Giralin family to turn into assorted animals when exposed to the cold. The Giralins quickly learned that they could also control this curse at will, which quickly became both a blessing and a curse. When winter came to the island, great bursts of cold wind came through the region, which activated the curse on the family. Unfortunately, when Bitti displayed that she turned from a half-elf to a llama, her parents knew that she wouldn't always be able to live on the island, for llama is a delicacy there. Her parents protected her for as long as they could until her 22nd birthday when an unexpected cold front came through and revealed her transformation to the village. The village went mad and her parents knew they had to send her somewhere safer. They had heard reports of a large continent to the north where there was promise of wealth and opportunity, so they sent Bittiera on the earliest ship to Regalia, so quickly that she only had the clothes on her back and some coin. Upon her arrival, she quickly made friends with a guard named Birc and started singing at the local tavern for coin. She ended up making a considerable amount of Regals and making herself comfortable in a hotel. All was going well until she had fallen asleep in a forest clearing and awoke to the forest set ablaze, two men escaping from the site yelling about how they had killed her. She barely made it out with her life, and took a few days to recover. In her healing she started to study Unionism and decided that she was going to apply to be a guard, so as to protect herself and the others around her.

The repeated instances of people trying to murder her isn't necessarily bad, but if there isn't a reason for it, it seems silly. Who were the men trying to burn her alive? What was their motivation? If it only took her a few days to recover, it clearly wasn't so bad an injury that she would start looking to strange new gods, so why has she started to learn about Unionism?

Overall, there isn't a whole lot to fix about this app. Your proficiencies need some working, some things need to be removed, and switching races is a possibility, but that doesn't need to change too much. If you want another Peer Review, @tag me!
Thank you for the tips! I looked over all of it and edited it accordingly.
Here is my review:

Basic Information

  • Go ahead and list what makes her Half-Elf. What Nelfin and what Ailor (?) is she the offspring of?
Skill Information
  • Racial Proficiency Boosts do not count in the Body Stat Calculations. Please remove them and rework the total.
Make your edits in red then tag me when you've completed them. @Bittigirl